Criminal  Misc. Application No. S- 98 of 2022


Date of hearing

Order with signature of Judge


Fresh case.


1.   For orders on office/objection at Flag ‘A’.

2.   For orders on MA No. 916/2022 (Ex)

3.   For hearing of main case.




          Mr. Achar Khan Gabol Advocate holding brief for Haji Shamsuddin Rajper advocate for applicant and requests for adjournment on the ground that latter learned counsel is out of station. Request is declined.

2.      The instant application was presented on 22.02.2022, first time it was fixed before the Court on 25.02.2022 but applicant and his counsel were called absent and no intimation was received.

3.      Through this Criminal Misc. Application learned counsel for applicant has impugned the order dated 28.01.2022 wherein an application under section 22-A B Cr.P.C for registration of FIR was dismissed by learned Additional Sessions Judge/Justice of Peace, Gambat.

4.      I have perused the impugned order carefully and perused the material brought on record. Relevant para No.4  thereof is re‑produced as under:


“ 4. The applicant herein has failed to show that before filing this petition,  concerned higher police officer was moved for the registration of FIR. It floats on record that before alleged incident, there was dispute between parties. Petitioner has approached this office with certain unexplained delay and the story of the incident narrated in the petition is not only vague and short of material particulars but it was hardly believable. Besides, petitioner has failed to cite any independent witness of the incident. Finally, police have also belied the truth of the offence alleged in the petition. Above all, it is common practice in the locality that people in order to settle the old scores with their rivals or to resolve civil dispute often bring up criminal proceedings with the concocted and/or exaggerated stories


5.      In view of above, I find no illegality or irregularity while passing the impugned order which is speaking and the same does not requires any interference, therefore the instant Criminal Revision Application stands dismissed.  


