C.P. No.D-1103 of 2012


Date            Order with signature of Judge



  1. For orders on Misc. 8569/12.
  2. For orders on Misc. 5882/12.
  3. For Katcha Peshi.
  4. For orders on Misc. 5884/12.

Dated: 19.04.2012


Mr. Merajuddin Ensari for the petitioner.

Mr. Adnan A. Karim, AAG



In this petition the petitioner has sought following reliefs:-


i)                   To declare that the impugned order dated 05.01.2012 (issued by the respondent No.3 is illegal, ultravires and without any lawful authority and discriminatory one.


ii)                To direct the respondents to provide all relevant record including Joining Report, Seniority List and the persons promoted to the post of BPS-16, who are junior to petitioner.


iii)              To direct the respondent No.3 and 4 to disburse the Salary as per promotion and Entry in the Service Book with effect from 05.11.2011.


iv)              To suspend the operation/effect of impugned order till the final disposal of this petition and the respondents may also be restrained to take any punitive actions against the petitioner.



          Mr. Adnan A. Karim, learned AAG, who is present in Court in other cases, waives notice of this petition and receives copy thereof.


          By consent the petition is disposed of with direction that the respondent No.3 shall conclude the exercise, as proposed vide letter dated 04.01.2012, being annexure ‘E’ to the petition, within three weeks from today through a speaking order strictly in accordance with law and the order should be passed on hard facts and with cogent reasons. Copy of the order shall be submitted before MIT-II of this Court. Let a copy of this order be furnished to the learned A.A.G. to ensure compliance.




