Criminal Appeal No.122 of 2012

Confirmation Case No. 02 of 2012



                                         Mr. Justice Sajjad Ali Shah

                                                   Mr. Justice Naimatullah Phulpoto


Appellant             :         Bahawal Khan through Mr. Abdul Rasheed                                   Nizamani, Advocate for the Appellant


Respondent                   :         The State through Mr. Khadim Hussain                                         Khuharo, D.P.G.


Date of hearing   :         29.01.2014




NAIMATULLAH PHULPOTO, J. – This appeal is directed against the judgment passed by learned Additional Sessions Judge-IV, Karachi West in Sessions Case No.179/1999, dated 02.04.2012, whereby appellant Bahawal Khan was convicted u/s 302(b) PPC Tazir and sentenced to death. The Reference for confirmation of death sentence u/s 374 Cr.P.C was also made by Trial Court. The Reference for confirmation shall also be disposed of by this Judgment.


2.       Brief facts of the prosecution as disclosed in the FIR are that on 04.04.1999 complainant Firdous Khan lodged his report at Police station Saeedabad Karachi. On 04.04.1999 complainant along with his mother Mst. Pari went to see his sister-in-law at Saeedabad House No.C-3/804, where it is alleged that in the evening his two brothers PWs namely Wazeer Dost and Shamim Dost came over there. At 9:15 PM, his brother-in-law Hazrat Khan informed him on telephone that accused Bahawal Khan has murdered Wazeer Dost with his rifle. After such information, he immediately reached in the house of sister, where his younger brother Shamim Dost informed him that during day hours accused Bahawal a neighbourer, had thrown debris in front of house of their sister, to which they protested. Bahawal accused insulted/abused their mother. It is alleged that at 9:00 pm, he along with Wazeer Dost went to house of accused to protest for his behavior and accused murdered Wazeer Dost by means of the rifle. FIR of the incident was lodged under Section 302 PPC.


3.       Mazhar Iqbal Awan Investigation Officer during investigation inspected place of vardat on 04.04.1999, collected blood stained earth and 03 empties in presence of the mashirs Shamim Dost and Hazrat Khan and sealed the same. He prepared inquest report of deceased. Dead Body was sent to the Civil Hospital Karachi for postmortem examination and report. Accused Bahawal Khan son of Mir Baz Khan was arrested on 05.04.1999 in presence of the same mashirs and his personal search was conducted. 161 Cr.PC statement s of the PWs were recorded. 164 Cr.PC statements of PWs Shamim Dost, Hazrat Khan and Fazal Din were recorded by Judicial Magistrate, Karachi West. Accused Bahawal Khan after interrogation voluntarily produced one rifle 7mm on 08.05.1999 lying inside the room of his house. It was secured by the investigation officer in presence of the mashirs Firdous Khan and Hazrat Khan, the same was sealed at spot. Blood stained earth, rifle and empties were dispatched to experts for reports. On the conclusion of the investigation challan was submitted against the accused under section 302 PPC. Case was sent up to the Court of Sessions for trial.


4.       A formal charge against the accused was framed by Trial Court at Exh-6. Accused pleaded not guilty and claimed to be tried.


5.       At the trial prosecution examined following witnesses:-

1.      PW-1 Mst. Hussin Pari at Ex. 10.

2.     PW-2 Mohammad Firdous Khan at Ex.11

3.     PW-3 Shamim Dost at Ex.17.

4.     PW-4 Dr. Abdul Karim at Ex.24

5.     PW-5 Hazrat Khan at Ex.26.

6.     P.W-6 Mazhar Iqbal Investigating officer at Ex.31.

Thereafter, prosecution side was closed at Ex. 32 .

6.       Statement of accused was recorded u/s 342 Cr.PC at Ex. 30. Accused has denied the prosecution allegations and claimed his false implication in this case. Accused has stated that PWs have deposed against him falsely as they are interested. Investigation officer has deposed against him at the instance of complainant. In question what else he has to say, he replied that complainant party had a dispute with him on throwing of the garbage early in the morning. Complainant party attacked upon the appellant in the house during the night hours in between 08:00 or 09:00 p.m. he has stated that at that time his daughter was present at home and he fired upon the deceased in self defence. Appellant did not lead any defence and declined to give statement on Oath.


