Criminal Transfer Application No.03 of 2025




For hearing of main case




            Mr. Baber Hussain, advocate, holds brief for Mr. Nafees Alam Siddiqui, advocate for applicant



            Applicant, who is facing trial in Complaint (IDPC No.76/2022) filed under sections 3, 4, 7 and 8 of the Illegal Dispossession Act, 2005, has filed the instant criminal transfer application on the ground that learned Presiding Officer kept him waiting upto 05:00 p.m. to 07:30 p.m., without any progress in trial. Comments were called in the transfer application from learned trial Court, which have been received today. Relevant portion of the comments is reproduced as hereunder:

“2.       I have the honour to further respectfully submit that on 24.12.2024, ID Complaint No.76/2022 was fixed for judgment, but accused Muhammad Rashid Khan in the early hours got his attendance marked and then gone away without intimation, thus bailable warrant and notice to his surety was ordered to be issued and case was adjourned to 31.12.2024 for judgment and service of bailable warrant against him. On 31.12.2024 accused appeared along with his counsel and got his absence condoned, however the matter was adjourned to 06.01.2025 for judgment but on 06.01.2025 accused along with his counsel present in Court and moved an application under section 540 Cr.PC and the matter was adjourned to 08.01.2025 for hearing on the said application. On 08.01.2025 accused along with his counsel was present, and the arguments were heard on application under Section 540 Cr.PC and matter was adjourned to 11.01.2025. However, on 11.01.2025 the case could not be proceeded as the work was suspended by KBA and the case was adjourned to 15.01.2025. On said date accused got his attendance marked in early morning and then gone away without intimation. However, the case was adjourned to 20.01.2025. On 20.01.2025 accused was called absent and his counsel filed application for condonation of his absence on medical ground, thus this Court asked his counsel to produce medical record of the accused and the matter was adjourned to 25.01.2025. On 25.01.2025 again accused was called absent and his counsel filed application for condonation of his absence along with medical certificate and this Court called verification of such record and adjourned the matter to 10.02.2025. On 10.02.2025 again accused called absent and his counsel again filed application for condonation of his absence, however, administrator of Al-Mustafa Hospital appeared and assured that the doctor who issued the medical certificate will appear on the next date, hence case was adjourned to 12.02.2025, and on said date Dr. Muhammad Farooq attended this Court and filed statement from which it appears that accused is not suffering from any serious disease. On 12.02.2025 and afterwards the accused remained absent without any intimation and his conduct shows that he is creating hurdles in smooth proceedings. Now the matter is fixed on 21.02.2025 for further proceeding including hearing of application u/s 540, Cr.PC, attendance of accused etc.”


            From the perusal of record, it appears that instant transfer application has been filed by applicant without any substance, therefore, instant criminal transfer application is dismissed. However, learned trial Court is directed to conclude the trial expeditiously, preferably within a period of two months, without granting any adjournment to either party on any flimsy grounds.


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