C.P. No.D-4786 of 2024

[ Abdur Rauf & Others vs. Federation of Pakistan & Others]





For hearing of main case



            Mr. Raamiz Nasim, advocate for petitioners

            Mr. Pir Riaz Muhammad Shah, DAG

            Mr. Muhammad Kamran Khan, A.A.G.

            Mr. Abrar Ali Khichi, Additional Prosecutor General Sindh

            DSP Ayaz Ahmed Pandhiani, Foreign Registration Office, SB Karachi & SIP Jawaid Akhtar, FRO/SB, Karachi, SIP FIA Adnan Iqbal, DSP Raza Mian, CPO Legal-II, Karachi



NAIMATULLAH PHULPOTO, J.--- Petitioners Md. Abdul Rouf and 4 others have invoked the constitutional jurisdiction of this Court under Article 199 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973, against the respondents and prayed for the following reliefs:

1.      To declare that the act of respondents to restrain the petitioners to travel to their country Bangladesh is illegal and unlawful.


2.      To declare that the petitioners are entitled to travel to their native place in Bangladesh under permission of Government of Bangladesh through their travel permits.


3.      To direct the DIG/FRO, Special Branch Karachi to complete all the legal formalities for deportation of petitioners to Bangladesh.


4.      To direct the FIA Immigration JIAP Karachi and DIG/FRO, Special Branch Karachi not to harass the petitioners during deportation process.


5.      Grant any other relief(s) which this Hon’ble Court deems fit and proper under the circumstances of the case.


            Notices were issued against the respondents as well as, Advocate General Sindh, Prosecutor General Sindh and D.A.G. Para-wise comments are filed on behalf of respondents 2 and 4, and statement is filed on behalf of respondents 3 and 5, which are taken on record.


            At the very outset, learned counsel for petitioners argued that this constitution petition may be disposed of in terms of order dated 23.08.2024, passed by this Court in CP No.D-3596/2024. D.A.G. recorded no objection for disposal of this petition in terms of the order passed in the aforesaid petition.


            It appears that this Court vide order dated 23.08.2024, disposed of C.P. No.D-3596/2024 in the following terms:

            Petitioners claim to be Bangali Nationals and intend to travel to Bangladesh. Their case is that whenever they attempt to travel to Bangladesh, they are restrained by the respondents on the pretext of incomplete documents; hence this petition.


            DSP Ayaz Ahmed, Foreign Registration Office, Special Branch, Karachi has filed comments on behalf of respondents 2 and 5 and submits that they would have no objection to the travel of petitioners if they submit the relevant documents, duly verified by the relevant departments at their request.


            Sub Inspector Adnan Iqbal of FIA has filed a statement and states that the petitioners before travelling to Bangladesh are required to fulfill some formalities, after which they would be allowed to travel to Bangladesh without any hindrance from the FIA.


            Learned counsel for petitioners is satisfied with the above statements and submits that petitioners would submit all the relevant documents for verification and fulfill all the formalities as raised by the respondents. Counsel for petitioner has relied upon the order dated 09.04.2024, passed by this Court in C.P. No.D-1446/2024. 


            This petition is, therefore, disposed of with the direction to the respondents that as and when the documents are submitted by the petitioners, the same shall be scrutinized as per law within the shortest possible time and the petitioners be permitted to travel to Bangladesh.


            Counsel for petitioners as well as D.A.G. seeks disposal of instant petition in terms of order dated 23.08.2024, passed by this Court in the aforesaid petition. In our considered view, the issue is identical in the instant petition as well as in the petition which has already been decided by this Court. Therefore, instant petition is disposed of along with pending application(s) in terms of aforesaid order, with no orders as to costs.


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