7.       Trial Court framed following points of determination:-


POINT NO.1      Whether Wazeer Dost is dead and his death was culpable homicide amount to murder?


POINT NO.2      Whether the deceased Wazeer Dost has received three bullet injuries from 7mm Rifle at the hand of accused intentionally which resulted in his death?


POINT NO.3      Whether the accused did so in exercise of his right of private defense?


POINT NO.4      What should the judgment be?


8.       Point No.1 and 2 were answered in affirmative, Point No.3 was answered in negative, Point No. 4, accused Bhawal Khan was convicted u/s 302(b) PPC and sentenced to death.


9.       We have carefully heard Mr. Abdul Rasheed Nizamani, learned Advocate for the Appellant and Mr. Khadim Hussain Khuharo, learned Deputy Prosecutor General Sindh and scanned the entire evidence available on the record.


10.     As regards to the unnatural death of the deceased Wazeer Dost is concerned the prosecution has examined PW-4 Dr. Abdul Kareem, M.L.O., Police Surgeon Officer, Karachi, who had worked with Dr. Abdul Hameed Shaikh being well conversant with his handwriting and signatures, who had conducted the postmortem examination of Wazeer Dost. According to the postmortem report at Ex. 24-A dead body of Wazeer Dost was brought to the Civil Hospital by SIP Muhammad Hussain on 04.04.1999 at 11:45 p.m. The postmortem examination was started at 12:00 pm and completed at 01:00 a.m.


11.     From the external appearance of the dead body M.O. found the deceased of about 20 years. Upon external examination of the death body, the M.O. found the following injuries:

(i)               Injury No.1 Fire arm wound 0.5cm in diameter on left side nose, blackening the around margins, wound of entry, nasal bone.

(ii)            Fire arm wound 4cm x 4cm in diameter on right side face with clinically # of Mandibrain wound of exit.

(iii)          Fire arm wound 0.5cm in diameter on back of right shoulder wound of entry.

(iv)          Fire arm wound 3cm x 3cm on right side shoulder exit of humerous and scapula wound of Exit.

(v)             Fire arm wound 1cm in diameter on right side mid back of chest wound of entry.

(vi)          Fire arm wound 5cm x 4cm on right side back of neck and upper 1/3 of chest just above clavicle wound of exit.


          Upon internal examination of the dead body of deceased Wazeer Dost, the M.O. found the following injuries/damages:

          HEAD: on opening the skull cap not seen on skull bone and all the menerges and vesus are intact. Brain matter also intact.


NECK: On opening the neck, free blood found in neck. Cavity mosules and corge verseles are damaged.


TRACHEAX: On opening of chest cavity contain free blood seen in the chest, no point seen in rabs.


-         Left lung is normal in size and shape.

-         Hear is normal in size and shape.

-         Right lung. Prenetation wound present in right lung seen.


ABDOMEN: On opening abdominal cavity contain no free blood or fluid seen in the cavity.

-         Liver, spleen, kidneys are normal in size and shape.

-         Urinary bladder contain few cc of residenal seen about 20-25 cm.

Medical Officer was of the opinion that cause of death was cardio respiratory failure due to severe hamridge shock resulting from fire arm weapon injuries.


12.     In order to substantiate the charge the prosecution has relied upon the evidence of following witnesses:


13.     Complainant Muhammad Firdous Khan, he has stated that incident took place on 04.4.1999 at t time he was present at Bihar Colony, Karachi. He received a telephonic call from his son in law PW Hazrat that brother of the complainant namely Wazir has been murdered.  Complainant came to the place of occurrence and found his brother lying dead on a cot having sustained fire arm injuries. Complainant has further stated that his mother was abused by accused Bahawal over throwing the garbage and his brother went to the house of the accused for asking as to why he had abused the mother and his brother was killed by appellant with his rifle. He lodged such FIR, police inspected place of wardat, prepared inquest report, postmortem examination was conducted and dead body was handed over to him. Complainant further stated that on 8.4.1999 police brought accused under arrest and on his pointation rifle was handed over by appellant to the police. He acted as mashir, mashirnama of recovery of the rifle was prepared, which he has produced. In the cross examination complainant has replied that there are so many houses in the mohalla where the incident took place.


