C.P.NO.D-1052 OF 2011.

DATE                                      ORDER WITH SIGNATURE OF JUDGE


            FOR KATCHA PESHI.




            Mr. Mian Taj M. Keerio, Advocate for petitioner.


            Mr. Anwar H. Ansari, State Counsel.


            Mr. Jhamat Jethanand, Advocate for respondents No.5 to 10.



            Through instant Constitutional Petition, filed on 10.06.2011, petitioner Naraindas alias Nari has prayed as under:

“a. Direct the respondents No.1 and 2 not to call the petitioner at Police Station and not to create harassment, humiliation and not to interfere in the smooth business activities of the petitioner and his brother on the instigation of respondents No.5 to 10.

b. Direct the respondents No.1 and 2 to provide list of cases, if any, falsely registered against the petitioner and his brother.

c. Direct the respondent No.2 to record the statement of the petitioner as contemplated in 154 Cr.P.C. Book and take tern legal action against the culprits.

d. Direct the respondent No.1 to appoint any well reputed and honest officer of the district to conduct the investigation of the case after recording the statement of the petitioner in 154 Cr.P.C. Book.

e. Costs of the petition may be saddled upon the respondents.

f. Any other relief(s) which this Honourable Court deems fit, just and proper in favour of the petitioner.”


            Pursuant to notices, issued in the instant petition, respondents No.1 and 2 have filed their comments, whereas Mr. Jhamat Jethanand, appeared on behalf of respondents No.5 to 10.

            In their comments, official respondents No.1 and 2 have denied the allegations, leveled by the petitioner in the instant petition. Mr. Anwar H. Ansari, learned State Counsel submits that no harassment has been caused to the petitioner nor any harassment whatsoever shall be caused to him by the official respondents and protection, as provided under the law, shall be provided to the petitioner in accordance with law. Learned State Counsel further submits that as soon as petitioner appears at Police Station, S.H.O will conduct himself strictly in accordance with law.

            Learned Counsel for the petitioner, in view of the comments filed by the official respondents as well as the statement made by learned State Counsel expressed his satisfaction and does not press instant petition, which is disposed of accordingly. 





