
Mr. Justice Amjad Ali Sahito

Appellants:                     1. Khawand Bux son of Qadir Bux,

2. Wahid Bux son of Qadir Bux,

Through Mr.Rafiq Ahmed K.Abro, Advocate

Complainant:                 Mst. Shadul Khatoon w/o Dhani Bux Shaikh

Through Mr.Muhammad Ashiq Dhamraho, Advocate.

State:                             Through Mr. Sharafuddin Kanhar, A.P.G

Date of hearing:             26.03.2018.

Date of judgment:          26.03.2018.


AMJAD ALI SAHITO, J.- Appellants Khawand Bux son of Qadir Bux and Wahid Bux son of Qadir Bux were tried by learned Additional Sessions Judge, Kashmore, in Sessions Case No.66/2009, Re. St. Vs. Khawand Bux and others, arisen out of Crime No.16/2009 of Police Station Miani @ Badani, for offence u/s.302,147,148,149,337-H(2) PPC, whereby the appellants were convicted and sentenced through impugned judgment dated 07.12.2011, to suffer imprisonment for life for offences punishable under Section 302 (b) read with Section 34 PPC, and also to pay Rs.100,000/- each as compensation to the legal heirs of deceased Dhani Bux as provided by Section 544-A Cr.PC and in case of default of compensation, to suffer simple imprisonment for six months more. The appellants were also convicted and sentenced for offence under Section 337-H (2) PPC to suffer R.I for three months. However, they were extended benefit of Section 382-B Cr.PC.


2.       The brief facts of the prosecution case, as depicted in the FIR, are

that on 05.06.2009, complainant Mst. Shadul Khatoon w/o Dhani Bux Shaikh lodged F.I.R with P.S Miani @ Badani, in which she mentioned that she resides alongwith her husband Dhani Bux, grand-son Muhammad Shahban, daughter-in-law Mst.Shabana Khatoon and other children in one and same house and they owned “Kabuli” land in front of their house, which was being cultivated by them since long. One Wahid Bux Shaikh alongwith his relatives also resides towards eastern side adjacent to their houses, who had been putting pressure upon the complainant party to leave the said land otherwise he would see them. The accused party had also got registered the cases against her relatives due to dispute over the said land. On the fateful day, at morning time, the complainant alongwith her husband, grandson Muhammad Shahban and daughter-in-law Mst.Shabana Khatoon were making boundaries in their land in front of their houses towards southern side, where at about 09.00 a.m accused Wahid Bux armed with Kalashnikov, Khawand Bux, Awal Khan having guns in their hands, Aitbar armed with gun accompanied with two unknown culprits having guns in their hands, emerged from the eastern side and stood at distance of about ten paces away from complainant party. Out of them, accused Wahid Bux while raising hakkal to complainant’s husband Dhani Bux asked that despite their restraint not to work in the said land, yet they are working in it, whereupon Dhani Bux asked accused Wahid Bux that the said land has been given to him in his share therefore he is working in it. In the meantime, accused Wahid Bux made straight fire upon Dhani Bux with intention to commit his murder, which hit on his left shoulder and left arm and he raised cries. Accused Khawand Bux made straight fire from his gun upon Dhani Bux, which hit him over his abdomen and left side of his chest and then accused Awal Khan fired gun shot upon Dhani Bux, which hit him on his chest while accused Aitbar also made


gunshot fire upon Dhani Bux which hit on his right arm whereupon Dhani Bux fell down on the ground. The complainant party raised cries and beseeched the accused persons in the name of “Holy Quran”. On cries and fire shot reports, the nearby villagers and other peoples came running there by raising cries. Thereafter, two unknown culprits also made fires with their guns upon Dhani Bux, which hit him on left side of his chest, right armpit and little finger of his hand. Thereafter, all the accused went away towards their houses after making aerial firing upon the complainant party in order to create harassment. The complainant’s husband died within their sight. The complainant party after making arrangement for conveyance shifted the dead body of deceased Dhani Bux to Police Station, obtained such letter for postmortem therefrom and then went to Hospital, and after getting postmortem of dead body of the deceased conducted, buried the same. Thereafter, the complainant went to police station and lodged the FIR against the accused.

