Criminal Bail Application No.155 of 2025




For hearing of bail application



            Mr. Abdul Hakeem Jakhro, advocate, holds brief for Mr. Saeed Ahmed Khoso, advocate for applicants

            Ms. Seema Zaidi, Additional Prosecutor General Sindh

            Mr. Ajab Khan Khattak, advocate for complainant

            SIP/IO Dost Muhammad Khan of PS Peerabad



            Applicants/accused Farman son of Akhtar Gul Khan and Akhtar Gul Khan son of Mir Ghoas Khan seek pre-arrest bail in FIR No.433/2024, registered at P.S. Peerabad for offence under sections 302, 109, 34, PPC, after rejection of their bail plea by Additional Sessions Judge-III, West Karachi vide order dated 20.12.2024.


2.         Allegations against applicants/accused in this case are that on 02.08.2024, accused Farman Gul with his accomplice, at the instance of his father Akhter Gul, came to the house of complainant, duly armed with weapon, and while father of complainant was returning home after offering Fajar Prayers, they fired upon him, due to which complainant’s father became seriously injured and died in hospital.


3.         Mr. Abdul Hakeem Jakhro, advocate, holding brief on behalf of Mr. Saeed Ahmed Khoso, counsel for applicants, submits that applicants are innocent and they have been falsely implicated in the present case due to previous enmity between the parties; that specific role has been assigned to co-accused Islam Gul, who is in custody and during investigation crime weapon was recovered on the pointation of co-accused Islam Gul; empties recovered from the place of incident were matched with the pistol and there is positive FSL report. He further submits that applicant Akhtar Gul Khan was not shown at the scene of offence whereas applicant Farman was shown empty handed, running from the scene of offence and charge against him is under section 109, PPC, hence his case requires further inquiry in terms of Section 497(2), Cr.PC.


4.         On the other hand, learned Additional Prosecutor General Sindh, assisted by counsel for complainant, opposed for grant of bail on the ground that applicants are nominated in FIR and they have shared common intention and actively participated in the commission of alleged offence, which carries capital punishment; that there is firm motive against applicants/accused, however, she admits that specific role has been assigned to co-accused Islam Gul, weapon recovered from him matched with empties recovered from the place of incident.


5.         Heard learned counsel for applicants, Additional Prosecutor General Sindh, counsel for complainant and perused the material available on record.


6.         Complainant of this case is not eyewitness of the alleged incident. During investigation police recorded statement of PW Adil Khan under sections 161 as well as 164, Cr.PC, which reveal that he has seen co-accused Islam Gul, armed with weapon along with applicant/accused Farman was running from the scene of offence. Presence of applicant Akhtar Gul Khan was not shown at the scene of offence. Learned Additional Prosecutor General Sindh admits that specific allegation is against co-accused Islam Gul, who caused firearm injuries to deceased Gul Roz Khan. During investigation Islam Gul was arrested and crime weapon was recovered on his pointation from the cabin of applicant/accused Farman and Farman was shown empty handed at the scene of offence. Charge against applicant Farman is under section 109, PPC for abetment/sharing common intention, which makes out a case of further inquiry in terms of Section 497(2), Cr.PC whereas applicant/accused Akhter Gul Khan was not shown at the scene of offence. It is well settled law that merits cannot be considered at bail stage and only tentative assessment can be made. Reliance is placed on the cases of Zeeshan versus the State and another (2024 SCMR 1716), Kazim Ali versus the State (2021 SCMR 2086) and Muhammad Ijaz versus the State (2022 SCMR 1271).


8.         In view of above, interim pre-arrest bail granted to applicants Akhter Gul Khan and Farman by this Court vide order dated 22.01.2025 in the aforesaid FIR is hereby confirmed on the same terms and conditions.


9.         The instant bail application is accordingly disposed of.


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