Judgment Sheet


Cr. Acq. Appeal No. D – 99 of 2011

Cr. Rev. App. No. D – 112 of 2011

Cr. Jail Appeal No. S – 159 of 2011



Before :

Mr. Justice Naimatullah Phulpoto

Mr. Justice Rasheed Ahmed Soomro



Date of hearing        :           29.08.2019.



Mr. Ghulam Shabbir Dayo, Advocate for appellant in Criminal Jail Appeal No. S-159/2011 and for private respondents No.1 to 4 in Criminal Acquittal Appeal No. D-99/2011 and for respondent No.1 in Criminal Revision Application No. D-112/2011

Mr. Shabbir Ali Bozdar, Advocate for appellant in Criminal Acquittal Appeal No. D-99/2011 and for applicant in Criminal Revision Application No. D-112/2011.

Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Jatoi, Additional Prosecutor General.






NAIMATULLAH PHULPOTO, J. – Muhammad Paryal Soomro, appellant along with co-accused Sobharo, Muhammad Saleem, Gulab and Ghazi (since acquitted), was tried by learned Ist Additional Sessions Judge, Sukkur in Sessions Case No.239/2007, Crime No.72/2007 registered at Police Station Baiji Sharif for offences under Sections 302, 452, 148, 149, 504, PPC. On the conclusion of the trial, vide judgment dated 23.11.2011, co‑accused Sobharo, Muhammad Saleem, Gulab and Ghazi were acquitted. However, Muhammad Paryal, appellant was convicted under Section 302(b), PPC and sentenced to imprisonment for life and to pay the compensation of Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees one lac) in terms of Section 544‑A, Cr.P.C, to be paid to the legal heirs of the deceased. In case of the default in the payment of fine, he was ordered to suffer R.I for six months more. Appellant was extended benefit of Section 382(b) Cr.P.C.

2.         Brief facts of the prosecution case, as disclosed in the FIR, are that complainant Farooq Ahmed lodged FIR on 24.08.2007 alleging therein that Altaf Hussain aged about 23-24 years (now deceased) was the brother of the complainant. House of accused Muhammad Paryal is adjacent to the house of the deceased and there was old dispute between the complainant party and accused over the rotation of water. It is further alleged that on the day of incident at about 1530 hours, complainant and his brother Altaf and relatives Sain Dino and Kamran were present in the house and saw that accused Muhammad Paryal and his son Gulab were connecting the electric line passing over the house of the complainant. It is alleged that complainant protested and accused became annoyed and went to his house. After sometime, accused namely Muhammad Paryal, Ghazi, Abdul Momin, Gulab, Saleem and Sobharo returned to the house of the complainant angrily. Out of them, it is alleged that accused Muhammad Paryal abused the complainant and said as to why he had objected on connection of the electricity wire. Thereafter, declared that complainant party would not be spared. On saying so, it is stated that Muhammad Paryal fired from his pistol upon the complainant party, which hit to deceased Altaf and he fell down. Thereafter, complainant party entered the accused persons in the name of Almighty Allah. Thereafter, accused persons went away. Complainant saw that his brother Altaf had sustained firearm injury at his chest and he went unconscious. Thereafter, complainant party took Altaf in the injured condition to Taluka Hospital, Pano Aqil where he succumbed to the injuries. Complainant went to the Police Station Baiji Sharif and lodged FIR on the same date. It was recorded on 24.08.2007 at 1645 hours vide Crime No.72/2007 for offences under Sections 302, 452, 148, 149, 504, PPC, 13(d) A.O.

3.         Learned counsel for appellant Muhammad Paryal Soomro pointed out that with regard to the same incident, FIR was also lodged by appellant Muhammad Paryal at the same Police Station. It was recorded on the same date i.e. 24.08.2007 at 1830 hours vide Crime No.73/2007 for offences under Sections 324, 452, 336, 148, 149, 114, 337-H(2), 436, 427, 504, PPC.

