Criminal Bail Application No.2395 of 2024




For hearing of bail application




            Ms. Farzana Abbasi, advocate for applicant

            Mr. Malik Sadaqat, advocate for complainant/SSGC



SHAMSUDDIN ABBASI, J.—Applicant/accused Islam Jan son of Sahib Jan, seeks post arrest bail in FIR No.71/2024, registered at P.S. SSGC Karachi for offence under section 15, 17, 24 of the Gas (Theft Control and Recovery) Act, 2016, after rejection of his bail plea by the trial Court vide order dated 10.10.2024.


2.         Facts of the case depicted in the impugned order are reproduced as under:

“The Brief facts of the case are that on 23.09.2024 1200 at about hours Mubeen Ahmed Ansari, Assistant Engineer SSGC alongwith Kamran Iqbal, KPO of SSGC, Technical Staff and police party of PS SSGC conducted raid at Data Milk Shop Street, Katchi Abadi near Jama Masjid Aisha Noor Muhammad Burfat Goth, Block A, Scheme 33, Karachi and found that Sui Gas was being stolen by accused Islam Jan through direct connection and using Dryer Machine, 1 Injector burner, heat water tank, 1 Rod burner and 1 Generator of 30.3 KVA and its electricity was supplied to Laundry. Such illegal connection was disconnected by technical staff of SSGC and police party of SSGC secured articles viz; 2 Injector burner, 1 pipe rod burner, 1 plastic pipe measuring about 18 feet, 63 MM plastic pipe measuring about 1 Feet and 1 AGS Battery from the place of incident. Accused was not found at the place of incident and thereafter ASI Shahid Mehmood of PS SSGC recorded 154 Cr.PC statement of Mubeen Ahmed Ansari Assistant Engineer of SSGC and subsequently FIR was lodged at PS SSGC, vide FIR.”


3.         Learned counsel for applicant submits that applicant is innocent and he has been falsely implicated in this case; that alleged generator was not recovered; that offence alleged does not fall within the ambit of prohibitory clause of section 497, Cr.PC; that applicant is in custody since 26.09.2024 without any progress in trial on the ground that learned trial Court is lying vacant; that case has been challaned and applicant is no more required for further investigation; all the prosecution witnesses are government officials, therefore, question of tampering with evidence does not arise. Counsel for applicant further submits that applicant is ready to deposit half of the liability calculated by SSGC, to be deposited as security before the Nazir of learned trial Court.


4.         Learned counsel for complainant/SSGC submits that sufficient material is available on record, which connects the applicant to the commission offence and SSGC has calculated an amount of Rs.10,193,100/-, however, he recorded no objection if the applicant/accused is directed to deposit the full amount of liability with the learned trial Court in view of the case of SHAMRAIZ KHAN versus THE STATE (2000 SCMR 157).


5.         Heard learned counsel for the applicant as well as learned counsel for SSGC/complainant and perused the material available on record.


6.         Prosecution case is based upon the evidence of SSGC/police officials, therefore, question of tampering with the prosecution evidence does not arise. Case has been challaned and applicant/accused is no more required for further investigation. Minimum punishment as provided under section 15 of the Gas (Theft Control and Recovery) Act, 2016, is 5 years and the maximum punishment provided is 10 years. It is well settled principle of law that at bail stage, minimum sentence will be considered. Alleged offence does not fall within the ambit of prohibitory clause of Section 497, Cr.PC. Learned counsel for applicant has given consent that the applicant is willing to deposit Rs.5,000,000/- as security to extent of half of the liability calculated by the SSGC before the Nazir of the trial Court and prayed that applicant/accused may be admitted to post arrest bail.


8.         It is informed that learned trial Court is lying vacant since last three months, as such, the trial has not been concluded. For such reasons, no one can be kept in custody for an indefinite period. In view of above position as well as statement of learned counsel for applicant at bar, applicant Islam Jan son of Sahib Jan is admitted to post arrest bail in the aforesaid FIR, subject to his furnishing solvent surety in the sum of Rs.100,000/- and P.R. Bond to the satisfaction of the trial Court. In addition thereto, applicant is also directed to deposit Rs.5,000,000/- (Rupees Five Million) being half of the liability calculated by SSGC, as security before the Nazir of learned trial Court.


9.         Needless to mention here that the observations made hereinabove are tentative in nature, the same would not influence the trial Court while deciding the case of the applicant/accused on merits.


10.       Instant criminal bail application is disposed of in the above terms.



