O R D E R     S H E E T


Const. Petition No.S-295  of 2011



Order with signature of the Judge


1.      For orders on M.A No.725/2011

2.      For Katcha Peshi.                            




Petitioner present in person.


Mr. Naimatullah Bhurgri, State counsel alongwith SIP/SHO Nabi Bux Jakhrani, HC Ghulam Hussain and PC Ghulam Hyder of P.S Bhitai Colony.



            Pursuant to court notices, SIP Nabi Bux Jakhrani SHO PS Bhittai Colony, HC Ghulam Hussain and PC Ghulam Hyder of PP Hajano, PS Bhittai Colony are present in Court and have filed their statements on oath wherein all the allegations have been denied. It has been further intimated that the petitioner is not required in any crime. The petitioner present insists that he has been robbed in presence of his witnesses by HC Ghulam Hussain and PC Ghulam Hyder on 02.2.2011 as per details available in para-3 of the petition and request that an impartial enquiry be directed to be conducted against such personnel through some high police officials.

            The learned State counsel extends his no objection if an impartial enquiry into the allegations is conducted by police.

            In view of the serious allegations leveled against the high handedness of the police officials, it will be appropriate if an impartial enquiry is conducted into the allegations as contained in the instant petition.

            Accordingly, instant petition is disposed of with the directions to the District Police Officer, Kashmore at Kandhkot to conduct an impartial enquiry into the allegations against the police personnel named herein and if the delinquent police officials are found guilty of the offence alleged, appropriate action in terms of Police Order, 2002 may be taken against them and compliance report may be submitted to this Court within 15 days through Additional Registrar of this Court.

            Petition stands disposed of in the above terms.