4.         After usual investigation, challan was submitted in this case / Crime No.72/2007 against appellant Paryal and his sons namely Sobharo, Muhammad Saleem, Gulab and Ghazi for offences under Sections 302, 452, 148, 149, 504, PPC, whereas, the name of Abdul Momin was placed in column No.2 of the challan. As regard to the case lodged by Muhammad Paryal is concerned, it was also challaned against the complainant party, in which accused persons were shown as Abdul Hafeez, Sain Dino, Abdul Latif, Malik Dino, Abdul Qadir, Abdul Khaliq, Nek Muhammad, Gul Muhammad, Abdul Raheem and Zamir Ahmed. Unfortunately, learned Ist Additional Sessions Judge, Sukkur held separate trials of both cases.

5.         Charge against appellant Muhammad Paryal, Sobharo, Muhammad Saleem, Gulab and Ghazi under above referred sections was recorded at Ex.11. All the accused pleaded not guilty and claimed to be tried.

6.         At the trial, prosecution examined nine (09) PWs namely Farooq Ahmed, Sain Dino, Kaman Khan, Ghulam Nabi, Kashmir Ahmed, Ghulam Shabir, Gul Hassan, Wazir Ahmed and Ubedullah. Thereafter, learned DDPP closed the prosecution side.

7.         Statements of accused were recorded under Section 342, Cr. P.C at Ex.31 to 35, in which accused claimed false implication in this case and denied the prosecution allegations. Accused declined to examine themselves on oath in disproof of prosecution allegations and led no evidence.

8.         After hearing the arguments of the learned counsel for the parties and assessment of the evidence available on record, trial Court vide judgment dated 23.11.2011, convicted appellant Muhammad Paryal under Section 302(b), PPC and sentenced him imprisonment for life, however, Sobharo, Muhammad Saleem, Gulab and Ghazi were acquitted.

9.         It may be mentioned here that a case bearing Crime No.73/2007 lodged by appellant Muhammad Paryal had proceeded before the trial Court and ended to the acquittal vide judgment dated 23.11.2011. Acquittal was challenged by the appellant before this Court and Criminal Acquittal Appeal No. S-101/2011 was dismissed by this Court.

10.       Facts of this case as well as evidence find and elaborate mention in the judgment of the trial Court. We avoid repetition and duplication.

11.       Mr. Ghulam Shabbir Dayo, learned advocate for appellant Muhammad Paryal Soomro has mainly contended that on the same set of evidence, accused Sobharo, Muhammad Saleem, Gulab and Ghazi have been acquitted and appellant has been convicted. It is submitted that evidence of the eyewitnesses could not be believed to the extent of the present accused. He has placed reliance upon the principle of falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus reported in PLD 2019 Supreme Court 527. Mr. Dayo further submitted that presence of eyewitnesses at the place of incident was doubtful as their 161 Cr.P.C statements were recorded after seven days. He has also submitted that recovery of the pistol from the possession of the appellant would not be helpful to the case of prosecution as it was not dispatched to ballistic expert promptly and it was retained by the Investigation Officer for more than one month. It is further submitted that safe custody and safe transmission of the pistol to the ballistic expert have also not been established. Lastly submitted that there are several circumstances in the case which created reasonable doubt in prosecution. In support of his contention, he relied upon the case of Allah Bachaya and another v. The State reported in PLD 2008 Supreme Court 349.

12.       Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Jatoi, Additional Prosecutor General conceded to the legal position that principle of falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus is attracted to the case of the appellant and he did not support the case of prosecution.

13.       In order to properly appreciate the contentions of learned counsel for the parties, relevant portion of judgment of trial Court dated 23.11.2011 is reproduced as under:

Point No.02

            This is the most important point where we are to sift the chaffs from the grains in order to arrive at a right conclusion. The prosecution has brought the evidence of complainant Farooq Ahmed and P.Ws Saindino and Kaman, mashir Ghulam Nabi, Kashmir Ahmed, Inspector Ghulam Shabir, HC Wazir Ahmed and Tapedar Ubedullah, there are the material witnesses of the incidnent.

