C. P. No. D-626 of 2023



               Order with signature of Judge


1.                  For order on office objection.

2.                  For hearing of main case.




Petitioner No.1 present in person.

Mr. Abdul Waris Bhutto, Assistant Advocate General


Petitioner No.1 Mst. Haseena is present in person. Her daughter Mst.Sameena, the alleged detainee, has appeared and Mr. Mujahid Ali Tunio advocate files his vakalatnama on her behalf, which is taken on record. He under cover of his statement dated 10.01.2024 also files a copy of memo of C.P. No. S-1405/2023 filed by the alleged detainee before Principal Seat of this Court at Karachi and submits that it is still pending adjudication; same is taken on record. Learned counsel for the alleged detainee further submits that the alleged detainee apprehends imminent danger to her life at the hands of her mother/petitioner No.1 as well as previous husband Piyas Ali. As far as her alleged detention is concerned, she states that she has not been abducted by any one; besides, her uncle Roshan Ali/petitioner No.2 had got her released from Darul-Aman, later she shifted to Karachi, where she has been working as house-maid. She lastly submits that she would prefer to go to her own house instead of joining her mother/petitioner No.1.


Petitioner No.1 Mst. Haseena submits that her daughter Sameena has made a wrong statement as she is under compulsion, therefore, her custody may be given to her.


The alleged detainee, who is adult and sui juris, states that she has been divorced by her husband Piyas Ali and presently she apprehends imminent danger at the hands of her mother as well as previous husband. She further submits that she has not been detained or taken in custody by anyone, therefore petition in hand, in view of her statement, may be disposed of. Learned Additional Advocate General, Sindh as well as counsel for alleged detainee have no objection. Order accordingly.


Learned counsel for alleged detainee submits that some persons of in-laws of her previous family have gathered around the court premises, therefore, necessary protection may be provided to her for her safe journey to Karachi. Order accordingly.


Instant petition stands disposed of in above terms.






