Spl. Crl. Jail Appeal No. D – 35 of 2019



                                                          Mr. Justice Zafar Ahmed Rajput,

                                                                      Mr. Justice Irshad Ali Shah.


Appellant:                            Sikander Ali son of Dur Muhammad bycaste Golo.(Now confined in Central Jail Khairpur)


Through Mr. Rukhsar Ahmed Junejo, Advocate.


The State:                              Through Mr. Aftab Ahmed Shar, Additional P.G for the State.  


Date of hearing:                  21-02-2023.

Date of decision:                 21-02-2023.


J U D G M E N T.


IRSHAD ALI SHAH, J; It  is the case of prosecution that the appellant and absconding accused Mir Hassan Brohi were found in possession/transporting  40 mounds of Poppy straw, duly packed in 64 sacks, through their Truck, for that they were booked and reported upon by the police party of PS Excise Kotdiji. On conclusion of trial, the appellant was convicted u/s 9 (C) of CNS Act, 1997 and sentenced to undergo Imprisonment for life and to pay fine of Rs. 50,000/- and in default whereof to undergo Simple Imprisonment for 03 months with benefit of section 382(b) Cr.P.C, by learned 1st Additional Sessions/Special Judge (CNS) Khairpur, vide judgment dated 26-02-2019, which is impugned by the appellant before this court by preferring the instant appeal from jail.

2.         At the very outset, it is pointed out by learned counsel for the appellant and learned Additional P.G for the state that examination in chief of the complainant and his witnesses has been recorded in absence of counsel for the appellant, which was contrary to mandate contained by Circular 6 of Chapter VI of Federal Capital and Sindh Courts Criminal Circulars, which call for recording of evidence in such like case in presence of counsel for the appellant as it involves capital punishment. By pointing out so, they suggested for remand of the case for re-examination of the complainant and his witnesses in accordance with law. In support of their suggestion, they relied upon case of Bashir Ahmed vs. The State (SBLR 2021 Sindh 112).

3.         Heard, perused the record.

4.         The omission, pointed out above by learned counsel for the parties takes support from the record, same being incurable in terms of Section 537 Cr.P.C has occasioned in failure of justice and it has also denied right of fair trial to the appellant which is prescribed by Article 10-A of Constitution of Republic of Pakistan, 1973; consequently, the impugned judgment is set aside with direction to learned trial Court to re-examine the complainant and his witnesses in accordance with law and then to make fresh disposal of the case without being influenced by earlier findings; such exercise to be completed preferably within 03 months after receipt of copy of this judgment.

5.         Instant Crl. Jail Appeal is disposed of accordingly.