            Complainant Farooq Ahmed is brother of deceased Altaf Hussain. The complainant has deposed that on 24.8.2007, he alongwith deceased Altaf Hussain, Saindino and Kaman were available at his house. It was about 3.15/3.30 p.m, they saw accused Muhammad Paryal and his son Gullab were available on the roof of their house for electric connection, on that his younger brother Altaf Hussain asked them as to why they have come at the roof of their house inspite of the fact that there is a dispute between them over a rotation of water and use of public passage. On that both Muhammad Paryal and his Gullab came down from the roof. After five minutes five persons alongwith Muhammad Paryal, Ghazi, Saleem Sobaro and Gullam came at their house. Accused Muhammad Paryal armed with pistol, Ghazi with gun, Gullab, Saleem and Sobharo were armed with Danda. Accused Muhammad Paryal threatened to Altaf Hussain that they would kill him. Accused Muhammad Paryal made straight fire at Altaf Hussain which hit him on chest and he fell down. They gave them the names of Almighty “ALLAH”, thereafter all the accused persons run away to their house. During running accused Sobharo fallen down and sustained injuries. Thereafter they brought Altaf Hussain to Taluka Hospital Pano Aqil where doctor declared Altaf Hussain dead. He left the P.Ws Saindino and Kaman over dead body of Altaf Hussain and went to police station Baiji Sharif for lodging of FIR, where he lodged report against the accused persons. He showed the dead body of Altaf Hussain at Taluka Hospital Pano Aqil where the dead body was inspected by the police officer. Thereafter he showed the place of incident where the incident had happened. Police collected blood stained earth and one empty of T.T pistol and sealed it and earth separately at the spot. He identified all the accused persons available in the court who have committed the murder of deceased Altaf Hussain. His evidence is challenged by the defence counsel in cross-examination. He has denied the suggestions of defence counsel and nothing was extracted excepting some minor contradictions, which are bound to be occurred as the incident took place in the year 2007 and complainant was examined after lapse of 2/3 years in the year 2010.

            Next is evidence of eye witnesses namely Saindino and Kaman who have fully supported the evidence of complainant Farooq Ahmed as well as version of FIR, their evidence is also challenged by the defence counsel in cross-examination. They have dened the suggestions of defence counsel and nothing was extracted excepting some minor contradictions. They have also fully supported the case of prosecution on point of occurrence of incident, place of occurrence, date and time of occurrence.

