Criminal Jail Appeal No.D – 68 of 2013


Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Mahar

Mr. Justice Amjad Ali Sahito


Appellant:                              Qasim S/o Aftab Ujjan,

                                                through Mr. Nisar Ahmed Bhanbhro, Advocate.


Respondent:                         The State, through Mr. Abdul Rehman Kolachi, Deputy Prosecutor General


Date of hearing:                   27.11.2018

Date of decision:                  27.11.2018




AMJAD ALI SAHITO, J:- The above-named appellant was tried by learned Additional Sessions Judge Kandiaro in Sessions Case No.273/2006 St. Vs.  Qasim Ujjan and others, for an offence punishable under Sections 302, 109 and 34  PPC, arising out of Crime No.97/2006 registered with Police Station Kandiaro and was convicted under Section 302(b) PPC and sentenced to death, to be hanged by his neck till he is dead and further directed to pay Rs.100,000/- (One lac) to the legal heirs of the deceased Muhammad Jurial. In case of nonpayment, to undergo S.I for 06 months more.


2.         The concise facts as depicted in FIR lodged on 14.08.2006 at 0600 hours by complainant Dost Muhammad at police station Kandiaro, are that he owned hotel which he used to run by himself, whereas adjacent to his hotel there is also hotel of one Deedar Ujjan. On 01.8.2006, his brother Muhammad Jurial Ujjan aged about 40 years, his relative Gul Hassan Ujjan and nephew Shakeel Ahmed were sitting on benches in the hotel of Deedar, where he was gossiping with his brother. At about 0900 hours, there came accused Qasim having Iron rod, Papan alias Papoo with Sotti and one unknown person with soti his face was open and he would be recognized if seen again with lathi. Out of them, accused Qasim Ujjan abused his brother Muhammad Jurial that as to why he has complained to the villagers against him for passing behind his house, on which deceased Muhammad Jurial replied that it is a fact that they (accused) should not pass from the backside of his house. On such exchanges, the accused Qasim inflicted Iron rod to Muhammad Jurial which hit him over the left Eye, whereas, the rest of the accused persons abused the complainant party and then all the accused persons escaped away. Thereafter, the complainant took his brother Muhammad Jurial with the help witnesses and brought him at civil hospital after getting such letter from police station, wherefrom his brother was referred to Nawabshah Hospital, where his brother was under treatment and ultimately died there, hence leaving the dead body of his brother there, he went to police station and lodged the FIR.

3.         After completing the investigation, the Investigation Officer filed a report under Section 173 Cr.P.C before the competent Court of Law. The learned trial Court after observing all the legal formalities framed charge against the present appellant and acquitted accused Papan alias Papoo and Shah Muhammad at Ex.2 to which they pleaded not guilty and claimed trial.

4.         In order to establish accusation against the appellant, the prosecution examined PW-1 complainant Dost Muhammad at Ex.6, who produced FIR at Ex.6/A; PW-2 Gul Hassan at Ex.7; PW-3 Shakeel Ahmed at Ex.8; PW-4 Dr. Zaheeruddin Khokhar at Ex.9, who produced copy of police letter and referral form and provisional medical certificate of injured at Ex.9/A to 9/C respectively; PW-5 ASI Allah Dad; PW-6 Dr. Yar Ali Jamali at Ex.11, who produced lash chakas form and postmortem report of deceased Muhammad Jurial at Ex.11/A & 11/B respectively; PW-7 mashir Perwaiz Ali at Ex.12, who produced mashirnama of place of incident, inquest report, mashirnama of arrest, mashirnama of recovery, mashirnama of handing over clothes of deceased at Ex.12/A to 12/F respectively; PW-8 ASI Muhammad Laiq at Ex.13, who produced receipt at Ex.13/A; PW-9 Tapedar Ishrat Waseem at Ex.14, who produced sketch of vardat at Ex.14/A; PW-10 Inspector Dilawar at Ex.16, who produced chemical report at Ex.16/A. Thereafter learned DDPP for State closed the side of prosecution at Ex.17.

5.         Statements of the appellant and acquitted accused Papan alias Papoo and Shah Muhammad were recorded under Section 342 Cr.P.C at Ex.18 to 20, wherein they denied the prosecution allegations leveled against them and prayed for justice, whereas, the present appellant further stated that he has been involved in this case due to the previous enmity over the landed property. The appellant did not examine himself on oath nor led any evidence in defence.

6.         After full fledge trial, co-accused were acquitted while the appellant was convicted by the trial Court vide judgment dated 30.08.2013, which has been assailed before this Court through instant Criminal Jail Appeal.

