Criminal Acquittal Appeal No. 19 of 2008


                                                                                Mr. Justice Naimatullah Phulpoto

                                                                                Mr. Justice Khadim Hussain Tunio



Date of Hearing:                                            19.09.2017


Date of announcement of judgment:                        27.09.2017     


Appellant:                                                      The State/ANF through Mr. Habib Ahmed Special Prosecutor.


Respondent:                                                   Mohammad Moosa not appeared.





NAIMATULLAH PHULPOTO, J:  Respondent/accused was tried by learned Special Judge-II (CNS) Karachi, in Special Case No.310 /2004 (old Special Case No.94/2002) for offences under Sections 6/9 (c) of the Control of Narcotic Substances Act, 1997 registered at P.S. ANF-Clifton, Karachi, by Judgment dated 14.09.2007, Respondent/accused was acquitted by extending him benefit of doubt. State/ANF filed instant Criminal Acquittal Appeal No.19 of 2008 against the acquittal recorded by the trial Court.


2.         Brief facts leading to the filing of the appeal against acquittal are that 01.03.2002, during patrolling police party of ANF Clifton started snap checking near Shah Zob Hotel, old Sabzi Mandi. ANF Police found two persons coming on Vespa Motorcycle, who were stopped. The driver disclosed his name as Rauf Ali Nadeem while other culprit disclosed his name as Moosa Khan. Personal search of accused Rauf Ali Nadeem was conducted, one slab of charras wrapped with belt was recovered. From the personal search of accused Moosa, two slabs of charras weighing 2 K.Gs were recovered from fold of his trouser and a cash of Rs.100/-. On search of Vespa Motorcycle, having Registration No.LEH-8886, two packets of fake currency notes were also recovered. Police took out samples of 10 grams from each slab for chemical examination and remaining case property was sealed separately. Mashirnama of arrest and recovery was prepared in presence of mashirs. Accused and case property were brought at PS ANF Clifton Karachi, where FIR bearing No.9 of 2002 for offence u/s 6/9(c) of the Control of Narcotic Substances Act, 1997 was registered against the accused on behalf of state.


3.         Charge was framed against accused by the learned Special Judge-II (CNS) Karachi, under the aforesaid sections at Ex-4. Accused Rauf Ali Nadeem pleaded guilty, whereas present appellant pleaded not guilty and claimed to be tried. Accused Rauf Ali Nadeem was convicted on his pleading guilty vide judgment dated 02.08.2003 by the learned Trial Court.


4.         At the trial, prosecution examined two prosecution witnesses. Thereafter, prosecution side was closed at Ex-15.


5.         Statement of the accused was recorded under Section 342 Cr.P.C. as Ex.17 in which accused has denied the prosecution allegations and stated that he has been falsely implicated by the ANF police. Accused neither examined himself on Oath in disproof of prosecution allegations nor produced any evidence in defence.


6.         On the conclusion of the trial, learned Special Judge-II (CNS) Karachi, after hearing the learned counsel for the parties, on the assessment of entire evidence acquitted the accused by judgment dated 14.09.2007, mainly for the following reasons:- 


“14. P.W-1 who has one of the mashir of recovery in Ex.P/1 has produced the case property as Article-A and according to the note of learned Predecessor at the time of its production in the Court it was unsealed when produced. PW1 when cross examined has admitted that he has produced the unsealed case property as Article-A in the Court. So also that white cloth thelli was also produced in the Court on which one broken piece of two signs of sealing material were appearing. PW1 has admitted that the aforesaid thelli was not pure white but different words on it in different color were printed on both the sides of said thelli. PW1 has however admitted that charras Patti produced so are contained in khaki envelope which too was torned and badly damaged. He failed to show any reason as to why the same was not properly sealed and what was the reason of khaki envelope produced in torned and damaged condition. PW1 has reaffirmed that two khaki envelope in torned and damage condition was lying in Court. PW2 the Complainant who has recovered the alleged case property in this case was admittedly remained Malkhana Incharge for about one year after registration of this case and seals and keys of Malkhana remained with him, but has not been able to clarify the above stated situation of case property when produced in the Court. Mashirnama Ex.P/1 is token of such seizer, weighing, sealing and arrest of accused and all the process stated to be done at place of wardat and showing that property was sealed. Entire logic of sealing is that the sample drawn from the case property, after sealing to be sent for chemical examination and to affirm that the same is part of narcotic and remaining is sealed at the spot to produce the same before the Court in the same condition in which was allegedly recovered. The unsealed case property is produced by the prosecution in the Court without any explanation and production of such unsealed charras as case property and a separate thelli and two torned khaki envelope containing charras patties and the condition while producing case property as on record does not substantiate the version of PW1 and PW2 before the Court as regard to the such seizer and sealing nor the contents of mashirnama substantiated and therefore, it can safe to come to the conclusion that mashirnama is not substantiated by PW1 and PW2. The intention of legislation regarding sealing of case property is to establish that a particular case property was recovered and after performing necessary formalities (such as weighing, sealing, sampling) it was saved by sealing it to produce it in the Court with the same identification for the purpose to substantiate the alleged recovery but sanctity is absolutely missing in this case. No explanation whatsoever in this regard is given by the prosecution.