3.                           The investigation officer after completion of usual
investigation, submitted charge sheet u/s 512 Cr.PC by placing the names of both the present appellants/accused in column No.2. However, the learned Magistrate did not agree with opinion of the investigation officer and joined both the appellants as accused in this case. Subsequently, appellant Khawand Bux was arrested by police and produced before the Court under supplementary report, whereas appellant Wahid Bux voluntarily surrendered himself before the learned trial Court to join the trial.

4.                           After completing all the formalities, on 19.01.2010 the charge
(Exh.3) was framed against both the appellants/accused under Section 302, 337-H(2), 34 PPC by the learned trial Court, to which the appellants/accused pleaded not guilty and claimed to be tried.


5.                At the trial, in order to establish accusation against the
appellants/accused, the prosecution examined PW-01 Complainant Mst.Shadul Khatoon at Exh.04, she produced FIR of the present case at Exh.04/A. PW-02 Eye-witness Mst.Shabana at Exh.05. PW-03 Tapedar Qurban Ali at Exh.06, he produced sketch of vardat at Exh.06/A, PW­04 SIP Ubhayo at Exh.07, he produced mashirnama of arrest and recovery at Exh.07-A and roznamcha departure and arrival entry at Exh.07/B. PW-05 Medical Officer Dr.Abdul Aziz at Exh.08, he produced postmortem report on dead body of deceased Dhani Bux at Exh.08/A. PW-06 SIP/SIO Bashir Ahmed at Exh.09, he produced memo of inspection of dead body of deceased at Exh.09/A, Danistnama at Exh.09/B, Inquest report at Exh.09/C and memo of place of incident at Exh.09/D respectively. Thereafter, complainant Mst.Shadul Khatoon filed an application supported with her affidavit stating therein that she does not want to examine rest of her witnesses vide Exh.10. Thereafter, the prosecution closed its side vide statement at Ex.11.

6.                Statements of appellants were recorded under Section 342 Cr.PC
at Ex.12 and 13 respectively wherein they denied the prosecution allegations leveled against them and lastly prayed for justice. However they did not examine themselves on Oath but examined Agha Jan and Gul Bahar as defense witnesses in their defense vide Ex.14 and Ex.15 respectively.

7.                The learned Trial Court, after hearing the learned counsel for the
parties and assessment of evidence, convicted and sentenced both the appellants as stated above, which has been impugned by the appellants before this Court by way of filing instant appeal.

8.                Mr.Rafiq Ahmed K.Abro, learned counsel for the appellants
contended that the impugned judgment is against the law and facts of the case; that the appellants are innocent and have falsely been involved


in this case by the complainant on account of previous enmity; that the complainant and eye-witness are related inter-se and inimical towards the appellants; that the evidence of prosecution witnesses is full of contradictions and discrepancies which are fatal to the prosecution case; that the post-mortem report is managed one; that the recovered gun and empties were not sent to the laboratory. He lastly argued that the prosecution has miserably failed to prove the case against the appellants; thus, according to him under the above mentioned facts and circumstances, the appellants are entitled for their acquittal.

9.                On the other hand, Mr.Muhammad Ashiq Dhamraho, learned
counsel for the complainant argued that there was no malafide on the part of complainant to implicate the present appellants in this case falsely; that the appellants are named in the FIR with the specific role of firing with their respective weapons upon the deceased; that the ocular testimony of complainant Mst.Shadul Khatoon and eye-witness Mst.Shabana is supported with medical evidence. He further contended that the learned trial Court has rightly appreciated the evidence, convicted and sentenced the appellants in accordance with law and lastly prayed for dismissal of the instant appeal.

10.             Mr. Sharafuddin Kanhar, Learned Additional Prosecutor General representing the State supported the impugned judgment passed by learned trial Court.

