Civil Rev. Application No.S-66 of 2015



               Order with signature of Judge





Dated of hearing:  09-10-2017




Mr. Shafqat Rahim Rahjput, Advocate for the applicants

            Mr. Muhammad Rehan Khan Durrani, Advocate for respondent No.1

            Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Naich, AAG




                                    O R D E R



Zulfiqar Ahmad Khan J.   Controversy in the case at hand came before court when the applicant filed an FC Suit No.398/1994 for Declaration and Permanent Injunction against (1) Province of Sindh, (2) Chief Minister Government of Sindh, (3) Colonization Officer Guddu Barrage Sukkur,          (4) Assistant Colonization Officer Guddu Barrage Mirpur Mathelo and           (5) Mukhtiarkar (Revenue) Mirpur Mathelo in the Court of Senior Civil Judge Mirpur Mathelo, on the ground that he was granted an agricultural land bearing Survey Nos.392 (04-34) and 393 (03-00) acres totaling an area of (07-34) acres situated in Deh Wah Bakro, Taluka Mirpur Mathelo, District Ghotki by the Colonization Officer Guddu Barrage Sukkur (respondent No.3) on the basis of Harap since Kharif 1992-93. Subsequently there to the said land was mutated in his name vide entry No.129 dated 25.9.1993. However, thereafter it was alleged that the Chief Minister Sindh in his letter No.782 dated 29.5.1994 cancelled the said land of the applicant and so also other grants without due notice and hearing which resulted in filing of the above mentioned civil suit. 

2.            After service, the defendants No.3 and 4 jointly filed their statements wherein they admitted the grant of land in question to the applicant, however stated that the said land like others was cancelled by the Chief Minister of Sindh through a general order as the same were granted in violation of terms and conditions of Land Grant Policy 1989. None of the other respondents submitted their written statements.

3.            During the pendency of the suit current respondent No.1 through Incharge Major Officer Commending Musaddiq Faruq Fateh made an application u/o 1 Rule 10 CPC dated 17.4.1994 to be added as an intervener. It however could be seen that no attachment were made to the instant application u/o 1 Rule 10 CPC nor any authorization of the signatory was provided. A counter thereto was filed by the present applicant. However the said application made u/o 1 Rule 10 CPC was dismissed by the trial court vide order dated 19.10.1995.

4.            Be that as it may, the suit itself was decided by the judgment dated 31.10.1995 and decree dated 05.11.1995. The present respondents No.2 to 6 preferred a civil appeal No.310/1995 against the above judgment and decree before the District Judge Ghotki alongwith stay application which were transferred to Additional District Judge-II Mirpur Mathelo, however by        order dated 30.3.1998 the said appeal was dismissed on account of           non-prosecution. It is pertinent to mention that no appeal was preferred by the respondent No.1 against dismissal of application u/o 1 Rule 10 CPC. Notwithstanding herewith the respondent No.1 then preferred an appeal bearing Civil Appeal No.05/1996 dated 23.1.1996. The said appeal was however dismissed on account of non-prosecution on 16.2.1998. However an application u/s 151 CPC dated 14.3.1998 for the restoration was filed on which an order was passed on 01.6.1998 where the appeal was restored. The appeal was heard in due course and vide judgment dated 08.10.1998 and decree dated 10.10.1998 the learned Additional District Judge Mirpur Mathelo set-aside the judgment and decree of the trial court with directions to reconsider the present respondent No.1 for joining as a party to the suit and decide the matter afresh after framing the proper issues. Against the said judgment and decree of the appellate court, the applicant filed a revision application bearing No.71/1998 before this bench which after hearing both the parties decided the same through judgment dated 11.9.2014. Since important aspect as to the merit of inclusion of the respondent No.1 as a party were covered in the said judgment, last two paragraphs of the said judgment are reproduced hereunder:-

