Crl. Jail Appeal No.D- 78 of 2016



                                    Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Mahar

                                    Mr. Justice Irshad Ali Shah


Appellants:               Islam Gul S/o Jawas Khan Pathan, through Mr. Rukhsar Ahmed M.Junejo, Advocate


Respondent:            The State, through Mr. Abdul Rehman Kolachi

                                    Deputy Prosecutor General


Date of hearing:     02.04.2019

Date of decision:    02.04.2019





IRSHAD ALI SHAH, J; The appellant by way of instant Criminal Jail Appeal has impugned judgment dated 13.04.2016, passed by learned Sessions Judge/Special Judge (CNSA) Ghotki, whereby he has been convicted and sentenced to undergo imprisonment for life and to pay fine of Rs.3,00,000 /- or in default to make payment of fine, he shall undergo S.I for 01 year and 06 months for having committed an offence punishable u/s 9(c) CNC Act, 1997, with benefit of section 382-B Cr.PC. 

2.                    The facts in brief necessary for disposal of instant Criminal Jail Appeal are that the appellant and co-accused Zeenat Shah were found in possession /transporting through Truck bearing Registration No.C-3068 30 kilograms of heroin powder in shape of 30 packets by police party of police station Excise Ghotki which was led by Inspector Muhammad Younis Dhaoundho, for that they were booked and reported upon by the police.

3.                    At trial, the appellant and co-accused Zeenat Shah did not plead guilty to the charge and prosecution to prove it, examined PW-1 complainant Inspector Muhammad Younis at (Exh.10), he produced mashirnama of arrest and recovery at (Ex.10/A), FIR at (Exh.10/B), roznamcha entries at (Ex.10/C and 10/D) respectively, letter for verification of truck at (Ex.10/E), letter for Chemical examination at (Exh.10/F), receipt of Chemical Examiner at (Exh.10/G), verification letter of the truck along with Form-E at (Ex.10/H), Chemical Examiner’s report at (Exh.10/I) and roznamcha entries at (Exh.10/J & K); PW-2 Muhammad Dawood at (Exh.11) and then closed the side.

4.                    The appellant and co-accused Zeenat Shah in their statements recorded u/s 342 Cr.P. C denied the prosecution allegation by pleading their innocence by stating that they were travelling from Punjab to Karachi in Coach, they were offloaded by the Excise Police and the heroin powder along with truck have been foisted upon them, they did not examine themselves on oath nor anyone in their defence.


5.                    On evaluation of the evidence so produced by the prosecution, the learned trial Court acquitted co-accused Zeenat Shah while convicted and sentenced the appellant, as is detailed above.

6.                    It is contended by learned counsel of the appellant that the appellant being innocent has been involved in this case falsely by the police, the truck and contraband substance have been foisted upon the appellant by the police, there is no independent witness to the incident, the property though was sent to Chemical Examiner on 16.09.2013 was delivered in his office on 15.09.2013, and co-accused Zeenat Shah has already been acquitted. By contending so, he sought for acquittal of the appellant.


7.                    It is contended by learned DPG for the State that the property was delivered to the Chemical Examiner on 16.09.2013, the police officials were having no enmity with the appellant to have involved him in this case falsely by making foistation of truck and huge quantity of heroin powder upon him and co-accused Zeenat Shah was having a distinguishable and different case. By contending so, he sought for dismissal of the instant appeal.

8.                    We have considered the above arguments and perused the record.

9.                    At the very outset, it may well be said that the gravity of the offence (s) of such like nature has got impact on the public at large as well upon young-blood. It is settled proposition of law that in the case of transportation or possession of narcotics; if the case, otherwise, stands proved then technicalities of procedural nature or otherwise should be overlooked.