11.             I have learned counsels for the parties and perused the record.

12.             The perusal of record reveals that the case of prosecution mainly depends upon the ocular testimony furnished by the prosecution in shape of statements of complainant Mst.Shadul Khatoon (PW-01) and eye-witness Mst.Shabana (PW-02), which is corroborated by the evidence of medical officer Dr.Abdul Aziz(PW-05) and rest of other witnesses. Therefore, it is better and appropriate to reproduce the basic


facts and operative part of the evidence of the following witnesses:-

(i)           Complainant Mst.Shadul Khatoon (PW-01) in her evidence deposed that 05.06.2009; she alongwith her husband Dhani Bux, Mst.Shabana, the wife of her son, Muhammad Shahban, her grandson were working at their land at about 09.00 a.m. Accused Wahid Bux came there and challenged her husband Dhani Bux as to why he is working in the land, to which her husband replied him that he is working at his own land. Thereafter, accused Wahid Bux fired with Kalashnikov upon her husband Dhani Bux which hit on left side shoulder as well as arm of her husband. Accused Khawand Bux fired with his gun which hit her husband on his left side of body and abdomen. Accused Awal Khan fired with his gun which hit her husband on his chest, accused Aitbar also fired upon her husband, which hit on his right shoulder, resulting her husband fell down raising cries. On seeing these two unidentified accused also fired with their gun upon her husband, which also hit him and thereafter all the accused escaped away towards eastern side while firing in the air. She saw her husband Dhani Bux expired then and there. The complainant produced on record copy of F.I.R at Ex.4-A. In her cross-examination, the complainant stated that their house is situated at distance of about two hundred paces away from place of vardat; the place of vardat is towards southern side from their house. The accused resides at distance of about 50 paces away from their house. Nobody except them was available at the time of incident.

(ii)    Eye-witness Mst. Shabana(PW-02) in her evidence deposed that incident took place on 05.6.2009. The complainant Mst.Shadul Khatoon is her mother-in-law and on same day she alongwith complainant Mst.Shadul, her father-in-law Dhani Bux and nephew Muhammad Shahban were working in their land at morning time. The land where they reside was given to them in inheritance and accused Wahid Bux and others used to reside towards eastern side of their house, usually say them to leave the land and they had also lodged so many cases against her father-in-law and others in this regard. On 05.6.2009 they were working at their land at about 09.00 a.m they saw accused Wahid Bux with Kalashnikov, Khawand Bux and Awal Khan armed with guns and Aitbar son of Wahid Bux armed with gun came there alongwith two unidentified culprits armed with guns from eastern side. The accused Wahid Bux challenged her father-in-law Dhani Bux as to why he is working in the land, though he has forbidden him, to which her father-in-law replied that he is working at his own land. Thereafter, accused Wahid Bux fired with his Kalashnikov upon her father-in-law Dhani Bux with intention to kill him, which hit him on left shoulder and arm of his body. Accused Khawand Bux fired with his gun, which hit his father-in-law Dhani Bux on his left side of the body as well as abdomen. Accused Awal Khan fired upon her father, which hit on his chest. Accused Aitbar fired upon her father-in-law which hit him on right arm. Her father-in-law Dhani Bux fell down and expired on the spot. In her cross-examination PW Mst. Shabana deposed that place of vardat is at distance of about two hundred paces away from their house towards southern side. The accused were at distance of about ten paces away, when they fired upon her father-in-law.

(iii)        Tapedar Qurban Ali (PW-03) in his evidence deposed that about two years back he visited the place of incident on pointation of complainant Mst.Shadul and prepared such sketch of place of vardat which he produced at Ex.6-A.

(IV)        SIP Ubhayo Mirani(PW-04) in his evidence deposed that on 05.6.2009 he while posted as SHO was duty officer at Police Station Miani @ Badani, complainant Mst. Shadul came at police station at 2030 hours and narrated the facts of cognizable offence. He recorded the F.I.R of complainant, read over its contents to her and thereafter she put her RTI on it. Thereafter, he handed over the copy of F.I.R to investigation team for investigation purpose and on 18.8.2009, he arrested accused Khawand Bux in this case and secured SBBL gun from his possession. He prepared such mashirnama in presence of mashirs H.C Alamgir and PC Sikander Ali, which he produced at Exh.7-A. He also produced Entry No.14 and 18 at Ex.7-B. He identified accused Khawand Bux present in Court to be the same. In his cross-examination he deposed that complainant came at police station alone; the dead body was not with the complainant, when she came at police station for lodging the report.