7.         Mr. Nisar Ahmed Bhanbhro, learned counsel for the appellant argued that the impugned judgment is against the law and facts of the case; that the appellant is innocent and has falsely been implicated in this case; that all the witnesses cited in the case being closely related inter se are chance witnesses; that the complainant is owner of the hotel and his brother deceased Muhammad Jurial was present in the hotel of one Deedar Ujjan which is situated adjacent to his hotel and it is not appealing to the prudent mind; that the medical evidence is in conflict with the ocular evidence; that the motive in this case has not been proved, even then the learned trial Court has awarded death sentence to the appellant; that there is a delay of 14 days in lodgment of the FIR without any plausible explanation; that there are material contradictions in the evidence of the prosecution witnesses, which have demolished the whole prosecution case. He further contended that as per memo of recovery dated 27.8.2006 (Ex.12/E) the present appellant has produced the Iron rod from the weeds behind the wall, whereas, PW-8 I.O Inspector Dilawar in his evidence has deposed that during his visit at place of incident, he secured one Iron rod and lathi from the place of incident, hence, the recovery has not been proved. He lastly prayed for the acquittal of the present appellant and further submitted that if the acquittal is not possible under the mitigating circumstances the sentence of the appellant may be reduced from death to imprisonment for life.

8.         While rebutting the above contentions, Mr. Abdul Rehman Kolachi, learned DPG for the State contended that the appellant is named in the FIR with specific role that of inflicting Iron rod blow on the forehead of the deceased, resultantly he died after 14 days of the incident; that the ocular evidence is consistent with the medical as well as circumstantial evidence, however, he admitted that as per memo of recovery of Iron rod dated 27.8.2006, the recovery of Iron rod was made in presence of the mashir Pervaiz and Nadeem, but I.O in his evidence has deposed that he has recovered the Iron rod on 14.8.2006. He further contended that in these circumstances the learned trial Court has rightly awarded conviction and sentence to the appellant but he conceded that there are mitigating circumstances as the recovery of Iron rod and the motive have not been proved, hence he tendered no objection for awarding lesser punishment by reducing from death penalty to imprisonment for life.

9.         We have heard the learned counsel for the parties and have perused the record. There can be no denial of the legally established principle of law that it is always direct evidence which is material to decide a fact/charge. On careful perusal of material available on record,  complainant Dost Muhammad in his evidence deposed that  on 01.8.2006,  he along with his witnesses were present at hotel then appellant Qasim having Iron rod, co-accused Papan alias Papoo and Shah Muhammad having lathies came there and appellant Qasim Ujjan inflicted iron rod on the head of Muhammad Jurial, thereafter injured Muhammad Jurial was shifted to Nawabshah hospital where he remained 14 days as indoor patient and subsequently succumbed to the injuries and thereafter he lodged FIR at police station Kandiaro. In his cross-examination, he has admitted that PWs are his close relatives. In order to corroborate the version of the complainant, the prosecution has examined eyewitnesses Gul Hassan (PW-2) and Shakeel Ahmed (PW-3), both have fully supported the version of the complainant in their evidence have sufficiently explained the date, time and place of occurrence in a clear-cut manner. In addition to this, both the eyewitnesses have also explained the mode and manner of the occurrence. Furthermore, in cross-examination PW Gul Hassan admitted that his statement was recorded by police on 24.8.2006 and he has also admitted that “my statement was recorded after 24 days of the incident, deceased had sustained only one injury on the left side of his skull. He has also admitted that at the place of incident the villagers were also present in the hotel but no one has acted as witness in this case. PW-3 Shakeel Ahmed, who is son of the deceased, has admitted that his statement was recorded under Section 161 Cr.P.C on 24.8.2006. In his cross-examination, he has admitted that complainant Muhammad Jurial owned his hotel in the same village, but they went to the hotel of Deedar only for taking tea.

10.       The prosecution has also examined P.W-4 Dr. Zaheeruddin Khokhar, Senior RMO Taluka Hospital Kandiaro, who in his evidence has deposed that on 01.8.2006 he was posted as Senior Medical Officer at Taluka Hospital Kandiaro, where at about 12:00 noon, he attended injured Jurial s/o Morand Khan Ujjan and on examination he found the following injuries on his person:-

Injury No.1:- A lacerated wound situated on left frontal region above mid-level of the left eyebrow, size of the wound is x 0.5 cm skin deep.

Injury No.2:- Contusion vertically situated on left parietal region, size of the contusion is 3.0 cm x 1. cm.

