Cr. Bail Appln. No. S – 516 of 2021


Applicant      :           Mst. Deeba W/o Abdul Razak, Makrani

                                    Through Mr. Muhammad Shakeel Lakho, Advocate


Respondent :           The State

                                    Through Mr. Aftab Ahmed Shar, Additional PG for State


Dated of hearing:    27.09.2021

Date of order :         27.09.2021


O R D E R  

AMJAD ALI SAHITO, J – Through this bail application, the applicant/accused seeks post-arrest bail in Crime No.197 of 2021 registered at Police Station ‘B’ Section Khairpur for an offence punishable under Section 9(c) Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997. The bail plea of the applicant/accused has been declined by learned Ist. Additional Sessions Judge/MCTC), Special Judge for (CNS) Khairpur vide order dated 17.07.2021.

2.        Precisely the facts of the prosecution case are that on 01.07.2021 complainant ASI Mureed Hussain Pitafi lodged the report on behalf of State at P.S ‘B’ Section Khairpur, stating therein that on the date of incident, he along with his subordinate staff each PC Javed Ali, PC Sajad Ali were on patrolling in the jurisdiction, when they reached on National Highway heading towards Shah Hussain, suddenly they saw a woman going towards southern side, carrying a green colour plastic bag and on seeing the police she tried to escape in the western side date-palm trees, she was apprehended and the plastic bag was taken from her custody, due to non-availability of private persons, PC Javed Ali and PC Sajjad Ali were appointed as mashirs, on enquiry she disclosed her name as Mst. Deeba W/o Abdul Razak Makrani, R/o Nawabshah (SBA), her personal search was got conducted from a passerby lady, from her possession cash of Rs.300/- were secured, whereas, on searching the plastic bag it was found containing 2000 grams of Opium, which was immediately sealed at the spot and such mashirnama of arrest and recovery of Opium was prepared in presence of the mashirs. Thereafter the apprehended lady accused along with contraband Opium was brought at Police Station, where the FIR was registered on behalf of the State.

3.        It is contended by learned counsel that the applicant/accused is innocent and has falsely been implicated in this case by the complainant infact no such recovery of contraband Opium has been affected from the applicant/accused; that the alleged Opium has been foisted upon the applicant/accused by the police; that there is no independent eyewitness or mashir of the alleged recovery; that the witnesses and mashirs are police officials, therefore, their version cannot be believed as trustworthy and confidence inspiring; that there is delay of five days in sending the alleged contraband Opium to the Chemical Examiner Rohri for analysis. In support of his contentions, he has relied upon the case of  Gul Hassan vs. The State (2019 P Cr. L J 957 [Balochistan]). He lastly prayed that the applicant/accused may be enlarged on bail.

4.        Learned Additional PG appearing for the State prayed for dismissal of instant bail application by contending that the applicant/accused was apprehended and 2000 grams of Opium were secured from her possession and the entire contraband Opium was sent to the Chemical Examiner, whereas, the report of the Chemical Examiner is in positive. In support of his contentions, he has relied upon the case of Noor Khan vs. The State (2021 SCMR 1212).

5.        I have heard the learned counsel for the applicant/accused, learned Additional PG for the State and perused the record. As per the contents of the FIR, the police party while patrolling in the jurisdiction of police station ‘B’ Section Khairpur apprehended the applicant/accused along with a plastic bag and on search of the said plastic bag 2000 grams of Opium was secured from her possession. The police has immediately sealed the entire recovered Opium and sent the same to the Chemical Examiner for analysis and the report of the Chemical Examiner is in positive. The version of the complainant is fully supported by the witnesses in their 161 Cr.P.C statements. I am also fortified by case of Noor Khan (supra). The offence with which the applicant/accused is charged is against the society, therefore, in such circumstances, the applicant/accused has not been able to make-out a case for grant of bail. Consequently, the instant bail application being devoid of merits is dismissed. The case law relied upon by learned counsel for the applicant/accused relates to the sending of the contraband with delay to the Chemical Examiner, whereas, in the present case there is no delay in sending the contraband to the Chemical Examiner, hence the same cannot be relied upon.

6.        The observations made hereinabove are tentative in nature and will not prejudice the case of either party at the trial.