                                                       “I have heard all the learned Counsel at considerable length and have perused the record. It is an admitted position that no appeal was preferred by the respondent No.1 against the dismissal of their application U/o 1 Rule 10 CPC. However they filed an appeal against the Judgment and decree dated 31.10.1995 and 05.1.1995 passed in F.C. Suit No.398/1994. Here a question would arise as to how the respondent No.1 could prefer an appeal in respect of an order in which they were not a party. It is an admitted position that they were neither Decree holder nor judgment-debtor in the said case, hence what was their capacity or locus standi to file an appeal, and it has not been satisfactorily explained and neither was into considered by the appellate Court. A perusal of the order passed by the appellate Court clearly reveals that the appellate Court while passing the order dated 08.10.1998 has not considered the core issue that how a person who was not a party in a case can file an appeal, when admittedly he was neither a judgment-debtor nor a Decree-holder. Though it could be said that an appeal could be filed by an aggrieved person but it could not be denied that no appeal whatsoever has been preferred by the respondent No.1 in respect of the dismissal of their application U/o 1 Rule 10 CPC, hence so far as their becoming a party in the said suit is concerned, the same in my view has attained finality and how that aspect has been ignored by the appellate has not been satisfactorily explained by the Counsel representing the State.

                                                          In my view, the learned appellate Court has been swayed-away by the facts that since the respondent No.1 was an aggrieved person, hence they were a necessary party to the case, if for argument sake it is assumed that they were a necessary party in the case but the question is what precluded them from filing an appeal against the dismissal order regarding their becoming a party. Even at a belated stage also no appeal was filed by them against the said dismissal. Thus in my view proper course has not been adopted by the appellate Court while deciding the issue.         I therefore, remand this matter back to the appellate Court by giving specific directions to decide the matter by considering the facts as enumerated below:-

               (i)       Admittedly no appeal was filed by the respondent No.1 against the dismissal of their application U/o 1 Rule 10 C.P.C.

               (ii)      That respondent No.1 was neither a Judgment-debtor nor a Decree-holder in the judgment and decree passed by the trial Court. Hence under what capacity they have filed an appeal before the appellate Court.

                         The above matter should preferably be decided within a period of 03 months from the date of receipt of this order. The instant civil revision application is disposed of in the above terms.”

5.            The case was then heard afresh by the Court of Additional District Judge-III Mirpur Mathelo in Civil Appeal No.05/1996 wherein vide judgment dated 10.8.2015 the said Court not only allowed application u/o1 Rule 10 CPC of the respondent No.1 rather in the same breath also ordered the Federation of Pakistan to be added as a party by holding that the said inclusion were denied by the trial court for malafide reasons. Against the out come of the said impugned judgment this revision application has been preferred.

6.            Mr. Shafqat Rahim Rajput learned counsel for the applicant raised a number of grounds as to the legitimacy of the out come of the appellate court which could be summarized as under:-

               1.      That the learned appellate court has failed to consider that the appeal was not maintainable as before filing third party appeal prior permission which is mandatory was not obtained by the appellate court.

               2.      That the learned appellate court has failed to consider that order on application under order 1 Rule 10 CPC was passed on 19.10.1995 and the learned trial court has passed judgment on 31.10.1995 and that the door of the respondent was technically shut down by the trial court after dismissal of the application under Order 1 Rule 10 CPC, which the said respondent did not challenge.

               3.      That the appellant/respondent has not applied for the certified true copy of the order of the application under order 1 Rule 10 CPC, nor the appellant/respondent has moved any application before learned trial court that they intended to file appeal against the order.

               4.      That the learned appellate court has exercised the power under section 115 CPC and joined the appellant/respondent as a party in the suit as a defendant No.6 and 7 without any application made under Order 1 Rue 10 CPC.

               5.      That the learned appellate Court has failed to consider that the impugned judgment was passed on 31.10.1995 decree was prepared on 05.11.1995 and appeal was preferred on 23.1.1996 with delay of 49 days and the learned appellate court has ignored this fact by assumed that appeal was within time.

               6.      That the learned appellate Court has failed to consider that the number of civil appeal is 05/1996 and how it is possible that the said appeal was filed in 1995 because it is settled law that as soon as any matter come in the court, the number of the case or appeal is allotted at once without any delay.