(iv)       Medical Officer Dr. Abdul Aziz (PW-05) in his evidence deposed that on 05.6.2009, he was posted as medical officer at BHU Badani. On the same date, he received dead body of Dhani Bux son of Meenhon Shaikh through PC Shabir Ahmed Channa of P.S Miani @ Badani for postmortem and report. He started postmortem at 11.00 a.m. and finished at 12.00 noon on the same date. On external examination, he found the following injuries on his person:

1.           Seven lacerated punctured wounds 1 cm
measuring each, scattered over left shoulder x tissue deep, edges inverted wound of entrance.

2.           One lacerated punctured wound 8 cm x 3 cm x
chest cavity deep, edges inverted at left clavicle fractured, wound of entrance.

3.           Lacerated punctured wound 10 cm x 3 cm x
chest cavity deep, edges inverted, 3 cm below the injury No.2.

4.           Four lacerated punctured wounds each measuring 1 cm in diameter x chest cavity deep, edges inverted on right chest front, wound of entrance.

5.           Seven lacerated punctured wounds each
measuring 1 cm in diameter edges inverted scattered over the area of epigastria region of abdomen, wound of entrance.

6.           Lacerated punctured wound 1 cm x 1 cm x
tissue deep, edges inverted on right arm medially wound of entrance.

7.           Two lacerated punctured wound 2 cm in
diameter, each edges inverted on left forearm upper part back, wound of entrance.

8.           Lacerated punctured wound 8 cm x 4 m, edges
disturbed fracturing the bone on lower part of left fore-arm, wound of entrance as well as exit.

9.           Five lacerated punctured wound each measuring 1 cm in diameter, scatted at the area of right lumbar region back.

10.        Lacerated punctured wound 1 cm in diameter x tissue deep at right elbow joint.

11.        Lacerated punctured wound fracturing the little finger and right finger of right hand, edges disturbed, wound of entrance as well as exit.

          On internal examination, he found the both lungs, both intestines, stomach, spleen, liver and left shoulder joint fractured, left ulna radius bones, left 3rd, 4th and 5th ribs fractured, left clerical bone fractured. Medical officer has further deposed that from the external and internal examination of the deceased he is of the opinion that dead is due to shock and hemorrhage is the result of injuries caused by discharge from firearm. Injuries 1 to 3 are by rifle (such as Kalashnikovs) rest all injuries by discharge from shot gun. All injuries are anti­mortem in nature and individually and collectively are sufficient to cause death in ordinary course of nature. Time between injuries and death instantaneously. Time between death and postmortem within four hours. He issued such postmortem report and produced at Ex.8-A. In his cross-examination the medical officer deposed that deceased Dhani Bux received firearm injuries at standing position. The fire shots hit to deceased Dhani Bux at the distance of about 10/15 feet. The injuries caused to deceased from various directions.

(vi)     Investigation officer/ SIP Bashir Ahmed (PW­06) in his evidence deposed that on 05.6.2009, he was posted as S.I.O at police station Miani @ Badani. On the same day, he received the copy of F.I.R of Crime No.16/2009 under Section 302 P.P.C for investigation purpose. The dead body of deceased Dhani Bux was also brought at police station, he saw the dead body and prepared such mashirnama of seeing the same in presence of two mashirs, namely Subhan and Mst.Shabiran. He produced such mashirnama at Exh.9-A. There were seven injuries on the dead body of deceased Dhani Bux; he prepared Danistnama of dad body in presence of same mashirs, which he produced at Ex.9-B. He also prepared Lash Chakas form of dead body and produced the same at Exh.9- C. Then the dead body of deceased Dhani Bux was sent to Badani hospital through PC Shabir Ahmed for its postmortem. He recorded statements of P.Ws on 06.6.2009 under Section 161 Cr.PC. He also visited the place of vardat on the pointation of complainant and prepared such mashirnama in presence of same set of mashirs. He secured three empty cartridges of 12 bore, five empty bullets of 7.62 bore and blood stained earth from place of vardat and sealed the same and prepared such mashirnama in presence of same mashirs, which he produced at Ex.9-D and after usual investigation challaned the case. In his cross-examination the I.O of the case deposed that, the complainant as well as mashirs were with the dead body. The dead body was brought at police station at 10.30 a.m. He proceeded to place of vardat. The empties were lying at the distance of about 20 paces away from blood of the deceased in scattered manner.

