Suit No.1391  of   2015


Order with signature of Judge


For orders on CMA No.12727/2015




Mr.Rajinder Kumar, Advocate for the Plaintiff

Official Assignee present in person.

Mr.Amir Saleem, Advocate for the defendants



The urgent application has been moved by counsel for the plaintiff but the  learned Official Assignee as well as counsel for the defendants both are present in court and they jointly stated that the Official Assignee Reference Nos.2 and 3 of 2015 are pending  and  by consent both the references are taken up for hearing today.


The official assignee in his  Reference No.2/2015 and in compliance of the order dated 07.07.2015 has mentioned the final bids in relation to the printing machines and Honda Civic Car and requests that bid for printing machines and Honda Civic Car  may be accepted. Both the learned counsel for the plaintiff and defendants have no objection to the acceptance of bid mentioned in the Reference No.2/2015. Consequently, the bids submitted for printing machines and the car are accepted. It is further stated that the purchaser have deposited the sale consideration amount  with the official assignee, therefore, official assignee after complying with all requisite formalities may hand over the printing machines and car to the buyers after verification and identification.


In the same reference the official assignee mentioned that landlord of Plot No.E-85-A, Sector 31-D, P&T Society Korangi Industrial Karachi  has requested for payment of arrears of rent of Rs.7 lacs @ Rs.50,000/- per month from July, 2014 to August, 2015. In relation to the same arrears of rent the official assignee has also filed another Reference No.3 of 2015 to show after some discussion/negotiation  instead of Rs.7 lacs the landlord has agreed to accept Rs.5 lacs as arrears of rent. Counsel for the plaintiffs and defendants have no objection to this. Both references are disposed of accordingly.