C.P. No.D-1733 of 2024





For hearing of main case



            Mr. Raamiz Naseem, advocate for petitioner

            Mr. Peer Riaz Muhammad Shah, DAG

            M/s. Hakim Ali Shaikh & Saghir Ahmed Abbasi, Addl. A.Gs.

            Mr. Ali Haider Saleem, Additional Prosecutor General

            DSP Ayaz Ahmed Pandhiani, Foreign Registration Office, SB Karachi & SIP Jawaid Akhtar, FRO/SB, Karachi



            Petitioners have invoked the constitutional jurisdiction of this Court under Article 199 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973, against the respondents and prayed for the following reliefs:

1.      To declare that the act of respondents to restrain the petitioners to travel to their country at Bangladesh is illegal and unlawful.


2.      To declare that the petitioners are entitled to travel to their native place in Bangladesh under permission of Government of Bangladesh through their travel permits.


3.      To direct the DIG/FRO Special Branch Karachi to complete all legal formalities for deportation of petitioners to Bangladesh.


4.      To direct the FIR Immigration, JIAP Karachi and DIG/FRO Special Branch, Karachi not to harass the petitioners during deportation process.


5.      Grant any other relief(s) which may be deemed fit and proper by this Hon’ble Court under the circumstances.


            Notices were issued against the respondents as well as D.A.G. Comments are filed by respondents, 2, 3, 4 and 5, which are taken on record.


            At the very outset, learned counsel for petitioners argued that this constitution petition may be disposed of in terms of order dated 21.02.2024, passed by this Court in C. Ps. Nos.D-754 and 783 of 2024. D.A.G. recorded no objection for disposal of this petition in terms of the order passed in the aforesaid petitions.


            It appears that this Court vide order dated 21.02.2024, disposed of C.Ps. Nos.D-754 and 783 of 2024 in the following terms:

            “Counsel appearing for petitioners submits that CP No.D-4057/2023 on the same subject matter has already been decided by this Court vide order dated 19.09.2023 and prayed that these petitions may also be disposed of on same terms. 

            D.A.G as well as A.A.G after going through the order passed by this Court in C.P. No.D-4057/2023, conceded for disposal of captioned petitions in terms of order dated 19.09.2023.

            It appears that this Court in C.P. No.D-4057 of 2023 vide order dated 19.09.2023 disposed of the said petition in the following terms:

            “Learned D.A.G. files para-wise comments on behalf of the respondents Nos.3 and 5, which are taken on record, copies whereof have been provided to the learned counsel for the petitioner.


            Learned D.A.G. assisted by the functionary of the respondents, present in Court today submits that certain documents are required to be submitted by the petitioners on deportation, being the valid travel permission issued by the High Commissioner of Bangladesh, as would be verified through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for confirmation of genuineness, and the petitioners would be allowed to travel subject to further verification of their status, criminal record (CRO) & (CRI) and obtaining of cancellation/clearance certificate from NADRA.


            Learned D.A.G. further submits that the petitioners are also required to appear before the Foreigner Registration Office, Special Branch, Karachi for recording their thumb impression(s) and verification. Learned counsel for the petitioners submits that the petitioners would comply and meet all such requirements.


            With the consent of the learned counsel for the petitioners, D.A.G. as well as A.A.G. the captioned petitions are disposed of in the above terms.


            Counsel for petitioners as well as Additional Advocate General Sindh and D.A.G. seeks disposal of instant petition in terms of order dated 21.02.2024, passed by this Court in the aforesaid petitions. In our considered view, the issue is identical in the instant petition as well as in the petitions which have already been decided by this Court. Therefore, instant petition is disposed of in terms of aforesaid order, with no orders as to costs.



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