(vii) Mashir Subhan Ali(PW-07) in his evidence deposed that he was made mashir of seeing the dead body on 05.6.2009 at police station Miani @ Badani, the police saw the dead body of deceased Dhani Bux and prepared such mashirnama and co-mashir was Mst.Shabiran. Police prepared Danistnama of dead body in their presence. The police also saw place of vardat in their presence on pointation of complainant and prepared such mashirnama. The police secured blood stained earth, three empty cartridges and five empty bullets of Kalashnikov from place of vardat and sealed the same on the spot. Police also saw the footprints marks of four persons at the place of vardat. The case property secured from place of vardat available in the Court, is same. In his cross-examination he deposed that police saw injuries on dead body of deceased at police station. The empties cartridges and bullets were lying near the footprints marks of the culprits in scattered manner. They stayed at place of vardat for about 15/20 minutes. The S.I.O took the articles from the place of vardat and         also   prepared mashirnama

13.                  There can be no denial to legally established principle of law
that it is always the direct evidence which is material to decide a fact (charge). The failure of direct evidence is always sufficient to hold a criminal charge as ‘not proved’ but where the direct evidence holds the field as well stands well with test of its being natural & confidence inspiring then requirement of independent corroboration is only a rule of abundant caution and not a mandatory rule to be applied invariably in each case. Reliance can safely be placed on the case of Muhammad Ehsan vs. the State (2006 SCMR-1857), wherein the Hon’ble Supreme Court of Pakistan has held that;-

“5. It be noted that this Court has time and again held that the rule of corroboration is  rule of abundant caution and not a mandatory rule to be applied invariably in each case rather this is settled principle that if the Court is satisfied about the truthfulness of direct evidence, the requirement of corroborative evidence would not be of much significance in that, as it may as in the present case eye-witness account which is unimpeachable and confidence-inspiring character and is corroborated by medical evidence”.

14.                  The direct evidence, as detailed above, is in shape of evidence of complainant and Mst. Shabana. The complainant is wife while eye­witness Mst.Shabana is daughter-in-law of deceased Dhani Bux, who


reside at place of occurrence, situated at a distance of about 50 paces away from their houses where this unfortunate incident took place during broad day light at 09.00 a.m, therefore, the presence of eye­witnesses at the venue of occurrence at the relevant time is natural who otherwise categorically stuck with their claim from beginning that they alongwith deceased were working in their lands (place of incident). These witnesses legally cannot be termed to be ‘chance witnesses’ rather would fall within category of ‘natural witnesses’. I would not hesitate that the evidence of a ‘natural witness’ carries worth because first part i.e ‘his presence at spot in support of his claim to have witnessed the incident’ is not disputed. Needless to mention that in absence of first part such a witness would never qualify the requirement, necessary for a direct evidence as required by Article-71 of Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984. There had never been a serious challenge to such claim of these witnesses hence the status of these witnesses to be natural witnesses was established. Here, I would add that I am conscious that status of one being natural witness would never necessarily stamp him to be the witness of truth but would always be subject to test of reasonableness which too within satisfaction of the Court. For this witnesses are to give the details of incident in a manner which is believable to a prudent mind. Reliance is placed on the case of Abid Ali & 2 others v. The State  2011 SCMR 208 wherein it is held as:-

21. To believe or disbelieve a witness all depends upon intrinsic value of the statement made by him. Even otherwise, there cannot be a universal principle that in every case interested witness shall be disbelieved or disinterested witness shall be believed.  It all depends upon the rule of prudence  and reasonableness to hold that a particular witness was present on the scene of crime and that he is making true statement. A person who is reported otherwise to be very honest, above board and very respectable in society if gives a statement which is illogical and unbelievable, no prudent


man despite his nobility would accept such statement.

