C.P No. D- 884 of 2020 along with

C.P Nos. D- 885, 1064 & 1065 of 2020


Date                      Order with signature of Judge




1.   For order on office objection.

2.   For hearing of Misc. No. 4197/2020

3.   For hearing of main case.




Mr. S. Anayat H. Shah, Advocate for Petitioners in C.P No. D- 884 and D-885 of 2020 and for Respondents in C.P No. D-1064 & D-1065 of 2020.

Mr. Ch. Azhar Illahi along with Mr. Gul Hassan Abbasi, Advocates for Respondents in C.P No. D- 884 and D-885 of 2020 and for Petitioners in C.P No. D-1064 & D-1065 of 2020.

Mr. Ali Safdar Depar, AAG.



          By consent all these Petitions are disposed of. The impugned Judgment passed by the Sindh Labour Appellate Tribunal dated 13.12.2019 and Order(s) of Sindh Labour Court No.V dated 26.3.2019 and 28.09.2019 are hereby set aside. The matter shall be deemed to be pending before the Labour Court, and the question of jurisdiction of Labour Court, as raised on behalf of the Management / Company shall be decided first as to whether the Company is a Trans-Provincial Organization or not. Once question of jurisdiction is decided, only then appropriate orders may be passed on the grievance petition in accordance with law. Since the matter has already consumed time, therefor, let this exercise by carried out preferably within a period of ninety (90) days from today.

          All petitions stand disposed of in the above terms along with pending applications. Office to place copy of this order in the connected petitions, as above and shall also issue copy of the same to Labour Court No.V, at Karachi for information and compliance.


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Ayaz P.S.