            Next is evidence of SIO/Inspector Ghulam Shabir Areejo, who has deposed that on 24.8.2007 he was posted as SIO/SIP at police station Baiji Sharif and received FIR of Crime No.72/2007 under section 302 PPC PS Baiji Sharif for investigation. Complainant Farooq Ahmed Soomro also appeared to him and he disclosed the culprits namely Muhammad Paryal, Sobharo, Gullab, Saleem and Abdul Momin, Ghazi have murdered his brother namely Altaf Hussain in first instance he was injured and removed by him to hospital where deceased died away. Thereafter, he proceeded towards hospital Pano Aqil alongwith his sub-ordinate police officials and private mashirs were available there, their names were Sikander Ali and Kashmir Khan. He checked the dead body which was lying in mortuary room in presence of above named private mashirs, prepared such mashirnama of dead body. He seek the mashirnama at Ex.24/A, admitted the same to be correct. He also prepared inquest form in the mortuary room while visiting the dead body in presence of both mashirs. Post mortem was conducted in the hospital thereafter P.C who had produced the dead body before doctor Nazir Ahmed Shaikh received and produced the clothes of deceased to him and dead body. He prepared such mashirnama with signatures of mashirs Sikander and Kashmir Khan. He handed over the dead body to brother of deceased Farooq under receipt. Thereafter, he visited the palce of vardat in presence of above named mashirs found the house of complainant having two pacca rooms and one wooden door at the corner of south and east, entered into the house in presence of mashirs and found the blood was lying on the ground nearby kitchen of the house in the courtyard of it. Complainant was available there and he disclosed that accused Muhammad Paryal fired upon his brother Altaf Hussain which he received and fell down on the ground. He further disclosed that the blood was of his brother. He collected the blood from ground in one Jar in presence of mashirs, sealed the same. He collected one empty bullet on 6/7 paces from blood lying on the ground on southern side in the courtyard. He sealed the recovered empty in presence of mashirs, prepared mashirnama with their signatures. He came to know in the instant case one accused became injured who was admitted in Taluka Hospital Pano Aqil. He arrested him in the hospital under mashirnama of same mashirs with their signature. Then returned to P.S in the office of WHC where accused Muhammad Paryal of Crime No.72/2007 under section 302 PPC was available and sitting arrested, in presence of HC Lal Dino and PC Shafi Muhammad. He prepared such mashirnama of arrest of accused Muhammad Paryal with signatures of mashirs named above. He issued letter to Mukhtiarkar Revenue Taluka Pano Aqil for sketch. He sent sealed blood to chemical examiner Rohri with letter for its report. On 31.8.2007 he recorded the statements of P.Ws Saindino and Kaman under section 161 Cr. PC at P.S excepting accused Abdul Momin all accused were involved by them in their statement in this case. He got recorded the statement of P.Ws Saindino and Kaman from Judicial Magistrate concerned under section 164 Cr. PC. He started interrogation to accused Muhammad Paryal on the same date 31.8.2007 while taking out from lockup of P.S in presence of PC Shafi Muhammad and PC Manzoor Ahmed and PC Ghulam Qadir, who admitted the guilt and disclosed that the same pistol with which he committed murder of deceased Altaf and kept the same in shade of kitchen while wrapping in the plastic bag, thereafter he took the accused handcuffed in private vehicle towards his house in presence of PC Ghulam Qadir, PC Shafi Muhammad and PC Manzoor Ahmed vide entry No.13 at 1530 hours, when they reached at Degree college Pano Aqil, mashir Sikander Ali and Kashmir were taken and they disclosed them that accused had admitted his guilt of present offence and he is ready to produce such incriminating weapon from his house. They accompanied with themselves, reached at house and accused led them in his house it was 1550 hours, produced pistol while taking out from the plastic from the pointed place viz. shade of kitchen. He checked the pistol and found loaded with three live bullets. He enquired from the accused about its valid license but he could not produce the same. Mashirnama was prepared by him in presence of both private mashirs with their signature. He sealed the recovered pistol alongwith bullets in presence of mashirs and returned to P.S and lodged FIR under section 13 (e) A.O against the accused. On 01.9.2007 accused Sobharo, Saleem and Gullab voluntarily prepared to produce the lathies used in crime and then we on their pointation proceeded towards their village and reached outside of the village near date palm trees, where accused taken out the lathies while digging the earth from there in presence of both mashirs. Prepared such mashirnama in presence of two private mashirs Sikander and Kashmir Khan. He sealed the lathies separately recovered from each accused. He also then sent the recovered pistol and bullets to ballistic expert AIR criminal for expert opinion. He received the reports of chemical examiner and ballistic expert report. After usual investigation he submitted the challan of instant case in the court of law. He identified the accused and case property are the same.

            Next is evidence of mashirs Kashmir, LPC Ghulam Nabi, they have supported the evidence of SIO Inspector Ghulam Shabir as well as mashirnamas.

            The learned counsel for the defence despite of lengthy cross examination to S.I.O and mashirs have not succeeded to shatter/shake their evidence and there is no any material contradiction to disbelieve the said recovery of incriminating weapons which has come on record.

            It is quite clear that the recovery of weapon used in the crime by the accused Muhammad Paryal is proved which was produced by accused before police in presence of mashirs and the same is also corroborated by the recovery of some blood stained earth and empty of pistol from the scene of offence. As such the ocular evidence is corroborated circumstantial evidence.