               7.      That the learned appellate court has failed to consider that the contention of applicant that decree is not annexed with memo of appeal has been raised before Honourable High Court and same was mentioned in the grounds of the civil revision No.71/1998 and same was not waved, the observation of the learned appellate court is against the real fact of the matter.

               8.      That apart from this, the appellant/respondent No.1 application under order 1 rule 10 CPC was rejected by the trial Court on 19.10.1995 for impleading as a party and the respondent No.1 has not challenged the same before next higher forum/Court, which amounts that order of rejecting the said application becomes final.

               9.      That if the appellant/respondent No.6 was aggrieved by rejecting the application U/O 1 Rule 10 CPC the remedy to challenge the same U/S 105 CPC or recalling the same was there, but he has not availed the same and now that cannot be challenged in appeal U/S 96 CPC.

               10.    That the appellant/respondent No.1 has taken plea of misrepresentation/fraud in obtaining decree and without prejudiced if it was so, the remedy of filing application under section 12(2) CPC was available which the respondent No.1/appellant has failed to avail and now he cannot take rescue of filing third party appeal.

               11.    That without prejudiced, the learned appellate court has only set aside the judgment/decree of the Trial Court, but no order is passed on rejecting of application under order 1 rule 10 CPC and without passing any order on that application, the respondent No.1 cannot be impleaded or considered as defendant, on the contrary the learned trial Court has exercised the revisional jurisdiction under section 115 CPC which has not conferred upon him.

               12.    That apart from this, the learned Appellate Court has failed to consider that the application under order 1 rule 10 CPC was filed without any supporting documents showing any entitlement, hence in absence of any such document, how the trial court can pass any order for impleading as party/defendant.

               13.    That without prejudiced if the appellate court has considered the averments of application under order 1 Rule 10 CPC only with intention to set the same aside, then it is hopelessly time barred, as order was passed on 19.10.1995 and appeal was filed on 23.01.1996.

               14.    That the learned Court has completely failed to follow the direction of Honourable High Court, as the matter was remanded and passed Judgment and Decree without any documentary evidence or legal facts of the case.

                        15.                  That the application under order 1 rule 10 CPC was filed by the person who was not authorized, nor the appeal is filed by person so authorized under order XXVIII void.”


7.            In support of his contention he placed reliance on the cases of H.M.Saya & Co, Karachi Vs. Wazir Ali Industries Ltd., Karchi and another  (PLD 1969 Supreme Court 65),  O.B.E. Insurance Limited Vs. The Trustees of the Port of Karachi though Chairman and others (1992 CLC 804) and Sindh Industrial Trading Estates through its Secretary, Karachi Vs. Mst. Qamar Hilal and 5 others (2001 SCMR 1680).

8.            Through the first cited case (PLD 1969 SC 65) it could be seen that the Apex court with regard to the question of a stranger to a suit when filing an appeal held that such a stranger is not prohibited by the CPC from filing an appeal from an order passed therein, however noted that no express provision permitting the same is also prescribed. It was also held that the Court ought not to act on the principle that every procedure is to be taken as prohibited unless it is expressly provided for. In the concluding para however it is directed that in such situation where the decree or order appealed from adversely affects a person, he should be permitted to challenge the same in appeal even if he was not made a party to the original suit or proceeding, provided however the proper course would be that such a person obtains leave from the court of appeal for doing so. In the second case (1992 CLC 804) the same contentions were also relied upon. The reference made to the case (2001 SCMR 1680) was that u/o 1 Rule 1 & 3 CPC “party” means the person whose name is appearing on the record of the suit as plaintiff or as defendant. A cumulative reading of the dictum laid down through the above cited cases is that while there is no express provision permitting a stranger to prefer an appeal, however he can only do so after obtaining a leave to appeal from the appellate court.

