Criminal Appeal No.162 of 2024
Criminal Appeal No.163 of 2024
Criminal Appeal No.187 of 2024
Criminal Appeal No.188 of 2024
Mr. Justice Shamsuddin Abbasi
: Mohsin Iqbal and Abdul Raheem through M/s Shahbaz Sahootra, Muhammad
Farooq and Sarim Hussain Alvi, advocates
: The State through Mr. Neel
Parkash, D.P.G.
Complainant : Through Mr. Muhammad Ilyas Warraich, advocate
Date of Hearing : 17.03.2025
Date of Judgment : 17.03.2025
ABBASI, J.—Appellants Abdul
Rahim and Mohsin Iqbal were tried along with Mehroz by learned Additional
Sessions Juge-XIII, Karachi East in Sessions Cases Nos.340, 341 and 342 of 2022.
After regular trial, appellants Abdul Rahim and Mohsin were convicted under
section 397, PPC and sentenced to undergo R.I. for 7 years and to pay fine
Rs.20,000 each, in default whereof to undergo S.I. for 30 days more. They were also
convicted under section 23(1)(a) of the Sindh Arms Act, 2013 and sentenced to 3
years R.I. and to pay fine Rs.10,000/- each, whereas accused Mehroz son of Amir
Iqbal was acquitted of the charge by extending benefit of doubt. Appellants were
extended benefit of section 382-B Cr.PC.
2. Brief facts leading to the filing of the
instant appeals are that appellants, duly armed with deadly weapons, committed
robbery and robbed an amount Rs.10,500/- from complainant Owais Ashraf, who
were arrested at spot and robbed amount Rs.10,500/- was recovered from their
possession along with weapons in presence of mashirs, they were brought to
Bahadurabad Police Station where FIR Nos.340/2022
under sections 397, 34, PPC, FIR No.341/2024
and FIR No.342/2024 under section
23(1)(a) of the Sindh Arms Act, 2013 were registered against them. After usual
investigation, challan was submitted against appellants under above referred
3. Trial
Court framed Charge against appellants under the above referred sections, to which
they pleaded not guilty and claimed trial.
4. At
trial, prosecution examined five witnesses. Thereafter, closed the prosecution
side vide statement at Ex.8.
5. Trial
Court recorded statements of accused under Section 342 Cr.P.C at Ex.09 and 10.
Appellants claimed their false implication in the present case and denied the
prosecution allegations. Appellants neither examined themselves on oath under
section 340(2) Cr.PC in disproof of prosecution allegations nor led any evidence
in their defence.
6. Trial
Court after hearing learned counsel for appellants, prosecutor and while
examining the evidence minutely by judgment dated 17.02.2024, convicted and
sentenced the appellants as stated above. Hence, the appellants have filed
instant appeals against their convictions and sentences.
7. The
facts of the case as well as evidence produced before trial Court find an
elaborate mention in the judgment dated 17.02.2024 passed by the Trial Court
and therefore, the same may not be reproduced here so as to avoid duplication
and unnecessary repetition.
8. Learned
advocates for appellants mainly argued that ingredients of Section 397 PPC are
not made out and at the most offence would fall under Section 392 PPC,
therefore, they would not press appeals on merits, in case their convictions and
sentences are converted to Section 392 PPC and some lenient view is taken on
the ground that the appellants are young persons and they are sole supports of
their old parents and their families.
9. Learned
Addl. P.G after going through the evidence, duly assisted by learned counsel for
complainant after going through the evidence, submitted that prosecution has
proved its case against the appellants; complainant has fully implicated the
appellants in the commission of offence; that they were arrested at the spot
and robbed amount Rs.10,500/- as well as weapons were recovered from their
possession. However, he admits that no case for offence under section 397, PPC
has been made out, at the most case under section 392, PPC has been made and he
has recorded no objection if the conviction and sentence may be considered as
already served out. Learned counsel for complainant adopted the arguments
advanced by learned D.P.G. on merits but he opposed the proposal for
modification of section 397, PPC to 392, PPC.
10. I
have carefully heard learned counsel for the parties and re-examined entire
prosecution evidence and have come to the conclusion that prosecution has
proved its case against the appellants. In this case, evidence of complainant Owais
Ashraf is most material for deciding this appeal. He has deposed that on 29.12.2022
at about 1445 hours at Main Ghazi Salahuddin Road, near Al-Khidmat Park,
Karsaz, Karachi accused persons namely Abdul Rahim, and Mohsin Iqbal by sharing
their common intention with each other duly armed with deadly weapons committed
robbery and robbed an amount of Rs.10,500/- from him they were arrested at spot
and robbed amount as well as weapons were recovered from their possession. Complainant
was cross-examined at length but nothing favourable to the defence could be
brought on record. Evidence of the complainant is quite reliable and
trustworthy supported by other evidence. Appellants were arrested at the spot. One
unlicensed 9MM pistol 30 bore, having loaded magazine with 2 rounds was
recovered from appellant Abdul Rahim whereas one unlicensed unnumbered 30 bore
pistol with loaded magazine with two live rounds was recovered from possession
of appellant Mohsin Iqbal and report of Ballistic Expert was positive. I have
also re-examined evidence of other P.Ws and have come to the conclusion that
prosecution has succeeded to prove its case against the appellants. As regards to the conviction recorded under Section
397 PPC is concerned, for the sake of convenience, section 397 PPC is
reproduced as under:
“Section 397. Robbery or
dacoity with attempt to cause death or grievous hurt. If at the time of
committing robbery or dacoity, the offender uses any deadly weapon, or causes
grievous hurt to any person, or attempts to cause death or grievous hurt to any
person, the imprisonment with which such offender shall be punished shall not
be less than seven years.”
11. Admittedly,
appellant did not cause any jury to anyone. Ingredients of offence under
section 397, PPC are not attracted, thus, at the most, offence would fall under
Section 392 PPC. Looking to the evidence available on record, I have come to
the conclusion that offence if any would fall under Section 392, PPC.
Resultantly, conviction and sentence of appellants is modified from Section 397
PPC to Section 392 PPC.
12. As
regards to the quantum of sentence is concerned, it is submitted that the
appellant was aged about 30 and 35 years at the time of recording their statement
under Section 342, Cr.PC and they are sole supporters of their old parents and
families. It is also submitted that appellants are not previously
convicted. As per jail roll dated 17.03.2025, the appellants have
already served out sentence including remission 03 year, 04 months and 10 days,
therefore, in these peculiar circumstances, a case for reduction of the
sentence of the appellants is made out. Reliance is placed upon the case
of Gul Raeef Khan vs. The State (2008 SCMR 865).
12. In
view of peculiar circumstances, for the above stated reasons, conviction
recorded by trial court is maintained, however, conviction of appellant under
section 397, PPC is altered to Section 392, PPC and sentenced to R.I. for 03
years 04 months and 10 days, which they have already undergone and to pay fine
Rs.20,000/- each, in case of default in
payment of fine, appellants shall suffer S.I for 15 days more. As regards to
conviction and sentence awarded to appellants under Section 23(1)(a) of Sindh
Arms Act, 2013 is concerned, it is also reduced to 03 years R.I and to pay fine
Rs.10,000/- each, in default whereof the appellants shall undergo S.I for 15
days more. All the sentences to run concurrently with benefit of section 382(b)
13. Subject
to above modification in the sentence, the Appeals are disposed of
in the above terms. Since appellants Abdul Rahim son of Riaz Khan and Mohsin
Iqbal son of Muhammad Iqbal, have already undergone the sentences as modified,
they shall be released forth, if not required in any other custody case, subject
to payment of fine as detailed in the preceding paragraph.