14.     PW Hazrat Khan, the eye witness of the incident has deposed that on 4.4.1999 when he came to his house he came to know that there was exchange of hot words between his brother and Bahawal Khan it was 9:00 p.m. there was commotion in the street. As soon as he came in the street and saw PWs Shamim Dost, Fazaluddin and others were standing in the street, within their sight accused Bahawal Khan made three fires from his rifle which hit Wazir Dost and he succumbed to the injuries at the spot.  Thereafter he informed complainant Firdous Khan about the incident as deceased Wazir Dost was brother of complainant Firdous Khan. On the same day, police came at place of wardat, prepared mashirnama of place of incident, collected three empties from the place of wardat and prepared such mashirnama. He acted as mashir, co-mashir was Shamim Dost. He has further stated that on 05.04.1999 at 01:00 pm accused Bahawal Khan was arrested by the police from his house.  He was made as mashir co-mashir was Shamim Dost, such mashirnama was prepared. On 08.04.1999 he acted as mashir of the recovery of the rifle, produced by the accused/appellant, co-mashir was Firdous Khan. In the cross-examination, PW Hazrat Khan has replied that PW Mst. Pari is his mother in law and incident had occurred over the dispute between his mother in law and accused Bahawal Khan on throwing garbage. He has denied the suggestion that he was deposing falsely against the accused.


15.     PW Shamim Dost, eye witness of the incident has deposed that on 04.04.1999 at 08:30 p.m. he was present at Jamshed Road. On that day he along with his brother Wazeer Dost (now deceased) went to the house of their mother, namely, Mst. Pari where his mother informed that in the morning accused Bahawal Khan used filthy language with her. Thereafter, complainant alongwith deceased went to Bahawal Khan as to why he used filthy language with their mother  but the appellant used filthy language with them also and appellant went inside the house and came armed with rifle and fired three shots at Wazeer Dost which hit him and he was murdered. Brother in law of PW Shamim Dost informed the incident to Firdous and Firdous lodged FIR of the incident against Bahawal Khan. Police came to place of wardat, inspected it and collected three empties from the spot and blood stained earth. He has further stated that appellant was arrested in his presence on 05.04.199 such mashirnama was prepared. Police recorded his statement and his 164 Cr.PC statement was also recorded. In the cross-examination to Mr. Tanoli, learned advocate for the appellant he replied that in the morning appellant Bawahal Khan had used filthy language with his mother in the street. He has admitted that accused is their next door neighbor, however, he has denied the suggested that he was deposing falsely and real facts have been concealed by him. 


16.     PW Mst. Hussun Pari deposed that on the day of incident she visited the house of her son-in-law and daughter, situated at Saeedabad, Karachi. She has further stated that she found garbage lying in front of her house and asked accused Bahawal Khan as to why he had thrown garbage in front of the house. Accused used filthy language with her when her children came, she narrated them incident. Thereafter, Wazeer Dost (deceased), Shamim and her son-in-law went to the house of the accused as to why he has used filthy language with their mother. Accused took the rifle from his house and fired upon her son Wazeer Dost. She said that she did not see the actual incident but her son died at the spot. In the cross examination, she has denied the suggestion that her sons including deceased entered into the house of the accused and abused him. She has denied the suggested that she was deposing falsely against the accused.


17.     As per statement of the process server PW Khan Dost could not be examined as he had shifted to Dubai and his whereabouts were not known.  