The injury No.1 was kept reserved for radiologist opinion and injury No.2 was declared as ‘Shajjah-i-Khaffifah’, the probable duration of injuries was about 2 to 3 hours, kind of weapon used hard and blunt substance, and on the same date i.e. 01.8.2006 the injured was referred to PMCH Nawabshah for admission and better treatment vide yearly OPD No.23581/2006 where the injured expired after few days. He produces the copy of the referred letter at Ex.09-B. Thereafter he issued a provisional medical certificate of injured, which he produced at Ex.09-C In his cross-examination, he has admitted that; “it is correct that my opinion was reserved for radiologist report and. It is a fact that I have not received the radiologist report. Further says that I was in contact with the radiologist who has informed that the patient has expired. It is a fact that I cannot say without radiologist report that injury No.1 is severe”.

On 01.8.2006 deceased Muhammad Jurial was referred to PMCH Nawabshah for further treatment and on 14.8.2006 deceased was died in a private hospital and thereafter he was referred for postmortem, which was conducted by Dr. Yar Ali, PW-6, who in his evidence  deposed that on 14.8.2006 he was posted as Medico-legal Officer in PMCH Hospital Nawabshah, on the same date he received a dead body of Muhammad Jurial at 10:00 a.m through police station ‘A’ Section Nawabshah for postmortem and certificate vide letter No.1525 dated 14.8.2006, the dead body was identified by  Shakeel Ahmed and Muhammad Yasin. He started postmortem at 10:30 a.m and finished the same at 12:35 p.m. On the external examination, he had found the following injuries:-

1.         Healed abrasion 02 cm x 01 cm at left forehead with scab formation.

2.         Old bruise at right Perito occipital region bluish black in colour.

            Both injuries were anti-mortem in nature.

            Internal examination

1.    Head on deep dissection of skull brain found contused at right perito occipital region. Intraventricular Haemorrhage also seen on the right side of the brain.

Thorax. On deep dissection no any abnormality seen in thorax cavity.

Abdomen:- Healthy


            Deceased was admitted since 01.8.2006 with a history of head injury in Neurosurgical ward and was treated conservatively and condition deteriorating and was expired on 14.8.2006 (at the private medical center). Cause of death:- Cardio respiratory failure as a consequence of head injury and it’s complications. After postmortem body was handed over to ASI Muhammad Laiq of police station ‘A’ Section Nawabshah. Duration in between death and injury was about 14 days. Duration in between death and postmortem was 08 to 12 hours. Thereafter, he issued post-mortem report of deceased, which he produced at Ex.11/B, in cross-examination, he has admitted that “it is correct to suggest that as per my postmortem report the patient was admitted on 01.8.2006 and expired on 14.8.2006 but the patient was expired in a private hospital. He has further admitted that he was not concerned with the treatment of the patient as he was not a medical officer at that time, but as per record available with me the deceased was expired in a private Center, thereafter he was brought for postmortem and police only provided Lash chakas form for postmortem. In his cross-examination, he has further admitted that “I do not find any mistake from doctor side but if there is any mistake that doctor removed oxygen from the mouth of the patient, therefore, death can be occurred due to Cardio-respiratory failure. The patient was not operated when the dead body was brought before him, the injury was old and healed one.”

11.       Prosecution has also examined PW-7 Pervaiz Ali, mashir of the case who has produced the memo of place of incident, mashinama of recovery of iron rod as well as the lathi, such memo was prepared on 27.8.2006 at about 1700 hours, which reveals that appellant Qasim by leading the police party himself produced the Iron road from the weeds behind the wall. Lastly the prosecution examined  PW-10 I.O Inspector Dilawar, who in his evidence deposed that on 14.8.2006, he was posted as SIO at police station Kandiaro, where he received the FIR of the instant case and then started investigation, first he visited the place of incident, which was shown to him by mashirs Pervaiz Ahmed and Shakeel from where he secured one Iron rod, one lathi measuring about 4 feet, as such he prepared mashirnama of place of vardat and securing Iron rod and lathi in presence of the mashirs Pervaiz Ahmed and Shakeel and produced such mashirnama in his evidence at Ex.12/A. In his cross-examination, he has admitted that he has secured Iron rod and lathi on 14.8.2006 at 9:00 or 10:00 a.m.

