Constt: Pett; No.D- 673 of 2012
Date Order with signature of judge.
1.For orders on office objection as flag A.
2.For orders on M.A No.3515/2012.
3. For orders on M.A No.3515/2012.
4.For Katcha Peshi.
5.For orders on M.A No.3517/2012.
Mr. Habibullah G. Ghouri, advocate for the petitioners
Mr. Abdul Hamid Bhurgri, A.A.G a/w Mr. Abdul Rasheed Abro, State Counsel.
1. Deferred.
2. Dismissed as become infructuous.
3. Granted subject to all just legal exceptions.
4&5. Learned counsel for the petitioner submits that the petitioners after having complied with all codal formalities were appointed as Laboratory Attendant BPS-3 by the orders of the competent authority whereafter they joined their services, their service book was prepared and they were being paid salary regularly. However, per learned counsel, all of sudden the Regional Director Colleges, Larkana vide order dated 20.06.2012 addressed to the Principal Government, Degree College Naudero directed him to lodge FIR against the petitioners as their appointment letters were bogus. Per learned counsel, on the directions of Regional Director Colleges, Larkana the Principal, Govt. Degree College Naudero vide letter dated 20.06.2012 has terminated the services of the petitioner without issuing any show cause notice whereas no opportunity of being heard was provided to the petitioner which amounts to violation of principle of natural justice and right of fair trial under Article 10-A of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973, therefore, the petitioner has approached this Court by filing this petition U/A 199 of Constitution.
Learned A.A.G has raised objection with regard to maintainability of this petition in terms of bar as contained under Article 212 of the Constitution. He has submitted that the petitioners were required under law to make representation before the concerned department and if the grievance of the petitioner would not have been redressed, the petitioner could have filed an appeal before Sindh Services Tribunal in terms of section 4 of Sindh Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion and Transfer) Rules, 1974, which remedy has not been availed by the petitioners who can not be allowed to circumvent or bypass such remedy. It is prayed in view of recent judgments of the Honourable Supreme Court on the subject and the provisions of Article 212 of the Constitution, instant petition is liable to be dismissed in limine. While confronted with such position, learned counsel for the petitioners submits that the petitioners may be allowed to file the representation before the concerned department in accordance with the law however, the time consumed before this Court may be condoned. Learned A.A.G states that the respondents my be directed to consider the request of the petitioner for condonation of the time as per their discretion on sympathetic grounds.
Keeping in view the facts and circumstances of this case and in order to avoid any further complicity in this matter, we would dispose of this petition with the direction to the petitioner to approach the proper forum for seeking redressal of their grievance within a period of thirty days from today. Whereas, the time consumed by filing present proceedings before this Court may not be taken into consideration adversely by the concerned forum as the petitioners have file instant petition only after one day of the impugned order and there was no delay on behalf of the petitioner in this regard.
Petition stands disposed off in above terms.