Crl. Bail Appln. No. S- 496 of 2023.


Applicant:                   Bakhat Ali, through Mr. Ashfaq Hussain Abro, Advocate.


Respondent:                The State, through Mr. Ali Anwar Kandhro, Additional Prosecutor General.


Date of hearing:          19.02.2024.

Date of Order:                        19.02.2024.




Muhammad Saleem Jessar, J- Through captioned bail application, applicant Bakhat Ali son of Gul Muhammad Khakhrani has sought for post arrest bail in the case emanating from F.I.R No.24 of 2023, registered at P.S Rehmatpur, Larkana, for offense punishable under Sections 302, 120-B & 34 P.P.C. His similar plea was declined by learned 1st Additional Sessions Judge, Larkana, by dismissing his application vide Order dated 15.08.2023.


            The learned counsel for applicant is pressing this bail application on the ground that the parties have patched up outside the Court, as such some of legal heirs of deceased have filed their affidavits before this Court extending no objection to grant of bail in favor of the applicant. He further added that, two prosecution witnesses (who are shown as witnesses in F.I.R) have also put their appearance before this Court and they also extend no objection to grant of bail to the applicant.


            A bare perusal of the F.I.R reflects that the applicant has been nominated therein with specific role of strangulating the deceased with a rope, resulting into his death on the spot.


            As per progress report called from trial Court, the trial of the case has already commenced and learned trial Court has issued coercive process for procuring attendance of the prosecution witnesses to record their evidence. The alleged offenses are compoundable and as per counsel, the parties have patched up, therefore, it would be appropriate for them to file compromise application in the trial Court.


            Accordingly, the application in hands being devoid of merits is dismissed.