15.         In the instant matter, both the eye-witnesses have sufficiently explained the date, time and place of occurrence as well as each and every event of the occurrence in clear cut manners. In addition to this, both the eye-witnesses have also explained the mode and manner of taking place the occurrence qua the culpability of the appellants Khawand Bux and Wahid Bux. Although, they were cross examined by the defense at length, wherein the learned counsel for the defense asked multiple questions to shatter their confidence and so also presence at the scene of occurrence but could not extract anything from both of them and they remained consistent on all material points. The parties are known to each other, so there was no chance of mistaken identity of the appellants. I would not hesitate that where the witnesses fall within category of natural witnesses and detail the manner of incident in a confidence inspiring manner then only escape available to the accused is that to satisfactorily establish that witnesses, in fact, are not the witnesses of truth but ‘interested’ one.

16.          An interested witness is not the one who is relative or friend but is the one who has a motive to falsely implicate an accused. The reliance can safely be placed on the case of Lal Khan v. State  2006 SCMR 1846 wherein at Rel. P-1854 it is held as :

... The mere fact that a witness is closely related to the accused or deceased or he is not related to either party, is not a sole criteria to judge his independence or to accept or reject his testimony rather the true test is whether the evidence of a witness is probable and consistent with the circumstances of the case or not.

                In another case of Farooq Khan v. The State 2008 SCMR 917 it is observed as: 11. PW.8 complainant is real brother of the deceased who is a natural witness but not an interested witness. An interested witness is one, who has motive, falsely implicates an accused or has previous enmity with the person involved. There is a rule that the statement of an interested witness can be taken into consideration for corroboration and mere relationship with the deceased is not “sufficient’ to discredit the witness particularly when there is no motive to falsely involve the accused. The principles for accepting the testimony of interested witness are set out in Nazir v. The State PLD 1962 SC 269 and Sheruddin v. Allhaj Rakhio 1989 SCMR 1461.

          In another case of Zulfiqar Ahmed & another v. State  2011 SCMR 492, it is held as:-

...It is well settled by now that merely on the ground of inter se relationship the statement of a witness cannot be brushed aside. The concept of ‘interested witness’ was discussed elaborately in case titled Iqbal alias Bala v. The State (1994 SCMR 1) and it was held that ‘friendship or relationship with the deceased will not be sufficient to discredit a witness particularly when there is no motive to falsely involve the accused.

          Thus, mere relationship of these eye-witnesses with the deceased alone would not support the plea of the appellants that their testimonies are not worth believing. In matters of capital punishments, the accused would not stand absolved by making a mere allegation of dispute / enmity but would require to bring on record that there had been such a dispute / enmity which could be believed to have motivated the ‘natural witnesses’ in involving the innocent at the cost of escape of ‘real culprits’. I would add that where the natural witnesses are blood-relations then normally the possibility of substitution becomes rare. In the instant matter, the complainant is the ‘wife’ of deceased while other eye-witness is daughter-in-law of deceased hence it does not appear to be believable that they both agreed in substitution of real culprits with innocents (appellants) when undeniably the time of incident is broad day-light incident and these witnesses are falling within category of


natural witnesses. Reference may be made to the case of Zahoor Ahmed v. The State  2007 SCMR 1519 wherein it is observed as:-

6.   ... The petitioner is a maternal-cousin of the

deceased, so also the first cousin of the deceased through paternal line of relationship and thus, in the light of the entire evidence it has correctly been concluded by the learned High Court that the blood relation would not spare the real culprit and instead would involve an innocent person in the  case. Further it has rightly been observed that it was not essential for the prosecution to produce  each of the cited witnesses at the trial.

17.          In instant matter there has been brought nothing on record by the defence while enjoying opportunity of cross-examination as well leading defence which could make it believable that there had been such a grave reason for a ‘wife’ to involve appellants falsely at cost of safe escape of killer of her husband. Nothing came out from the record which may reflect that the deep rooted enmity was existing between the parties and motive behind the occurrence was only to put pressure upon Dhani Bux(deceased) to vacate the land and on his refusal to do so, he was done to death brutally by the accused party on the eventful date, time and place. Thus, I find no substance in such plea of the appellants.

