Constitution Petition No.D-4366 of 2012


Date                                                 Order with signature of the Judge

1.       For order on Misc. No.2866/2013 (Urgent).

2.       For order on Misc. No.2867/2013.

3.       For order on office objection.

4.       For order on Misc. No.43131/2012.

5.       For Katcha Peshi.

(Matter is fixed on 10.4.2013)



21st February 2013

Mr. Fazal-ur-Rehman, Advocate for Petitioner.


                        Through instant petition the petitioner seeks qaushment of FIR No.840/2009 registered on 5.8.2009 for the offence under Section 489-F, PPC at Police Station Gulberg Lahore.

                        Learned advocate for the petitioner submits that he is intending to withdraw his petition and would file the same before Lahore High Court. In the circumstances, the instant petition is dismissed as withdrawn.



