Criminal Misc. Application No. 87 of 2023




  Present:             Mr. Justice Naimatullah Phulpoto

                                                                                                                            Mr. Justice Amjad Ali Sahito



1.      For orders on M.A.No. 1399/2023

2.      For hearing of main case





Mr. Muhammad Ali Jatoi Special Prosecutor ANF



NAIMATULLAH PHULPOTO, J.- Through this Criminal Misc. Application, The State/ANF has called in question order dated 24.11.2022 passed by Special Court-II( CNS), Karachi in Special Case No. 108/2022, whereby bail application moved on behalf of respondent Muhammad Siddique was granted subject to furnishing solvent surety in the sum of Rs.300,000/- and P.R bond in the like amount.

2.         Mr. Muhammad Ali Jatoi Special Prosecutor ANF submits that trial Court has granted bail without appreciating fact that huge quantity of prohibited tablets were recovered from the possession of the respondent; that bail granting order is patently illegal and has resulted into miscarriage of justice. Lastly, it is submitted that bail granted to the respondent by the trial Court may be cancelled.

3.         We have heard Special Prosecutor ANF and with his assistance perused the relevant record.

4.         It appears that learned Special Court-II (CNS), Karachi in para-7 of the bail granting order observed that bail has been granted to an accused by this Court in similar circumstances and yet it is to be determined whether recovered tablets fall under the provisions of CNS Act 1997. Supreme Court in Criminal Petition No.75-K of 2022, in similar circumstances did not cancel bail of the accused while observing as under:

“2. At the very outset, we asked from learned Special Prosecutor, ANF that one year has passed since grant of bail and as to whether respondent has misused concession of bail. The answer was no. We have also gone through the impugned order. Although certain observations were made but ultimately the High Court observed that it will be the Trial Court who will determine during trial whether the alleged medicated tablets fall within the definition of narcotics, drugs etc., so the High Court has not given a positive observation regarding non-attraction of the concerned sections. The report from the Trial Court is also received, according to which the Special Prosecutor ANF is reluctant to argue the matter before the Trial Court at the stage of framing of charge. As there is no allegation of misuse of concession of bail against the respondent so without dilating upon the merits of the case, we are not inclined to cancel the bail. Petition is, therefore, dismissed. Needless to observe that the observations made by the High Court in the impugned order will not be a hurdle before the Trial Court in any manner and the Trial Court shall decide the case on its own merits, after recording evidence and going through the relevant law, without being influenced by the same.    


5.         In the case reported as Saeed Ullah and 2 others vs. The State and another (2023 SCMR 1397), Apex Court has framed following seven guidelines for the purpose of cancellation of bail:-

       "i) If the bail granting order is patently illegal, erroneous, factually incorrect and has resulted into miscarriage of justice.

       ii) That the accused has misused the concession of bail in any manner.

       iii) That accused has tried to hamper prosecution evidence by persuading/pressurizing prosecution witnesses.

       iv) That there is likelihood of absconsion of the accused beyond the jurisdiction of court.

       v) That the accused has attempted to interfere with the smooth course of investigation.

       vi) That accused misused his liberty while indulging into similar offence.

       vii) That some fresh facts and material has been collected during the course of investigation which tends to establish guilt of the accused."


6.         On our specific query, Special Prosecutor ANF admitted that none of the above-said principles have been violated, which could be made basis to cancel the bail granted by the learned Trial Court.

7.         In the present case neither of the aforementioned grounds have been specifically taken or argued. The nature of narcotics substance allegedly recovered is yet to be determined at trial. No case for cancellation of bail is made out. Consequently, instant Criminal Misc. Application is dismissed with direction to trial Court to decide the case expeditiously. 




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