10.                  In case of  Ismaeel Vs. The State (2010 SCMR-27), it has been observed by Honourable Apex Court that;

“…. It is now settled proposition of law by flex of time that in the case of transportation or possession of narcotics, technicalities of procedural nature or otherwise should be overlooked in the larger interest of the country, if the case stands otherwise proved the approach of the Court should be dynamic and pragmatic, in approaching true facts of the case and drawing correct and rational inferences and conclusions while deciding such type of cases. The Court should consider the entire material as a whole and if it is convinced that the case is proved then conviction should be recorded notwithstanding procedural defects as observed by this Court in Munawar Hussain’s case 1993 SCMR-785.”

11.                  At this juncture, while appreciating the peculiar facts of instant case, it is said that in such like cases, the prosecution has only to show by evidence that the accused had dealt with the narcotic substance or has physical custody of it or is directly concerned with it, then presumption would be that accused has committed the offence unless the accused proves otherwise.

12.                  In case of Muhammad Noor and others Vs. The State
2010 SCMR-927),
it has been observed by the Honourable Apex court that;

“The above section expressly cast a duty upon the Court to presume in a trial under the Act that the accused has committed the offence under the Act unless contrary is proved. If the case is of possession of narcotic drugs then first prosecution has to establish the fact that the narcotic drugs were secured from the possession of the accused then the Court is required to presume that the accused is guilty unless the accused proves that he was not in possession of such drugs. Therefore, it is necessary for the prosecution to establish that the accused has some direct relationship with the narcotic drugs or has otherwise dealt with it. If the prosecution proves the detention of the article or physical custody of it then the burden of proving that the accused was not knowingly in possession of the article is upon him. The practical difficulty of the prosecution to prove something within the exclusive knowledge of the accused must have made the Legislature think that if the onus is placed on the prosecution the object of the Act would be frustrated. It does not mean that the word ‘ possess’ appearing in the section 6 of the Act does not connote conscious possession. Knowledge is an essential ingredient of the offence as the word “possess” connotes in the context of section 6 possession with knowledge. The Legislature could not have intended to mere physical custody without knowledge of an offence, therefore, the possession must be conscious possession. Nevertheless it is different thing to say that the prosecution should prove that the accused was knowingly in possession. It seems to us that by virtue of section 29, the prosecution has only to show by evidence that the accused has dealt with the narcotic substance or has physical custody of it or directly concerned with it, unless the accused proves by preponderance of probability that he did not knowingly or consciously possess the article. Without such proof the accused will be held guilty by virtue of section 29, Act 1997. Reliance is placed on cases of Inder Sain v. State of Punajb (AIR 1973 SC-2309)”

13.                  Having referred to above legal position, the perusal of the record shows that it was, inter-alia, stated by complainant Inspector Muhammad Younis Dhoundho and PW mashir ED- Muhammad Dawood that on 13.09.2013 they with rest of the excise police personnel when were performing their duty at Excise Check-post Kamoon Shaheed there at about 08:00 p.m there was found coming a truck bearing Registration No.C-3068, from Punjab side in high speed. It was made to stop. Therein were found sitting two persons. They were got down and were asked to disclose their identity. On that the driver disclosed his name to be Islam Gul (appellant) while other person disclosed his name to be Zeenat Shah (acquitted accused). On search from the appellant were secured Rs.4500/-, his identity card and driving license and on search from co‑accused Zeenat Shah were secured Rs.1500/- and his identity card. On enquiry, they disclosed that the truck is empty. On search a secret cavity was found on the backside of the drivers’ seat of the truck. It was opened and therein were found 30 packets containing brown colour Heroin powder. Each packet was weighed to be one kilogram. Out of each packet, 100 grams of Heroin powder was separated and sealed for Chemical examination while remaining packets were sealed separately. On further search, were secured one Registration book of the vehicle and route permit in name of Abdul Wahid. A mashirnama of arrest and recovery then was prepared at the spot and the said accused with the recovery so made from them were taken to P.S Excise Ghotki. There they were booked and reported upon accordingly. It was further stated by the complainant that on investigation, he recorded 161 Cr.P.C statements of the P.Ws, wrote a letter for verification of the registration papers of the truck, dispatched the samples of Heroin powder to the Chemical Examiner and after usual investigation submitted the challan of the case. There appears no reason to disbelieve the evidence of the complainant and his witness which is supported strongly in shape of recovery of truck and huge quantity of Heroin powder, which was kept concealed therein in a secret cavity. It was denied by the complainant and his witness that the secret cavity is situated on floor of the truck. Such suggestion prima facie indicates that the dispute with the appellant is only to the extent of location of the secret cavity in the Truck and not otherwise.

