Constitution Petition No.D-2903 of 2012


Date                                                 Order with signature of the Judge

1.       For order on office objection.

2.       For Katcha Peshi

3.       For hearing of Misc. No.16366/2012 (Exemption).

4.       For hearing of Misc. No.16367/2012 (U/S.561-A, Cr.P.C)



15th March 2013

                        Mr. Sher Muhammad K. Sheikh, Addl. A.G. along with SIP Muhammad Nawaz of Police Station Risala, states that two crimes both under section 489-F, PPC were registered against the petitioner and since he is absconding, therefore, challan under section 512, Cr.P.C. has been submitted before the trial Court and they further have nothing to do with the instant crime. In view of this position this petition has become infructuous. However, since no one is present on behalf of the petitioner, nor any application explaining the absence of petitioner or his counsel is available on record. The petition is dismissed on account of non-prosecution.



