Criminal Bail Application No.3024 of 2024




For hearing of bail application



            Mr. Habib-ur-Rehman Khan, advocate for applicant

            Ms. Seema Zaidi, Additional Prosecutor General Sindh



            Applicant/accused Rehmat Masih son of Asif seeks pre-arrest bail in FIR No.64/2024, registered at P.S. Mehmoodabad, Karachi for offence under sections 377, PPC, after rejection of his second bail plea by learned Additional Sessions Judge-III, Karachi South vide order dated 03.12.2024.


2.         Learned counsel for applicant out rightly admitted that this Court vide order dated 15.10.2024 declined pre-arrest bail to applicant, however, he has moved fresh pre-arrest bail before learned trial Court on the ground that complainant has recorded his no objection for grant of pre-arrest bail and the trial Court vide order dated 03.12.2024 did not consider no objection rendered by complainant on the ground that alleged offence is non-compoundable. Counsel for applicant prayed for grant of pre-arrest bail in view of no objection extended by complainant.


3.         On the other hand, learned Additional Prosecutor General Sindh, submits that medical evidence of victim is positive and his statement under section 164, Cr.PC was recorded during trial in which he has fully supported the case of prosecution and second bail application on the ground of no objection is no ground for grant of pre-arrest bail as the offence alleged is non-compoundable.


4.         Heard learned counsel for applicant, Additional Prosecutor General Sindh and perused the material available on record.


5.         This Court vide order dated 15.10.2024 dismissed pre-arrest bail of applicant on merits with the following observations:


“4.       I have heard the parties and perused material available on record including the case law. There is prima facie evidence against the applicant in shape of direct allegations by the victim. Applicant is said to be a teacher and had called the victim in his house on some excuse, where he allegedly committed sodomy with him. These allegations have been confirmed in the medical examination of the victim. There is no enmity of complainant with the accused to falsely implicate him in this heinous offence. Prime facie, the case has been made out and the delay per se in registration of FIR is no ground to grant extraordinary concession of pre-arrest bail.”


6.         Thereafter, applicant has moved fresh bail application before the trial Court on the ground that complainant recorded no objection for grant of bail. Alleged offence is non-compoundable, therefore, no objection recorded by complainant has no value. During trial, evidence has been recorded by the trial Court wherein complainant party has fully supported the case of prosecution. Medical evidence of victim is also positive. Therefore, instant second bail application is not maintainable, the same is accordingly dismissed.


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