Order Sheet


C. P. No. D – 644 of 2020


Before :

Mr. Justice Adnan-ul-Karim Memon

Mr. Justice Yousuf Ali Sayeed


Petitioners                 :           Mst. Aneeta and another

Through Mr. Muhammad Azam K. Narejo, Advocate


Respondents 1 to 9 :           Province of Sindh and others

Through Mr. Ahmed Ali Shahani, Assistant Advocate General Sindh and Khalil Ahmed Matelo, DPG


            Respondents 10 to15:         Nek Muhammad and others

                                                            Through Mr. Noor Muhammad Soomro



Date of hearing        :           23.07.2020.


Date of order             :           23.07.2020.






ADNAN-UL-KARIM MEMON, J.            Through this petition, the petitioners have prayed for quashment of FIR No.56/2020, registered at P.S. Sobho Dero, District Khairpur for offences punishable under Section 365-B PPC. As per record, interim charge sheet under Section 173 Cr.P.C has been filed by the Investigation Officer before learned trial Court on 11.07.2020.

            On 30.06.2020, the petitioner No.1 appeared alongwith her husband before this Court and stated that she has contracted marriage with Petitioner No.2 namely Munawar Ali. She further stated that due to aforesaid un-ceremonial marriage, her father (i.e. Respondent No.10), being annoyed, wrongly lodged the aforementioned FIR, regarding her so-called abduction by the Petitioner No. 2.            

In pursuance of Court’s notice, comments have been filed by Respondents No. 3, 6 & 7, taken on record; copies whereof have been provided to the learned Counsel for the petitioners. Mr. Noor Muhammad Sommro, advocate files his Vakalatnama on behalf of Respondents No.10 to 15, taken on record. Petitioner Mst. Aneeta, present in Court, reiterated her earlier stance made on 30.06.2020 and categorically submits that she has contracted valid marriage with the Petitioner No.2 of her own freewill and consent; however, her father and other family members are extending threats to her and her spouse for dire consequences. She categorically denies the allegation of her abduction and states that the Respondent No.10 has lodged the false FIR in that regard, complaining of her abduction by Petitioner No.2. She affirms her stance made earlier on 30.06.2020 that since she has voluntarily married with Petitioner No.2, therefore, she wants to go with him.


            SIP Sahib Khan Lashari /I.O., present in Court, upon direction, has recorded the statement of the Petitioner No.1 and he will submit such report in the line of such statement before the concerned Magistrate. Let the needful be done accordingly so that an appropriate order may be passed by the concerned Magistrate on such report. In the meantime, SHO P.S. Sobho Dero, District Khairpur, is directed to ensure protection of petitioner and her husband. It is also made clear that nobody shall be arrested under the aforesaid FIR.


In view of whatever mentioned above, the instant petition stands disposed of alongwith pending application(s).



Faisal Mumtaz/ PS                                                                  JUDGE