C.P. No.D-4627 of 2024

[ Khalid Zaheer Ahmed & Another versus The State and Others ]




1.      For orders on Misc. No.20475/2024 (U/A)

2.      For orders on office objection No.32

3.      For orders on Misc. No.20476/2024 (Exp/A)

4.      For hearing of main case



            Mr. Saddam Hussain Chang, advocate for petitioners/accused



            Petitioners/accused Khalid Zaheer Ahmed son of Zahir Ahmed and Naeem Zaheer son of Zahir Ahmed, who are presently residing at USA have filed this constitution petition under Article 199 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973, for protective/transitory bail, through their duly constituted attorney, namely, Farrukh Hussain son of Israr Hussain, in Crime No.28/2024, registered at P.S. Johar Abad, Karachi Central for offence under section 489-F, 420, 34, PPC. It is inter alia contended by the counsel for petitioners that petitioners intend to surrender before the trail Court but he apprehend their arrest as NBWs have been issued against them by the trial Court. Serious mala fide on the part of police and complainant has been alleged.  


            Since petitioners/accused Khalid Zaheer Ahmed son of Zahir Ahmed and Naeem Zaheer son of Zahir Ahmed are prepared to surrender before the trial Court, without touching the merits of the case, protective/transitory bail is granted to them for a period of Ten (10) days from today, subject to furnishing solvent surety in the sum of Rs.50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand) each and P.R bond in the like amount to the satisfaction of the Nazir of this Court. Petitioners/accused is directed to surrender before the trial Court concerned in the aforesaid period. Operation of NBWs issued against the petitioners is suspended for ten days. This order shall cease to have its effect after expiry of ten days from today or whenever the petitioners/accused surrender before the trial Court, which one occurs earlier. In case, petitioners fail to surrender before the trial Court within the aforesaid period, their bail bond shall stand automatically forfeited. Let the copy of this order be sent to the Secretary, Ministry of Interior, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad, by fax for information.


            The instant petition is accordingly disposed of.


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