C.P.No.S-652 of 2022

(Muhammad Khan vs. Government of Sindh and others)


DATE                            ORDER WITH SIGNATURE OF JUDGE(s)


Before: Irshad Ali Shah J.


1.     For orders on CMA No. 4277/2022 (U/A)

2.     For order on office objection No. 1 & 18 and reply of counsel as Flag A

3.     For order on CMA No. 4278/2022 (Exemption)

4.     For hearing of main case




Mr. Gul Muhammad Farooqui advocate for the petitioner



1.       Urgent application is granted.

2&3.  Deferred.

4.       It is stated by learned counsel for the petitioner that the respondents to be restrained from arresting the petitioner without permission of the Court and they also be directed to produce the record of FIR against the petitioner, if any, before this Court.


The arrest of the accused involved in a criminal case could only be made on the basis of well-founded accusation, therefore, arrest of any person by the police on the basis of well-founded action being legal could not be conditioned with the permission of this Court. If the petitioner is having a feeling that any FIR is lodged against him then he could have its copy by approaching the Magistrate having jurisdiction without asking for its copy through this Court. Instant petition being misconceived is dismissed in limine.  



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