Criminal Bail Application No. 479 of 2015

(Syed Ali Raza and another Vs. The State)




                                                                                Present: Mr. Justice Naimatullah Phulpoto

                                                                                                Mr. Justice Abdul Maalik Gaddi



For hearing of Bail Application.



Date of hearing:                    15th December 2015


Date of announcement:       21st December 2015


Mr. Aamir Mansoob Qureshi Advocate for the applicants/accused.


Mr. Abrar Ali Khichi A.P.G. for the State.


Naimatullah Phulpoto, J.- Applicants/accused seek bail in Crime No.120 of 2012 registered at P.S Shahra-e-Faisal for offences under Sections 365-A/302/34 PPC read with Section 7 A.T.A. 1997.


2.         Brief facts of the prosecution case as disclosed in the FIR are that Mst. Ambar Nawaz lodged FIR alleging therein that her son Zaeem Nawaz was kidnapped for ransom on 08.02.2012. FIR was recorded vide Crime No. 120/2012 at PS Shahrah-e-Faisal. During investigation, accused Syed Ali Raza, Ali Raza and Muhammad Zohaib were arrested and they pointed out the place from where they had kidnapped the boy for ransom in presence of mashirs namely Inspector Ali Muhammad and SIP Muhammad Anwar. Accused had also pointed out the place from where chapel of deceased boy was recovered. I.O recorded 161 Cr.P.C statements of P.W. Zulfiqar Ahmed shopkeeper, from where applicants/accused had purchased chloroform. 161 Cr.P.C statements of other P.Ws were also recorded. After usual investigation, challan was submitted against the accused Syed Ali Raza, Ali Raza and Zohaib under Sections 365-A/302/34 PPC read with Section 7 ATA 1997.


3.         Bail application was moved on behalf of accused Syed Ali Raza, Ali Raza and Zohaib before the trial Court. The same was rejected vide order dated 16th April 2015. Thereafter, applicants/accused Syed Ali Raza and Ali Raza have approached this Court for same relief.


4.         Mr. Aamir Mansoob Qureshi learned Advocate for the applicants/accused contended that names of the applicants/accused did not transpire in the FIR and the mashirs before whom place of dead body was pointed out have been declared hostile at trial by prosecution. He has further contended that there is no piece of evidence to connect the applicants/accused in the commission of offence. Lastly, he has contended that examination-in-chief of the complainant has been recorded, thereafter warrants have been issued against complainant Mst. Amber, but she did not appear before the learned Trial Court for cross-examination. He has argued that prosecution case requires further enquiry.


5.         Mr. Abrar Ali learned APG argued that applicants/accused had pointed out that place from where they had kidnapped the boy for ransom. Applicants/accused had also pointed out the place of recovery of the dead body. He has also argued that applicants/accused also pointed out the place from where chappal of the boy was recovered. Learned APG has lastly, argued that shopkeeper has also implicated the accused before the trial Court. He has opposed the bail application.


6          We have carefully heard the learned counsel for the parties and perused the relevant record.


7.         It appears that during investigation on 12.02.2012, both the accused had also pointed out the place from where dead body of deceased boy was recovered. On 14.02.2012, both the accused in police custody pointed out the place from where boy was kidnapped for ransom and on the same day they had also pointed out the place from where chappal of deceased boy was recovered. P.W- Zulfiqar Ahmed has also implicated the accused while deposing that both accused had purchased chloroform from his shop. Postmortem report is also there. Contention of the learned counsel for the applicants/accused that mashirs of the recovery of the dead body have been declared hostile by prosecution, it makes prosecution case doubtful. Such contention can only be examined deeply by the trial court. No enmity whatsoever has been alleged against the complainant to falsely implicate the accused in the commission of the offence. In this case, a boy of 12 years has been murdered for ransom. Evidence of 07 P.Ws has already been recorded. Deeper appreciation of evidence is not permissible at bail stage. Proper course in such situation would be to direct the trial court to decide the case within a specified period as held by Honourable Supreme Court in the case of Muhammad Nawaz vs. The State (2002 SCMR 1381). Prima facie, there appear reasonable grounds for believing that applicants/accused have committed alleged offence, which is punishable with death or imprisonment for life. No case for bail to the applicants/accused is made out. Consequently, the bail application is dismissed. However, Trial Court is directed to decide the case within a period of two months.


8.         Needless to mention here that the observations made hereinabove are tentative in nature and the learned Trial Court shall not be influenced by the same while deciding the case of accused on merits.