O R D E R     S H E E T


Crl. Transfer Application  No. 27   of 2011



Order with signature of the Judge


  1. For orders on office objection flag ‘A’
  2. For orders on M.A No. 486/2011
  3. For orders on M.A No.487/2011
  4. For Katcha Peshi.                            




Mr. Faiz Muhammad Larik, advocate for the applicants.

Mr. Naimatullah Bhurgri, State counsel.



            Through this criminal transfer application the counsel for the applicant/accused has prayed for transfer of the sessions case No.124/2009 State v. Sarwar and others, emanating from the crime No.28/2008 registered at Police Station, Taluka, from the Court of learned IV-Additional Sessions Judge, Larkana to some other Additional Sessions Judge, at Larkana mainly on the ground that the matter is ripe for evidence; prosecution witnesses are attending the trial Court for recording their evidence but the learned trial Judge is not proceeding with the case whereas the accused persons are attending the Court regularly.

            After arguing out the matter at some length, learned counsel for the applicant/accused states that he would be satisfied if directions are issued to the learned trial Court to proceed with the matter expeditiously.

Accordingly, instant Criminal Transfer Application is disposed of with the direction to the learned trial court to conclude the proceedings expeditiously keeping in view the National Judicial Policy, record the evidence and dispose of the matter as soon as possible.

            The matter stands disposed of in the above terms alongwith listed applications.