18.     PW-6 Mazhar Iqbal, the investigation officer of the case has stated that on 4.4.1999 he was posted as SHO at P.S. Saeedabad. FIR bearing crime No.95/1999 PW 302 PPC was registered against accused Bahawal Khan son of Mir Awaz Khan for committing murder of Wazir Dost. He received the copy of the FIR along with memo of inspection of the dead body. He recorded further statement of the complainant and went to the place of incident for inspection. It was pointed out by the complainant and he secured blood stained earth and three empties from the place of incident which he secured in presence of the mashirs, prepared such mashirnama. On 05.04.1999 he arrested accused Bahawal Khan son of Mir Baz Khan from his house in presence of mashirs, prepared mashirnama of arrest thereafter he brought the accused at police station. During interrogation on 08.05.1999 accused voluntarily prepared to produce rifle used by him in commission of offence. Thereafter accused led the I.O. to his house and produced a licensed 7mm rifle bearing No.4770. He secured the same in presence of the mashirs and prepared such mashirnama. I.O. has stated that he sent the license to Peshawar for verification and report but he did not receive verification report. Thereafter, I.O. produced prosecution witnesses before the Magistrate for recording their 164 Cr.PC statements. IO sent rifle, empties and blood stained earth to the Experts for the report and license to the concerned authority for cancellation. I.O. has further stated that on 13.4.1999 on the conclusion of the investigation he submitted the challan against the accused u/s 302 PPC. In the cross examination IO has denied the suggestion that he has deposed falsely against the accused at the instance of the complainant party.


19.     It was the evidence of all the material prosecution witnesses which was brought on the record by the prosecution. Trial Court after hearing learned counsel for the parties convicted the appellant in the manner as stated above.


20.     Mr. Abdul Rasheed Nizamani, learned counsel for the Appellant mainly contended that incident had occurred in the street but prosecution has failed to examine the independent witnesses of the Mohalla. He has further contended that that complainant party  entered into the house of the appellant where the daughter of the appellant was present and appellant acted in self defence and committed murder of the deceased Wazeer Dost. Mr. Nizamani contended that the plea of the self defence is available to the appellant. Lastly it is submitted that, in case plea of self-defense is not accepted by this Court, Appellant is aged about 81 years, his death sentence may be converted to imprisonment for life on such ground. In support of the contention reliance has been placed upon the case of Kamal Shah and 2 others vs. the State (2009 P.Cr.L.J 547).


21.     Mr. Khadim Hussain Khuharo learned DPG has argued that ocular evidence is corroborated by the medical evidence.
Rifle was produced by the Appellant during investigation and complainant party had no enmity with the accused to falsely involve him in the murder case. He has further argued that Trial Court has rightly appreciated the evidence brought on record. However, Mr. Khuharo learned DPG could not controvert the submission of learned counsel for Appellant that he was aged about 80 years at the time of incident. Lastly he submitted that mere old age is no ground to alter the death sentence into imprisonment for life.  


22.     After hearing the learned counsel for the parties and going through the record of the case with their assistance we have straightaway noticed that killing of deceased Wazir Dost has been admitted by the appellant in the statement recorded under section 164 Cr.PC in the said statement while answering the question what else he has to say, accused has replied as under:-


“I am innocent and falsely implicated in this case by complainant party. There was dispute in between us on garbage, early in morning the complainant party has attacked upon my house in night hours in between 08:00 or 09:00 pm. As my young daughters were at home, therefore, I open fire in my self defence. I pray for justice.”


23.     In every criminal case two questions are of paramount importance i.e., firstly, as to who has committed the alleged crime and secondly, whether the person committing the crime had any legal or factual justification for committing the said crime. The onus on the general principle regarding the first question is always on the prosecution to prove its case but the moment when an accused person admits the commission of the relevant crime, the said onus on the prosecution is discharged by virtue of Article 113 of the Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order 1984. A fact which is admitted may not be proved. Article 113 of Qanun-e-Shahadat Order 1984 is reproduced as under:-


113. Facts admitted need not to be proved. No fact need be proved in any proceeding which the parties thereto or their agents agree to admit at the hearing, or which, before the hearing, they agree to admit by any writing under their hands, or which by any rule or pleading in force at the time they are deemed to have admitted by their pleadings.


Provided that the court may, in its discretion, require the facts admitted to be proved otherwise than by such admissions.”


