Special Criminal Anti-Terrorism Appeal No. 302 of 2018
Present: Mr. Justice Naimatullah Phulpoto
Mr. Justice Mohammad Karim Khan Agha
Date of Hearing : 23.05.2019
Date of judgment : 23.05.2019
Muhammad Nawaz @ Nawazi through Mr.
Muhammad Ashraf Advocate
Respondent : The State through Mr. Farman Ali
Kanasro Additional Prosecution General
Nawaz @ Nawazi appellant was tried by learned Judge, Anti-Terrorism Court No.1,
Karachi in Special Case No.A-70 of 2014. On the conclusion of the trial, vide
judgment dated 17.09.2018, appellant has been convicted under Section 7(h) of
Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 and sentenced to 05 years R.I with fine of
Rs.50,000/-. In case of default, he was ordered to suffer 06 months S.I more.
Benefit of section 382-B Cr.P.C was extended to him.
2. Brief facts leading to the filing of
the appeal are that on 10.02.2014 at about 1600 hours, complainant Ch. Waheed
Waqas Gujjar lodged FIR at Police Station Gulshan-e-Iqbal Karachi alleging
therein that he was running bakery in the name and style of United Bakery
situated in Waqas Market, Gulshan-e-Iqbal Karachi. In front of his bakery, in
Madina Colony, Block 13-G, Muhammad Nawaz @ Nawazi s/o of Abdullah @ Daloo
along with his two companions used to come at his bakery and were demanding
extortion from the complainant. It is alleged that on 19.01.2014 at about 4:00
pm, appellant accused Muhammad Nawaz @ Nawazi along with his companion again
came at the bakery of complainant and demanded extortion of Rs.10,00,000/- to
which complainant expressed his inability to pay. It is stated that accused armed
with pistol appeared and issued threats to the complainant that in case he
failed to pay him amount, he along with family would be murdered. Thereafter,
on the directions of the Ex-officio Justice of Peace, FIR bearing No. 60/2014 under
sections 386/506-B PPC read with Section 7(h) of Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 was
registered against accused. After usual investigation challan was submitted
against accused under sections 386/506-B PPC read with Section 7(h)
Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997.
3. Trial
court framed charge against accused Muhammad Nawaz @ Nawazi to which accused
pleaded not guilty and claimed to be tried.
4. At
trial, prosecution examined 05 prosecution witnesses. Thereafter, prosecution
side was closed
Statement of accused was recorded
under section 342, Cr.PC at Ex.13. Accused claimed his false implication in
this case and denied the prosecution allegations. Accused did not examine
himself on oath under Section 340(2) Cr.P.C in disproof of the prosecution
allegations. He declined to examine any witness in his defence.
6. Trial Court after hearing the learned
counsel for the parties and assessment of evidence, by judgment dated
17.09.2018, convicted and sentenced the appellant as stated above. Hence this
7. The facts of the case as well as
evidence produced before the Trial Court find an elaborate mention in the
judgment dated 17.09.2018 passed by the Trial Court and therefore, the same may
not be reproduced here so as to avoid duplication and unnecessary repetition.
8. Learned Advocate for the appellant has
mainly argued that prosecution story was unnatural and unbelievable. It was day
time incident but no hue and cry was raised by the complainant and that FIR was
lodged after the delay of 22 days, for which no plausible explanation has been
furnished by the complainant. He further argued that CCTV Cameras were installed
in the bakery but I.O failed to collect its’ footage. It is also argued that it
is unbelievable that appellant armed with pistol returned back from the bakery
without snatching money from the complainant. It is also argued that wife of
the complainant is the cousin of the accused and there is matrimonial dispute
between the parties so also civil litigation. Lastly, it is argued that
prosecution has failed to prove its’ case against the appellant. He has relied
upon the cases reported as Muhammad
Akram vs. The State (2009 SCMR 230) and Irshad Ali and others vs. Muhammad
Shahid and another (SBLR 2014 Sindh 657).
9. Mr. Farman Ali Additional Prosecutor
General half-heartedly supported the case of prosecution.
10. We have carefully heard the learned
counsel for the parties and perused the evidence. It is matter of record that
CCTV cameras were installed in the bakery, but I.O failed to collect the CCTV
footage to produce the same before the trial Court. It is the case of the
prosecution that accused was armed with T.T pistol and he demanded money from
the complainant in the bakery but no circumstance is brought on record as to why
accused returned back without snatching or taking away money from the
complainant. There is no evidence that resistance was offered to the appellant
at the time of incident. Apparently, it was safe target for the appellant for
extortion of money but it is unbelievable that accused returned empty handed
from the bakery. Soonafter the incident, the complainant did not go to police
station for lodging of the FIR and it was recorded after 22 days. Delay in
lodging of the FIR has not been fully explained by the complainant. During
investigation accused was arrested but pistol, which he was carrying at the
time of incident has not been recovered by the I.O. Investigation Officer had
also not recorded statements of the shopkeepers, surrounding the bakery in
order to satisfy the Court that incident had actually occurred. During
investigation nothing came on record regarding involvement of accused in such
offences like the present one. It is admitted by learned Additional Prosecutor
General that wife of the complainant is the cousin of the accused and it is
argued that there is matrimonial dispute between the parties and civil
litigation is also pending. In these circumstances some independent evidence
was required, which is lacking in this case.
11. There
are several circumstances/infirmities in the prosecution case as highlighted
above. It is
settled law that it is not necessary that there should many circumstances
creating doubts. If there is a single circumstance, which creates reasonable
doubt in a prudent mind about the guilt of the accused, then the accused will
be entitled to the benefit not as a matter of grace and concession but as a
matter of right. Reliance is placed upon the case of TARIQ PERVAIZ vs. The
STATE (1995 SCMR 1345).
Prosecution case is fraught with
doubts. It would be unsafe to maintain the conviction in this case.
Consequently, by extending the benefit of doubt to appellant Muhammad Nawaz @
Nawazi, Special Criminal Anti-Terrorism Appeal No. 302 of 2018 is allowed.
is acquitted of the charge. He shall be released forthwith if not required in
any other case.