Criminal Bail Application No.514 of 2025

Criminal Bail Application No.576 of 2025





For hearing of bail applications



            M/s Sikandar Ali Shar & Saleh Muhmmad Brohi, advocate for applicants in Bail Application No514/2025

            Mr. Muhammad Ibrahim Abro, advocate for applicants in B.A.576/2025

            Ms. Rubina Qadir, D.P.G.

            PI/SIO Mahboob Elahi and SIP Naveed Akhtar of PS SSHIA, Karachi



            Applicants/accused Ghulam Nabi son of Amanullah, Farhan son of Muhammad Hussain, Ali Hassan son of Ali Dost, Abid Hussain son of Buland Khan, Israr Ahmed son of Buland Khan, Saifullah son of Rehmatullah, Muhammad Murad son of Muhammd Siddique, Abdul Basit son of Muhammad Saleh, Ghulam Jan son of Raza Muhammad, Sardar Khan son of Basheer Ahmed, Abdul Rasheed son of Basheer Ahmed, Irshad Rafiq son of Muhammad Rafiq (in Cr. Bail Application No.514/2025) and applicants/accused Shafi Muhammad son of Sawali, Munir Ahmed son of Muhammad Azam, Muhammad Nawaz son of Jankian Khan, Abdul Sattar son of Faiz Muhammad and Sameed Ahmed alias Hameed Ahmed son of Muhammad Azeem ( in Criminal Bail Application No.576/2025) seek post arrest bail in FIR No.172/2025, registered at P.S. Site Superhighway Industrial Area, Karachi for offence under sections 147, 148, 149, 427, 395, 452, 337-H(ii), 337-A(i), PPC, after rejection of their bail plea by learned Additional Sessions Judge-I/MCYC, Malir, Karachi vide order dated 21.02.2025.


2.         Brief facts of the case are that applicants/accused are nominated in FIR with specific role played by them, who entered the factory of complainant at night hours, duly armed with sophisticated weapons, committed dacoity of valuable articles and cash, they were arrested at spot and 3 SMGs and 2 Repeaters of 12 bore were recovered from their possession, hence the subject FIR.


3.         Learned counsel for applicants submit that applicants are innocent and they have been falsely implicated in this case; that there is civil litigation pending between the parties before this Court being Suits Nos.553/2023, 1351/2023 and Suit No.B-55/2022; that pre-arrest bail has been granted to co-accused whereas post arrest bail has been declined to the present applicants by learned trial Court and the case of present applicants is on identical footings to the case of co-accused, who were granted pre-arrest bail; that during investigation Section 395, PPC was deleted in the interim challan and remaining Sections are bailable.


4.         M/s Agha Ali Khan Durrani and Manzoor Hussain, advocates, filed power on behalf of complainant in Criminal Bail Application No.514 of 2025, and assisted learned D.P.G. They opposed for grant of bail to the applicants on the ground that applicants are force personnel, they duly armed with sophisticated weapons, entered in the factory of complainant committed dacoity and were arrested at the spot and weapons were recovered from their possession. IO present in Court submits that case has not been made out against applicants/accused under section 395, PPC.


5.         Heard learned counsel for applicants, D.P.G. and counsel for complainant and perused the material available on record.


6.         Admittedly, there is civil dispute between the parties and Suits Nos.553/2023, 1351/2023 and Suit No.B-55/2022 are pending before this Court; that IO has filed interim challan wherein he has given findings that case under section 395, PPC has not been made out against the applicants, whereas, remaining sections applied in the FIR are punishable for three years and does not come within the ambit of prohibitory clause of section 497, Cr.PC. Moreover, learned trial Court has granted pre-arrest bail to co-accused Raja Haider Ilyas and Muhammad Siddique Khan and the case of present applicants/accused is on better footings, hence rule of consistency is applied in this case, therefore, applicants/accused are admitted to post arrest bail, subject to their furnishing solvent surety in the sum of Rs.50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand) each and P.R. bond in the like amount to the satisfaction of the trial Court.


7.         Needless to mention here that the observations made hereinabove are tentative in nature, the same would not influence the trial Court while deciding the case of the applicant/accused on merits.


8.         Instant criminal bail application is disposed of in the above terms.



