Criminal Bail Application No.300 of 2025




For hearing of bail application



            Ms. Shaista Gul, advocate for applicant

            Mr. Irshad Ahmed, D.A.G.


            Applicant/accused Mst. Kiran Naz daughter of Sabit Ali seeks pre-arrest bail in FIR No.281/2022, registered at P.S. FIA AHT Circle, Karachi for offence under sections 3(2), 5, 13, 14 of the Foreigners Act, 1946, in which she has been arraigned as accused, alleging therein that she being Bangladeshi nations has obtained CNIC and Birth Certificate in collusion of agents/NADRA officials.


2.         Learned counsel for applicant submits that applicant is Pakistani national, she has been falsely implicated in the subject FIR; that learned trial Court has granted bail to co-accused Mst. Hina Naz, Aisha Naz and Afshan Naz and the case of present applicant is on identical footings to that of co-accused; that allegation leveled against applicant requires further inquiry in terms of Section 497(2), Cr.PC; that alleged offence does not come within the ambit of prohibitory clause of Section 497(1), Cr.PC. She finally prayed for grant of bail to the applicant.


3.         Learned D.A.G. admits that trial Court has granted bail to co-accused and prosecution has not assailed bail granting order dated 01.01.2025 before this Court.


4.         Heard learned counsel for applicant as well as D.A.G. and perused the material available on record.


5.         Admittedly, learned trial Court has granted bail to co-accused Mst. Hina Naz, Aisha Naz and Afshan Naz vide order dated 01.01.2025 and the prosecution has not assailed the said order before this Court, hence rule of consistency is applied in present case and pre-arrest bail cannot be refused to applicant merely on technicalities when she is entitled for grant of post-arrest bail. Alleged offence does not come within the prohibitory clause of section 497, Cr.PC. Allegation leveled against applicant requires further inquiry in terms of section 497(2), Cr.PC. In view of the material available on record, interim pre-arrest bail granted to applicant by this Court vide order dated 03.02.2025 is confirmed on the same terms and conditions.


5.         Instant criminal bail application stands disposed of in the above terms.


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