Criminal Appeal No.19 of 2022


  Present:   Mr. Justice Naimatullah Phulpoto

                                                                                                                     Mr. Justice Khadim Hussain Tunio




Appellant                     :        Murad Bakhsh through Mr. Muhammad Hanif, advocate



Respondent                  :        The State through Mr. Habib Ahmed, Special Prosecutor ANF


Date of Hearing           :       01.02.2024


Date of judgment         :       01.02.2024





NAIMATULLAH PHULPOTO, J.- Appellant Murad Bakhsh was tried by learned Judge, Special Court-II (CNS) Karachi in Special Case No.187 of 2015, arising out of FIR No16/2015, registered at PS ANF Clifton, Karachi for offence under Section 9(c) of the Control of Narcotic Substances Act, 1997. After regular trial, vide judgment dated 18.12.2021, appellant was convicted under section 9(c), Control of Narcotic Substances Act, 1997 and sentenced to imprisonment for life and to pay fine of Rs.300,000/-, in default whereof, he was ordered to undergo imprisonment for three years more. Appellant was extended benefit of section 382(b) Cr.PC.

2.         At the very outset, learned advocate for the appellant pointed out that charge was framed against the appellant for offence under Section 9(c) of the Control of Narcotic Substances Act, 1997 on 09.06.2015 in absence of defence counsel. In order to substantiate his submission, he made reference to the case diary of the said date of trial Court, which is silent about the presence of the defence counsel on the relevant date. Learned advocate for the appellant has also referred to Ex.5 at Page 119 of paper book, it is the statement filed by the advocate for the appellant after framing of the charge, in which he had undertaken to proceed with the case of the appellant. It is further submitted that charge was defective and illegality committed by the trial Court is not curable and it has caused serious prejudice to the appellant as offence under section 9(c) of the Control of Narcotic Substances Act, 1997, is punisbale for death or imprisonment for life.

3.         Mr. Habib Ahmed, Special Prosecutor ANF, after perusal of the record, confirmed that the charge against the appellant was framed by the trial Court in absence of the defence counsel.

4.         It may be observed that trial starts from the date of framing of the charge. Appellant was unrepresented on the date of framing of the charge, in a case which carries punishment for death or imprisonment for life. The illegality committed by the trial Court is not curable under the law. Such omission is contrary to fair trial as guaranteed under Article 10-A of Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973. When confronted such omission to the counsel for the parties, it was submitted that such omission could only be cured on remand of case. Reliance is placed upon the case of Bashir Ahmed vs. The State (SBLR 2021 Sindh 112).

5.       For the above stated reasons, impugned judgment dated 18.12.2021 is not sustainable under the law and the same is set aside. Appeal is allowed to that extent. The case is remanded back to the trial Court for framing the charge afresh, in presence of the defence counsel and for conducting trial afresh. Since the case is old of 2015, trial Court is directed to decide the case with three months, under intimation to this Court.

5.         In the end, learned advocate for the appellant submitted that since the case is remanded to the trial Court, the same may be directed to hear the bail application of the appellant during the pendency of the trial. The appellant would be at liberty to apply for the bail during the pendency of the trial, the same shall be decided by the trial Court strictly in accordance with law.

6.       Instant appeal is disposed of in the above terms.

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