1.      MOTIVE.

      I have already mentioned above that the complainant Farooq and P.Ws Saindino and Kaman Khan have stated in their depositions clearly that there is going on old enmity over the rotation of water of land (Kasi), criminally assaulted and challenged deceased that he will be murdered due to old enmity going on with complainant and accused party. Resultantly accused Muhammad Paryal made fire shot from his respective weapon at deceased, the accused have failed to prove/establish their defence plea, which is discussed as under:-

      Contrary it is proved that on 24.8.2007 at 1530 hours at the house of complainant situated at village Bahadur Dakhan Taluka Pano Aqil, District Sukkur duly armed with deadly weapons viz. Pistol, Gun and lathies tress passed in the house of complainant forcibly and on prevention of complainant party not to take the electric connection over their house annoyed accused Muhammad Paryal committed the murder of deceased Altaf while giving him fire arm injuries. The fire shot injuries to deceased Altaf is attributed to accused Muhammad Paryal. The evidence of complainant and eye witness named above appears to be transparent and confidence inspiring which is corroborated by medical and circumstantial evidence. There appears no any inconsistency in Medical, ocular and circumstantial evidence brought by prosecution on these points. The deceased is a real brother of complainant. There is no reason to believe that he has substituted the present accused in place of real culprits. Therefore, I answer the point under discussion as affirmative.

      So far case against co-accused Sobharo, Muhammad Saleem, Gullab and Ghazi is concerned, the allegation against them is that they were present at the place of incident but no specific role of causing injury or committing murder of deceased is attributed upon them, though they were sons of co-accused Muhammad Paryal and brothers inter-se, in this regard complainant and P.Ws have not deposed against the accused persons whether they have played any role while committing the murder of deceased Altaf, therefore, case against accused Sobharo, Muhammad Saleem, Gullab and Ghazi is not proved.

14.       After hearing learned counsel for the appellant as well as Additional Prosecutor General and Mr. Shabbir Ali Bozdar, counsel for the complainant, we have carefully perused the evidence recorded by the trial Court. Record reflects that complainant has deposed as under:

I am complainant in this case. Deceased Altaf Hussain was my younger brother. On 24.8.2007 I alongwith deceased Altaf Hussain; Saindino and Kaman were available at my house. It was about 3.15/3.30 p:m, we saw accused Muhammad Paryal and his son Gulab were available on the roof of our house for electric connection. On that my younger brother Altaf Hussain asked them as to why they have come on at the roof of their house inspite of the fact that there is a dispute between them over a rotation of water and used of a public passage. On that both Muhammad Paryal and his son Gulab came down from thereof. After five minutes five persons alongwith Muhammad Paryal and Ghazi, Saleem, Sobharo and Gulab came in our house. Accused Saleem and Sobharo were armed with Danda. Muhammad Paryal accused threated to Altaf Hussain that they would kill him. Accused Muhammad Paryal made straight fire at Altaf Hussain which hit him on chest and he fell down. We gave them the names of Almighty Allah, thereafter all the accused persons run away to their house. During running accused Sobharo fallen down and sustained injuries. Thereafter we brought Altaf Hussain to Taluka Hospital Pano Akil where doctor declared Altaf Hussain dead. I left PWs Saindino and Kaman over dead body of Altaf Hussain and came at the Police Station Baiji Sharif for FIR, where I lodged report against the accused persons. I produce the FIR as Ex.17/A. It is same correct and bears my signature. Thereafter I showed the dead body of Altaf Hussain at Taluka Hospital Pano Akil where the dead body was inspected by the Police officer. Thereafter I showed the place of incident where the incident had happened. Police officials collected blood stained earth and an empty of TT pistol and sealed it and earth separately at the spot. Accused Muhammad Paryal, Gulab, Ghazi, Saleem and Sobharo are present in the Court are same while accused Abdul Momin is absconder. 

15.       Other eyewitnesses have also given more or less same version before the trial Court at the time of evidence. We have noticed that on the same set of evidence / ocular evidence of complainant and PWs, trial Court has acquitted co-accused Sobharo, Muhammad Saleem, Gulab and Ghazi, but on the basis of evidence of same witnesses, trial Court has recorded conviction against the appellant. It is settled law that by now if a set of witnesses is disbelieved to the extent of some accused the same cannot be believed to the extent of remaining accused facing the same trial without there being any independent and strong corroboration. In this regard, Hon'ble Supreme Court in the case of Altaf Hussain v. The State reported in 2019 SCMR 274 held as under:

7.      There is another aspect of the case. As stated earlier besides the appellant three other persons were also indicted in this case three of whom namely Nisar Ahmad, Muhammad Aslam and Mst. Amiran were acquitted by the learned trial court. PSLA No.67 of 2013 filed by the complainant against their acquittal was dismissed by the learned appellate court which was not assailed any further either by the complainant or the State and as such their acquittal attained finality. It is well settled by now that if a set of witnesses is disbelieved to the extent of some accused the same cannot be believed to the extent of remaining accused facing the same trial without there being any independent and strong corroboration. Upon scrutiny of the material available on record we have not been able to find any corroboration to maintain conviction and sentence of the appellant on a capital charge. 

