Constt. Petition No. S-   921 of 2012.


Date of hearing

Order with signature of Judge



·        For order on office objection.

·        For Katcha Peshi.


Miss. Safia Paryal Chandio, Advocate for petitioners.

Mr. Azizul Haq Solangi, Asstt. A.G. alongwith SIP  AIjaz Ali Unar, Addl: SHO PS Thull.



            Through this constitutional petition, the petitioners have prayed for the following relief (s): -


·        To direct respondent No.1 and 2 to provide legal protection to petitioners and family of petitioner No.2 against highhandedness of respondents No.3 to 6.


·        To direct the respondents No.  to 6 not to cause illegal harassment to the petitioners for divorce.


            Notices were issued to the respondents, as well as A.A.G. Additional SHO PS Thull appeared in Court and stated that every protection as provided in the law shall be provided to the petitioners. Learned Asstt. A.G. undertakes that the official respondents shall provide legal protection to the petitioners as provided in the law and no harassment whatsoever shall be caused to the petitioners. He further undertakes that the official respondents shall conduct themselves in accordance with law and not to indulge in any activity contrary to the law.


            In these circumstances learned advocate for the petitioners is satisfied and does not press this petition more and it is disposed of accordingly. The S.S.P, Jacobabad, is further directed to submit fortnightly report regarding safety and security of the couple through Additional Registrar of this Court.