15. Furthermore, mashirnama of recovery, seizure and arrest is material and positive piece of evidence and requires it preparation at the spot. In the instant case memo is said to be prepared at the spot i.e. Sabzi Mandi which is admittedly a busy place and admittedly there are many shops, bus stop and patrol pump as well as known hotel Shahzob Hotel situated there. According to PW1 while they were on patrolling duty and reached at old Sabzi Mandi they were informed by the informer about the narcotics which was to be shifted on Vespa Scooter so when they reached near Shahzob Hotel they waited there and at about 8.00 pm they saw Motorcycle coming from the front side. The aforesaid Vespa was intercepted and search was taken and two accused persons were arrested and recovery was made and the case property was weighed and samples were drawn from the case property and sealed separately and then mashirnama was prepared. In cross-examination PW1 has stated that it took 1.5 hours in completion of all above process at place of wardat. This PW is one of the mashir and has also produced mashirnama Ex.P/1 which is showing its preparation time 2000 hours i.e. 8.00 pm which leave to the presumption that apprehension of the accused persons and interception of Vespa Scooter was made one hour before i.e. 1900 hours which time does not substantiate the time as contained in body of the mashirnama. So also with testimony of PW1 who has stated that about 8.00 pm they saw the relevant Vespa and intercepted it. PW2 the Complainant Ghulam Abbas has taken the same version in deposition and he too has state tht at about 8.00 pm the relevant motorcycle along with accused persons was intercepted and thereafter the recovery was made. Ghulam Abbas has prepared the memo and has stated that all the process viz apprehension of the accused persons, search, seizer, weighing drawing samples and their sealing and sealing of recovery, all the process took 1.5 hours in its completion, but has denied that the time 2000 hours mentioned on memo Ex.P/1 is the time of preparation of memo. The time 2000 hours on memo Ex.P/1 is the time of wardat that entire process mentioned herein above then what was the time of preparation of memo, the same has not been explained by the prosecution nor any Roznamcha entry of the PWs arrival is produced to testify their truth with the time of Roznamcha entry in thana nor departure entry is produced neither any number of any Station Diary is given and admittedly in memo or 161 Cr.P.C statement or in FIR the PWs have given any such entry number or any type of extract of Roznamcha to substantiate the prosecution version that they left Police Station for patrolling and reached Sabzi Mandi within their legal procedure of patrolling. Prosecution witnesses have also not produced any authorization from the superior to intercept in this case and their merely words of the complainant that they intimated their superior after receiving spy information. Place of wardat is a busy market place and admittedly people were there and huge traffic was on the way and there was also bus stop as well as patrol pump and hotels, but admittedly none from the patrol pump or hotel or bus stop was made mashir to justify the afore said recovery at the place of wardat or the recovery itself.

16. The above discussion of unsealed case property and afore said situation creates doubt and it has been held in PLD 2003 Karachi 606 that where a single circumstance creates doubt in a prudent mind its benefit is to be gone to the accused not as a matter of grace, but as a matter of right. It is settled principle of law that benefit of doubt always goes to the accused. The Point No.1 is therefore, answered as ‘NOT PROVE’.”


7.         Mr. Habib Ahmed, learned Special Prosecutor for ANF argued that prosecution has proved its case against the accused. Sufficient evidence was brought on record by the prosecution to connect the accused in the commission of the offence. Lastly, it is contended that prosecution proved its case but trial Court without assigning sound reasons acquitted accused. It is prayed that acquittal may be converted to conviction.


8.         We have heard the learned Special Prosecutor for ANF and perused the record. We have come to the conclusion that prosecution has failed to prove its case against Respondent/accused for the reasons that case property was not produced before the Trial Court in the sealed condition. A number of infirmities were noticed by the Trial Court, which have been highlighted in the judgment dated 14.09.2007 as referred in the preceding paragraphs. Ingredients of offence with which the Respondent/accused was charged are not satisfied from the evidence, which has been brought on record. So far the appeal against acquittal is concerned after acquittal respondent/accused has acquired double presumption of innocence, this Court would interfere only if the judgment was arbitrarily, capricious or against the record. But in this case there were number of infirmities and impugned judgment of acquittal in our considered view, did not suffer from any misreading and non-reading of the evidence. As regard to the consideration warranting the interference in the appeal against acquittal and an appeal against  conviction  principle has been laid down by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in various judgments. In the case of State/ Government Sindh through Advocate General Sindh, Karachi versus Sobharo (1993 SCMR 585), Honourable Supreme Court has laid down the principle that in the case of appeal against acquittal while evaluating the evidence distinction is to be made in appeal against conviction and appeal against acquittal. Interference in the latter case is to be made when there is only gross misreading of evidence, resulting in miscarriage of justice. Relevant portion is reproduced as under:-


“14.     We are fully satisfied with appraisal of evidence done by the trial Court and we are of the view that while evaluating the evidence, difference is to be maintained in appeal from conviction and acquittal appeal and in the latter case interference is to be made only when there is gross misreading of evidence resulting in miscarriage of justice. Reference can be made to the case of Yar Muhammad and others v. The State (1992 SCMR 96). In consequence this appeal has no merits and is dismissed.”


9.         For what has been discussed above, we are of the considered view that impugned judgment is based upon valid and sound reasons and is entirely in consonance with the law laid down by the Honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan. Neither, there is misreading, nor non-reading of material evidence or misconstruction of facts and law. Resultantly, Criminal Acquittal Appeal No. 19 of 2008 is without merits and the same is dismissed.