12.       The motive as set up in this case by prosecution is that deceased Muhammad Jurial was saying to the people that the appellant Qasim Ujjan is passing behind his house, on which he became annoyed, therefore, due to such grudge has committed the murder of deceased, whereas  the complainant Dost Muhammad, has not disclosed such motive in his evidence. Furthermore, the complainant and his witnesses failed to disclose the date, time and place or to whom the deceased has stated that the appellant is passing behind his house, no such evidence has been produced by the prosecution to believe the motive as setup, in this case, hence the motive remained shrouded in mystery. This incident had taken place in broad day hours at about 0900 hours and police station was situated at the distance of about 1 or 1 ½ kilometer from the place of incident, but the complainant has not bothered to lodge the FIR promptly and the deceased was shifted to PMCH hospital Nawabshah where he was provided medical treatment, but subsequently he was shifted to a private hospital where he died. In his cross-examination PW-4, Dr. Zaheeruddin Khokhar has admitted that he had reserved his opinion for radiologist report as per him which was not received. Furthermore, PW-6 Dr. Yar Ali who has conducted postmortem of the deceased Muhammad Jurial in his examination-in-Chief has opined the cause of death as Cardio-respiratory failure as a consequence of head injury and it’s complications, but it is surprising to say that he has not received the patient treatment file and without such file or reports he has given such opinion regarding the cause of death as Cardio-respiratory failure. Apart from above the alleged recovery has not been proved because the investigating officer in his evidence deposed that he has recovered Irion rod on 14.8.2006 whereas mashir Pervaiz in his evidence has admitted that on 27.8.2006 while leading the police party the appellant Qasim produced Iron rod. From the above the prosecution has failed to prove the motive against the appellant, it is established that only single Iron rod blow was inflicted to the deceased Muhammad Jurial, whereas, the appellant has not repeated the same. According to the FIR, the deceased Muhammad Jurial and appellant Qasim had exchanged harsh words over the matter of passing behind his house. In this context, reliance is placed on the case of Muhammad Anwar v. The State (2017 S C M R 630), wherein the Honorable Supreme Court of Pakistan while maintaining the conviction, reduced the sentence of death to life imprisonment of the accused, the relevant portion of the judgment is reproduced as follows:-

“4…………The case in hand was a case of a single shot which was not repeated by the appellant. The alleged recovery of the weapon of offence from the appellant’s custody had been ruled out of consideration by the courts below and a co-accused of the appellant attributed firing at the spot had been acquitted by the trial Court……………………..”.


In another case of Haq Nawaz v. The State (2018 SCMR 21), wherein the Honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan while maintaining the conviction, reduced the sentence of death to life imprisonment, as the prosecution failed to prove the motive setup in the case, the relevant portion of the judgment is reproduced as under;-

“3…………….The law is settled by now that if the prosecution asserts a motive but fails to prove the same then such failure on the part of the prosecution may react against a sentence of death passed against a convict on the charge of murder and a reference in this respect may be made to the cases of Ahmed Nawaz v. The State (2011 SCMR 593), Iftikhar Mehmood and another v. Qaiser Iftikhar and others (2011 SCMR 1165), Muhammad Mumtaz v. The State and another (2012 SCMR 267), Muhammad Imran @ Asif v. The State (2013 SCMR 782), Sabir Hussain alias Sabri v. The State (2013 SCMR 1554), Zeeshan Afzal alias Shani and another v. The State and another (2013 SCMR 1602), Naveed alias Needs and others v. The State and another (2014 SCMR 1464), Muhammad Nadeem Waqas and another v. The State (2014 SCMR 1658), Muhammad Asif v. Muhammad Akhtar and others (2016 SCMR 2035) and Qaddan and others v. The State (2017 SCMR 148)……….”

In the case of Sardar Muhammad and another v. Athar Zahoor and others (2017 SCMR 1668), wherein the Honourable Supreme Court has been pleased to observe as under:-

5. As far as the award of death sentence to the appellant by the trial Court and reduction of the same into imprisonment for life by the High Court is concerned, we have observed that the ocular version of the incident produced by the prosecution is consistent and the appellant had failed to shatter and same and the same (sic) cannot be ignored only for the reason that there is no enmity with appellant. Even if we ignore the alleged recovery of crime weapon and the empty as the same were sent together for analysis but we cannot ignore that it was case of single shot without repetition. Motive as alleged was not proved by the prosecution which reflects that occurrence might have the result of sudden affair which fact has been concealed by both the sides. Keeping in view all the above facts make it clear that the High Court was rightly conscious of quantum of sentence and rightly converted the same into life.”

13.       In view of the above mitigating circumstances have been created in the instant case as the prosecution has failed to prove the recovery of Iron rod from the appellant as well as motive as set up in this case, hence the appeal is partly allowed, the conviction of the appellant Qasim Ujjan under Section 302(b) PPC, is converted from death sentence into imprisonment for life. The amount of compensation of Rs.100000/-(one Lac) imposed by the learned trial Court to be paid to the legal heirs of the deceased is maintained. In case of nonpayment of compensation, the appellant shall undergo S.I for 06 months more. The benefit of Section 382-B Cr.P.C is also extended to the appellant. In view of the above modification, the instant criminal jail appeal is dismissed. The Criminal Reference No.D-04/2013 is answered in NEGATIVE.

14.       The above are the detailed reasons for our short order dated 27.11.2018.      