14.                  Needless to say that evidence of official witnesses could not be disbelieved merely for the reason that they are police officials because normally private persons do avoid to become witness against such like persons.

15.                  In case of Zafar Vs. The State (2008 SCMR-1254), it has been held by the Honourable Apex Court that;

“---S. 9(c)---Evidence of police officials---Competence---Police employees are competent witnesses like any other independent witness and their testimony cannot be discarded merely on the ground that they are police employees”.


16.                  Even otherwise, in absence any malice or ill motive the evidence of one cannot be disbelieved, if same otherwise qualifies test of being ‘confidence inspiring & natural’ because it is not the status of a person but his evidence which has to prevail in all circumstances.

17.                  The complainant or his witness were having no reason to have involved the appellant in this case falsely instead of real culprit, such plea even otherwise the appellant has not been able to prove through cogent evidence. In absence of such proof, mere plea is not of any substance particularly when the prosecution, otherwise, has successfully proved its case against him beyond doubt.

18.                  It is also a matter of record that the appellant, being driver of the truck was found transporting 30 KGs of heroin powder by keeping the same in its secret cavity. In order to disprove such allegation, the appellant was under obligation to have examined him on oath or any of his witness which he has failed to examine, simple plea of innocence is not sufficient to root out presumption, legally to be taken within meaning of Section 29 of the Act.

19.                  In the case of Ismaeel (supra) it has also been held by Honourable Apex Court at Rel P-31 that;


“In view of the law laid down by this Court in the aforesaid judgments we are of the opinion that the driver cannot be absolved from the responsibility if the contraband items are being transported in the doors of the vehicles being driven by him”.


20.                  In case of Kashif Amir Vs. The State (PLD 2010 SC-1052), it has been held by the Honourable Court that;

“---S. 9(c)---Transportation of narcotics---Driver of the vehicle to be responsible---Person on driving seat of the vehicle shall be held responsible for transportation of the narcotics, having knowledge of the same, as no condition or qualification has been made in S.9(6) of the Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997, that the possession should be an exclusive one and can be joint one with two or more persons---When a person is driving the vehicle, he is incharge of the same and it would be under his control and possession, hence whatever articles lying in it would be under his control and possession”.


21.                  In case of Fida Jan Vs. The State (2001 SCMR-36), It has been held by the Honourable Court;


“Provisions of S.20 Control of Narcotics Substance Act, 1997, were directory in nature, therefore, its non compliance could not be considered a strong ground for holding that the trial of the accused was bad in the eye of law”.

22                   No doubt, co-accused Zeenat Shah has been acquitted by learned trial Court but he obviously was having different case for his acquittal and trial Court has recorded valid reasons by observing that;

So far the case of accused Zeenat Shah s/o Abad Gul is concerned, there is nothing on record to show that he was in knowledge of presence of contraband substance in the truck nor any document is produced to show that he was cleaner of the truck as such his mere presence in the truck is no offence.”


23.                  As per report of Chemical Examiner, the property was delivered to him on 15.09.2013. It appears to be a typographical mistake, otherwise as per receipt at (Exh.10/G) which has been acknowledged by the Chemical Examiner, the property was delivered to him on 16.09.2013. For such typographical mistake, no benefit could be extended to the appellant.

24.                  For what has been discussed above, it could be concluded safely that the prosecution has been able to prove its case against the appellant beyond shadow of doubt and he has rightly been convicted and sentenced by learned trial Court by way of impugned judgment, which is not calling for interference by this Court by way of instant appeal, it is dismissed accordingly.