16.       Law is very settled that said evidence cannot be believed to the extent of the present appellant for the reason that principle of sifting grain from chaff is no more applicable and trial Court has wrongly relied upon it, rather principle of falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus has been made applicable for deciding the criminal cases by the judgment recently by Hon'ble Supreme Court in the case of Notice to Police Constable Khizar Hayat son of Hadait Ullah reported in PLD 2019 Supreme Court 527. Relevant portion of the judgment is reproduced as under:

21.    We may observe in the end that a judicial system which permits deliberate falsehood is doomed to fail and a society which tolerates it is destined to self-destruct. Truth is the foundation of justice and justice is the core and bedrock of a civilized society and, thus, any compromise on truth amounts to a compromise on a society’s future as a just, fair and civilized society. Our judicial system has suffered a lot as a consequence of the above mentioned permissible deviation from the truth and it is about time that such a colossal wrong may be rectified in all earnestness. Therefore, in light of the discussion made above, we declare that the rule of falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus shall henceforth be an integral part of our jurisprudence in criminal cases and the same shall be given effect to, followed and applied by all the courts in the country in its letter and spirit. It is also directed that a witness found by a court to have resorted to a deliberate falsehood on a material aspect shall, without any latitude, invariably be proceeded against for committing perjury.

17.       Apart from the above legal position, it is the matter of record that deceased was accompanied by other eyewitness namely Farooq Ahmed, Sain Dino and Kaman Khan. Presence of the eyewitnesses on the crime spot due to their unnatural conduct has also become highly doubtful and we have examined their conduct in the view of provisions of Article 129 of the Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, which is to the following effect:

S. 129. Court may presume existence of certain facts.---The Court may presume the existence of any fact which it thinks likely to have happened, regard being had to the common course of natural events, human conduct and public and private business, in their relation to the facts of the particular case––

            Therefore, no reliance can be placed upon their testimony. Moreover, 161 Cr.P.C statements of the PWs were recorded after about seven days without any plausible explanation. Rightly reliance has been placed upon the cases of Syed Saeed Muhammad Shah and another v. The State reported in 1993 SCMR 550 and Rahat Ali v. The State reported in 2010 SCMR 584. There is also background of enmity between the parties. Appellant had also lodged counter case FIR bearing Crime No.73/2007 at the same Police Station, but it is surprising to note that trial Court did not try both cases together, which was the requirement of the law.

18.       In the view of above evidence, legal position and circumstances of the case, we have come to the conclusion that there are several circumstances in the case, which created genuine doubt. It is cardinal principle of criminal jurisprudence that any genuine doubt arising out of the circumstances of the case should be extended to the accused as of right and not as concession. Resultantly, Criminal Jail Appeal No. S-159/2011 is allowed. Conviction and sentence recorded by learned Ist Additional Sessions Judge, Sukkur vide judgment dated 23.11.2011 passed in Sessions Case No.239/2007, Crime No.72/2007 registered at Police Station Baiji Sharif for offences under Sections 302, 452, 148, 149, 504, PPC are set aside. Appellant Muhammad Paryal son of Muhammad Ishaque Soomro is acquitted; he is ordered to be released from jail forthwith, if he is not required in some other criminal case. So far Criminal Acquittal Appeal No. D-99/2011 is concerned, Additional Prosecutor General has submitted that trial Court has rightly acquitted the co-accused and in the view of above discussion, we find no merit in it; the same is dismissed. Consequently, Criminal Revision Application No. D-112/2011 is also without merit; same is also dismissed.

19.       These are the reasons for our short order announced by us on 29th August 2019.





Abdul Basit