Crl. Jail Appeal No.D- 55 of 2016

Conf. Case No.D- 03 of 2016



                                    Mr. Justice Muhammad Iqbal Mahar

                                    Mr. Justice Irshad Ali Shah


Appellants:               Sikander alias Sikoo and Zakria alias Zakoo

through Mr. Rab Dino Makwal, Advocate


Complainant:           Muhammad Nawaz Katohar, through

Mr. Muhammad Qayoom Arain, Advocate


Respondent:            The State, through Mr. Abdul Rehman Kolachi,

                                    Deputy Prosecutor General


Date of hearing:     27.03.2019

Date of decision:    27.03.2019




Irshad Ali Shah, J; The appellants by way of instant Criminal Jail Appeal have impugned the judgment dated 12.03.2016, whereby they by Judge, Anti-Terrorism Court Khairpur Mirs’ have been convicted and sentenced as under;

therefore, both the above named accused persons namely 1. Sikander alias Sikoo Chandio and 2. Zakria alias Zakoo Chandio are liable to be punished for offence punishable under section 148 PPC and I award sentence them to suffer R.I for three years each and to pay the fine of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand) each and in case of default in payment of fine, they shall suffer further R.I for two months each. I also convict both the abovenamed accused for the offence of murder of deceased Shahnawaz Katohar punishable under section 302(b) r/w Section 149 PPC and sentenced them death penalty each. They shall be hanged by their neck till they are dead and it is further ordered that both the above named accused persons shall pay the compensation as contemplated under section 544-A Cr.P.C to the legal heirs of the deceased Shahnawaz Katohar, of Rs.2,50,000/- (Rupees two lacs fifty thousand) each in lieu of above named deceased, total Rs.5,00,000/- (Rupees five lac) and in case of default of payment of said compensation the accused 1. Sikander alias Sikoo Chandio and 2. Zakria alias Zakoo Chandio shall suffer further R.I for one year each and if the compensation amount is recovered it shall be paid to the legal heirs of the said deceased in accordance with law. Separately; I also convict both the above named accused for the offence punishable under section 324 r/w Section 149 PPC and sentence them to suffer R.I for ten years each and to pay fine of Rs.25,000/- each. In case of default in payment of fine they shall suffer further R.I for six months each. Separately; I also convict both the above named accused for the offence punishable under section 386 R/w section 149 PPC and sentence them to suffer R.I for seven years each and to pay the fine of Rs.15,000/- each. In case of default in payment of fine, they shall suffer further R.I for four months each.

I also convict the accused namely 1. Sikander alias Sikoo Chandio and 2. Zakria alias Zakoo Chandio for the offence punishable u/s 7 of ATA, 1997 and sentence them death penalty. They shall be hanged by their neck till they are dead, subject to confirmation of death sentence by the Honourable High Court of Sindh, Bench at Sukkur. Accused further ordered to pay fine of Rs.50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand) each and in case of default thereof, they shall suffer further R.I for six months each and if the fine is recovered be deposited in Government Treasury.

All the above said sentences awarded to the above named accused persons shall run concurrently with the benefit of Section 382-B Cr.P.C.”


2.                The narration of the incident is well disclosed in the FIR of the present case, which reads as under;

Complaint is that Shahnawaz aged about 36/37 years was my elder brother. Accused Liaquat Ali, Fareed, Zakria alias Zakoo, Sikander alias Sikoo all by caste Chandio and Sajan Lashari are criminal type of persons. About one month ago, above named accused demanded ‘bhatta’ from us, on our refusal they were found threatening us of murder. Today at evening time I, my brother Shahnawaz and relative Sanwal s/o Qurban Katohar were sitting at hotel near MashaAllah Petrol Pump there at about 5:00 p.m came accused Liaquat Ali s/o Sheral chandio having dagger, 2. Fareed s/o Allahdino Chandio having dagger, 3. Sajan Lashari, having dagger, 4. Sikander alias Sikoo s/o Sheral Chandio having Kalashnikov, 5. Zakria alias Zakoo Chandio having pistol, they overpowered us by force by saying that we have failed to pay them ‘bhatta’ now we would be killed so that none may refuse paying ‘bhatta’ to us on demand. By saying so, accused Liaquat Ali Chandio caused dagger blow to Shahnawaz on his chest with intention to commit his murder, accused Sajan Lashari caused dagger blow to PW Sanwal at right side of his chest with intention to commit murder, accused Fareed Chandio caused dagger blow to PW Sanwal on his right thigh with intention to commit his murder, accused Sikander alias Sikoo caused butt blow with his Kalashnikov to PW Sanwal on his head. I while raising cries ran towards petrol pump. On my cries, my relatives Paras Din s/o Moula Dad, 2. Misri s/o Hamzo Katohar and others came running, on seeing them coming, all the accused ran away while making aerial firing and creating terror. We immediately came to injured and narrated the above facts to witnesses and found that my brother Shahnawaz and PW Sanwal were oozing blood from their injuries and condition of Shahnawaz was serious. Immediately we arranged for conveyance and shifted the injured persons for immediate treatment to Civil Hospital, Khairpur. Having left the injured in civil Hospital, Khairpur now I have appeared to report that the above named accused in collusion with each other by making affray, being armed with deadly weapons on account of non-payment of ‘bhatta’ have caused injures to my brother Shahnawaz and Sanwal with daggers, with intention to kill them, as well as accused persons having weapons made aerial firing in order to spread terror. I am complainant, investigation may be made.”