9.            The learned counsel for the applicant also submitted that after having the application u/o 1 Rule 10 CPC dismissed, the respondent No.1 abandoned the suit and parted with it by not challenging the order passed by the trial court dismissing Order 1 Rule 10 CPC application and only woke up after the judgment and decree were passed, therefore for all practical purposes became stranger to the controversy at hand thus was not competent to file an appeal in the matter in which he was neither a plaintiff  nor a defendant and where he also failed to obtain a leave to appeal from the appellate court. He pointed out that judgment passed by Honourable Bench of this Court in Civil revision No.71/1998 portion of which has been reproduced in the foregoing very clearly questioned the locus standi of the respondent No.1 and laid down parameters for the appellate court to dilate upon, which specific questions are not fully answered in the impugned judgment. The reference made to the above cited case (PLD 1969 SC 69) in the impugned judgment is faulty and as mentioned above, the Apex Court endorsed contrary view that a stranger has no right to file an appeal unless he applies for a leave to appeal which was not the case.

10.         Learned counsel for the respondent No.1 while challenged the attack on the limitation, contended that the trial court showed unnecessary haste in deciding the Order 1 Rule 10 CPC application. He further submitted that the person who moved the said application did not require any authorization and the time period between dismissal order on order 1 Rule 10 CPC application was very close to the final judgment and decree passed by the trial court, therefore the respondent choose to file an appeal against the judgment and decree rather than impugning the Order 1 Rule 10 CPC application dismissal order dated 19.10.1995. Learned counsel also placed reliance on the supra (PLD 1969 SC 65) as well as 2010 SCMR 115 case however half heartedly admitted that no leave to appeal was obtained. While  discussion has already been made on the above referred  case (PLD 1969 SC 65) a review of the judgment cited as (2010 SCMR 115) reveals that the issues in the said case were totally different, so are the facts of the case at hand; therefore no influence could be taken from the said judgment.

11.         Learned AAG supported the contention of learned counsel for the respondent No.1 and submitted that issues were framed prior to making decision on application u/o 1 Rule 10 CPC whish shows malafide on the part of the trial court as it took six months to pass orders on application u/o 1 Rule 10 CPC but within a short interval from the date of that order rendered the judgment and decree leaving the resident No.1 with shock and awe.

12.         Heard the counsel            , reviewed the material on record. It is evident from the above disclosure that the respondent No.1 having lost his chance to enter into the battle through the dismissal order on Order 1 Rule 10 CPC application abandoned the battle field by not choosing to challenge the said dismissal.       It only woke up when the court had made its final declaration through the judgment and decree. At that juncture when he became an alien to the litigation it only had narrow passage to intervene through filing an appeal under section 96. However this course clearly required him to seek a leave granting order before it could have preferred an appeal. It is exactly for these reasons that my leaned brother through his judgment dated 11.9.2014 in Civil Revision No.71/1998 posed those challenges to the very foundation of respondent’s bonafide and capacity to file an appeal. It is surprising to see in the impugned judgment that time and again malafide of the trial court has been aired, however no cogent reasons have been given as to (a) the merit of the respondent No.1 to prefer an appeal and (b) on what ground the Federation of Pakistan was added without any application made in this regard. To me the finding given in the impugned judgment are contrary to the established principle of law, evasive as well fall shot of the minimum legal standards on which a trial court’s order could be based. To me the ground agitated by the learned counsel for the applicant stands at a very high pedestal as compared to the very answer given by the other side. Scope of review u/s 115 CPC is purely discretionary and not to be exercised where ends of justice are required to be met, but not otherwise. No relief could be granted u/s 115 CPC in aid of injustice or in favour of retention of ill gotten gains. Before me is a clear case where respondent No.1 failed to show vigilance in proceedings with the case at trial stage. It was by its own admission that a conscious decision was taken by it to not to challenge the order passed on application made u/o 1 Rule 10 CPC which drove him away from the battle field and made him a mere spectator, which impropriety of  the said respondent can not be rectified at this stage.

13.         It was for these reasons that through my short order announced in the open court I allowed the instant revision application and set aside the impugned judgment and decree.




Suleman Khan/PA