Constitution Petition No.D-485 of 2013


Date                                                 Order with signature of the Judge

1.        For order on Misc. No.2086/2013 (Urgent).

2.        For order on office objection No.1.

3.        For order on Misc. No.2087/2013 (Exemption).

4.        For Katcha Peshi.

5.        For order on Misc. No.2088/2013 (Stay).


8th February 2013

Mr. Nasir Ahmed, Advocate for Petitioner.


1.                     Urgency is granted.

2.                     Deferred.

3.                     Exemption is granted subject to all just exceptions.

4&5.                Learned counsel after some arguments requested that the instant Constitution petition may be treated as an application for protective bail. Request is allowed.

                        The applicant Muhammad Iqbal Bhagwani seeks protective bail in Crime No.682/2012 and 498/2012, both under Section 489-F, PPC of Police Station Site-A pending trial before the Ist Civil Judge and Judicial Magistrate, Karachi West. It is argued that NBWs have been issued by the trial Court and the applicant apprehends his arrest.

                        Without touching the merits of the case, applicant is granted protective bail for a period of ten-days against solvent surety in the sum of Rs.100,000/- (Rupees One Lac) with P.R. bond in the like amount to the satisfaction of the Nazir of this Court, just to enable him to approach the Court of Sessions concerned and to seek remedy in accordance with law. It is made clear that in case the applicant fails to effect appearance before the Court within the time prescribed the surety submitted before this Court shall stand forfeited.

                        This application in above terms stands disposed of.