24.     In the present case as it is evident from the statement of the appellant recorded u/s 342 Cr.PC the said appellant has admitted the killing of deceased Wazeer Dost by raising the plea of self defence on the ground that deceased entered into his house where his young daughter was there. However, appellant has stated in the said statement recorded under Section 342 Cr.PC that he had killed the deceased in exercise of his right of private defence. According to the provisions of Article 121 of the Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order 1984 when an accused person advances a plea based upon any general or special exception contained in the Pakistan Penal Code 1860 the burden of proving the existence of the circumstances bring the case within such general or special exception is upon the accused and Court is to presume the absence of such circumstances. Article 121 of Qanun-e-Shahadat Order 1984 is reproduced as under:-


121. Burden of proving that case of accused comes within exception: When a person is accused of any offence the burden of proving the existence of circumstances bringing the case within any of the General Exceptions in the Pakistan Penal Code (Act XLV of 1860), or within any special exception or proviso contained in any other part of the same Code, or in any law defining the offence, is upon him, and the Court shall presume the absence, of such circumstances.


25.     In the present case, appellant Bahawal Khan has utterly failed to bring any circumstance on the record to satisfy the Court which could support his plea regarding exercise of the right of the private defence. Appellant has also admitted in his statement that he had fired upon the deceased with his rifle in self-defense. At that time his young daughter was present at the house but in order to substantiate such plea he totally failed, he has also not examined his daughter in the defence.  From the perusal of section 100 PPC it appears that a right of private defence of the body extends to the voluntarily causing of death or any other harm to the assailant if the assailant launches an assault upon the appellant and such assault has to be of the kind mentioned in the same provisions . It has also come on record that deceased was empty handed at the relevant time. There is not even an iota of evidence brought on record by the appellant Bahawal Khan showing any aggression displayed by the deceased against the appellant at the time of incident. From the statement of the appellant recorded under Section 342 Cr.PC it appears that defence plea was also not raised by the appellant during investigation. In the circumstances, mentioned above, plea advanced by Appellant Bahawal Khan with regard to exercise of right of private defence  appears to be afterthought and merits outright rejection by this Court. Appellant has admitted the killing of the deceased Wazeer Dost and he has utterly failed to advance any legal or factual justification for committing the murder of the deceased. For our satisfaction, prosecution evidence has also been scanned deeply and case against the appellant has been proved. There were two eye witnesses and their evidence is straightforward and confidence inspiring. Appellant had fired from his rifle upon deceased Wazir Dost. Ocular evidence is fully corroborated by the medical evidence coupled with recovery of the rifle. The learned Trial Court has rightly appreciated the evidence brought on record according to the settled principles of law, however, quantum of the sentence required serious consideration. Learned Advocate for the appellant argued that appellant was more than 80 years at the time of incident. Learned State Counsel did not dispute the old age of the appellant. From perusal of the record, it appeared that accused in his statement recorded u/s 342 Cr.P.C has mentioned his age 81 years and the Trial Court in the Conviction Slip attached the description of the convict, has maintained his age 81 years. Moreover, appellant had no previous enmity or ill-will with the deceased and there was some dispute in between mother of the deceased and accused over the throwing of the garbage in the street. It has also come on record that Appellant is next door neighbor of the complainant party. Incident did not appear to be premeditated and it took place on some abrupt altercation between accused and deceased.  Appellant is about 81 years old. He is produced in custody. From physical appearance he appears to be very old, sick and infirm person, therefore, a case of extenuating circumstance is made out from the evidence brought on record.  Therefore, conviction recorded by the Trial Court against the appellant by Judgment dated 02.04.2012 is hereby maintained. However, death sentence is reduced to imprisonment for life. Appellant shall pay compensation of Rs. 3 lac to legal heirs of deceased u/s 544-A Cr.P.C. In case of default accused shall suffer S.I for six months more. Benefit of section 382-B Cr.P.C shall also be extended to the appellant/accused. Appeal is partly allowed in the above stated circumstances. Reference made by the Trial Court u/s 374 Cr.P.C is answered in NEGATIVE.