3.                On investigation, the appellants were challaned; they denied the charge and prosecution to prove it, examined PW-1 complainant Muhammad Nawaz (Exh.6), he produced FIR of the present case and receipt whereby dead body of deceased was handed over to  him; PW-2 Sanwal (Exh.7); PW-3 Misri Khan (Exh.8); PW-4 Mashir Ghulam Shabbir (Ex.9), he produced the memo of injuries of injured, memo of examination of dead body of the deceased Shahnawaz, inquest report, memo of place of incident and recovery of blood stained earth and empties, memo of recovery of clothes of the deceased and memo of arrest of the accused/appellants; PW-5 ASI Mazhar Ali (Exh.10); PW-6 ASI Gulzar Hussain (Exh.11), he produced police letters whereby the injured and deceased were referred to hospital; PW-7 PC Qurban Ali (Exh.12); PW-8 Dr. Khoob Chand (Exh.13), he produced postmortem report of the dead body of the said deceased, provisional and final medical certificates in respect of injuries sustained by PW Sanwal; PW-9 Tapedar Muhammad Chhuttal (Exh.14); PW-10 SIO Muhammad Ameen (Exh.15) and then closed the side.

4.                The appellants during course of their examination u/s 342 Cr.P.C denied the prosecution’s allegation by pleading innocence by stating that they have been involved in this case falsely by the complainant party on account of their dispute with Chandia community people over landed property, they did not examine themselves on oath or any one in their defence in disproof of the prosecution’s allegation.

5.                On the basis of evidence, so produced by the prosecution, the learned Judge, Anti-Terrorism Court Khairpur convicted and sentenced the appellants and then made a Reference to this Court in terms of Section 374 Cr.P.C for confirmation of death sentence or otherwise, which he has awarded to the appellants.

6.                Both, the Criminal Jail Appeal filed by the appellants and Reference made by learned trial Court are now being disposed of by this Court through single judgment.


7.                It is contended by learned counsel for the appellants that the appellants being innocent have been involved in this case falsely by the complainant party in order to satisfy their enmity with them over landed property; even otherwise no active role in commission of incident has been attributed to them and evidence which the prosecution has been able to produce before the learned trial Court against the appellants has not been considered by learned trial Court in its true prospect. By contending so, he sought for acquittal of the appellants.

8.                Learned DPG for the State and learned counsel for the complainant by supporting impugned judgment have sought for dismissal of instant appeal by contending that the appellants are vicarious liable for the commission of incident.

9.                We have considered the above arguments and perused the record.

10.              The unnatural death of deceased Shahnawaz and injuries to PW Sanwal are proved by evidence of Dr. Khoob Chand. Now would be examined the liability of the appellants towards the present incident. It is stated by complainant Muhammad Nawaz and P.Ws Sanwal that the appellants and others oftenly were threatening them of murder, if they failed to pay them ‘Bhatta’. On 11.12.2013 when they and deceased Shahnawaz were sitting at Masha Allah hotel, there at about 5:00 p.m time they found coming accused Liaquat Ali with dagger, Fareed with dagger, Sajan with dagger, Sikander with Kalashnikov and Zakria with Pistol and they told them that they have failed to pay ‘bhatta’ now they are to be killed. Consequently, accused Liaquat caused dagger blow to Shahnawaz on his chest with intention to commit his murder, accused Sajan and Fareed caused dagger blows to PW Sanwal on his right knee and thigh while accused Sikander caused butt blow to PW Sanwal on his head. On that they raised cries, on such cries PWs Misri and Paras Din and others came running there and then accused ran away, they referred the deceased and injured to hospital and reported the matter to police. If their evidence is believed to be true, then no role in commission of incident is attributed by them to appellant Zakria alias Zakoo and role attributed to appellant Sikander alias Sikoo is only to the extent of causing butt blows to PW Sanwal on his dead. As per Medical Officer Dr. Khoob Chand, PW Sanwal was found sustaining two stab wounds. If it was so, then no blow to PW Sanwal was caused with hard and blunt substance which is alleged to have been caused to him by appellant Sikander alias Sikoo with butt of his Kalashnikov. In that situation, involvement of appellants Zakria alias Zakoo and Sikander alias Sikoo on the basis of mere presence and unproved blow to PW Sanwal is appearing to be somewhat doubtful. PW Paras Din has not been examined by the prosecution. PW Misri was fair enough to admit that he did not see anyone causing dagger blows to deceased Shahnawaz or injured PW Sanwal with his eyes. His evidence hardly lend support to the case of prosecution. No specific date for making demand of ‘bhatta’ is disclosed by the complainant or PW Sanwal. No ‘bhatta’ is paid by the complainant or PW Sanwal to any of the appellants in person. As per SIO/Inspector Muhammad Ameen after preparing memos of place of incident etc. and recording 161 Cr.P.C statements of the P.Ws he handed over the police papers to Inspector Altaf Hussain Burdi for further investigation. He too has not been examined by the prosecution for no obvious reason. In these circumstances, it would be safe to make a conclusion that the prosecution has not been able to prove its case against the appellants beyond shadow of doubt. What to talk of confirmation of death sentence.

11.              In case of Tarique Pervez vs. The State (1995 SCMR 1345), it has been held by Hon’ble Apex Court that;

For giving benefit of doubt to an accused it is not necessary that there should be many circumstances creating doubt- if a simple circumstance creates reasonable doubt in a prudent mind about the guilt of the accused, then he will be entitled to such benefit not as a matter of grace and concession but as a matter of right.”




12.              For what has been discussed above, the appellants are acquitted of the offence for which they were charged, tried and convicted by learned trial Court; they are in custody they shall be released from custody forthwith in the present case.


13.              The instant Criminal Jail Appeal and death Reference are disposed of in above terms.


