O R D E R     S H E E T


C.P.  No.S- 2223    of 2010


Order with signature of the Judge

1.      For orders on office objection

2.      For orders on M.A No. 8250/2010

3.      For orders on M.A No.8251/2010

4.      For Katcha Peshi.                                  



Mr. Shamsuddin Abbasi advocate holding brief on behalf of Mr.Saeed Ahmed Bijarani, advocate for petitioner.


Mr. Altaf Hussain Surahio, State counsel alongwith Inspector Ali Sher SIO PS    A-Section, Kandhkot on behalf of DPO, Kashmore at Kandhkot.



            Through instant petition, petitioner has complained about the in-action on the part of prosecution who, as per petitioner, have not arrested the accused persons nominated in the F.I.R No.111/2010 registered at Police Station, Buxapur under section 302, 148, 149, PPC, 6/7 of Anti Terrorism Act.

            Pursuant to court notices, Inspector Ali Sher SIO PS A-Section Kandhkot is present on behalf of DPO Kashmore at Kandhkot who has intimated that the matter has been challaned wherein the accused persons have been declared as absconder. He further states that the accused will be arrested as soon as their whereabouts are available with the police.

            Learned State counsel states that SP Investigation Kashmore at Kandhkot is the concerned officer who supervises the entire process against the absconding accused persons.

            Learned counsel for the petitioner states that he would be satisfied and would not press the instant petition if directions are issued to SP Investigation Kashmore at Kandhkot to apprehend the accused absconders in the above crime as, according to him, there is serious apprehension and threat to the petitioner at the hands of the absconding accused persons.

            Accordingly, instant petition is disposed of with the direction to the SP Investigation Kashmore at Kandhkot to make efforts to arrest the accused persons nominated in the above mentioned F.I.R and produce them before the court of law in accordance with law.