18.          The minor discrepancies in statements of both the eye-witnesses are not enough to destroy the case because discrepancies always come and same can well be ignored. Reference is made to the case of Zulfiquar Ahmed & Ors (2011 SCMR 492). It is not the discrepancy or discrepancies which could be pressed for an acquittal but the defence has to bring on record the contradictions which too should be of a nature to cut at root of the prosecution towards their presence and manner of incident. Reference is made to the case of Ravi Kapur v.  State of Rajhistan  2013 SCMR 480 wherein it is observed as:-


.. It is a settled principle that the variations in the statements of witnesses which are neither material nor serious enough to affect the case of the prosecution adversely are to be ignored by the court...

It is also a settled principle that statements of the witnesses have to be read as a whole and the court should not pick up a sentence in isolation from the entire statement and ignoring its proper reference, use the same against or in favour of a party. The contradictions have to be material and substantial so as to adversely affect the case of the prosecution. Reference in this regard can be made to ....

19.          The evidence of complainant Mst.Shadul Khatoon (PW-01) and eye-witness Mst.Shabana (PW-02) is quite reliable and trustworthy for the reason that the manner and detail of the incident as narrated by both of them is natural and confidence inspiring and their status to be natural witnesses was never shattered by defence successfully.

20.          The direct evidence also finds corroboration from the medical evidence as regard cause of death and timing of incident. It is evident from the evidence of medical officer Dr.Abdul Aziz(PW-05), who conducted postmortem examination on the dead body of deceased Dhani Bux, that claimed timing as well cause of death (weapon) stood corroborated. This witness deposed that deceased Dhani Bux had received injuries No.1 to 3, which were caused by rifle(such a Kalashnikov) and rest of the injuries were caused with shot gun. All these injuries were anti-mortem in nature and individually and collectively were sufficient to cause death in ordinary course of nature. Thus, this also strengthened the direct evidence. The reliance is placed upon case of Zahoor Ahmed Vs. the State(2017 SCMR-1662), wherein the Hon’ble Supreme Court of Pakistan has held that;-

“4. The ocular account in this case consists of Muhammad Khan complainant (PW-06) and Shahbaz (PW-07). They gave the specific reasons of their presence at the place of occurrence as, according to them, they


alongwith the deceased were proceeding to harvest the sugarcane crop. Although they are related to the deceased but they have no previous enmity or ill-will against the appellant and they cannot be termed as interested witnesses in the absence of any previous enmity. They remained consistent on each and every material point. The minor discrepancies pointed out by the learned counsel are not helpful to the defense because with the passage of time such discrepancies are bound to occur. The occurrence took place in broad day light and both parties knew each other so there was no mistaken identity and in absence of any previous enmity there could be no substitution by letting off the real culprit specially when the appellant alone was responsible for the murder of the deceased. The evidence of two eye witnesses was consistent, truthful and confidence inspiring. The medical evidence fully supports the ocular account so far the injuries received by the deceased, time which lapse between the injury and death and between death and postmortem. Both the Courts below have rightly convicted the appellant under section 302(b), PPC.

21.                  Per learned counsel, the recovered gun and empties were

not dispatched to the Forensic Science Laboratory for its matching and report hence vitiate the trial. I am not in agreement with such contention of learned counsel. It is evident from the record that SIP Ubhayo (PW­04) had arrested absconding accused/appellant Khawand Bux on 18.08.2009 alongwith gun under a mashirnama (Exh.07-A), which reflects that it was recovered in pursuance of advance information by SIP Ubhayo, but nowhere it is mentioned in the mashirnama that the said gun was used by appellant Khawand Bux in the present crime, therefore, the question of sending the said gun to the Forensic Science Laboratory to match the same with recovered empties carries no substance. Even otherwise, it is settled principle of law that the recovery is just a corroborative piece and not a substantive piece of evidence which could vitiate the whole prosecution case. The reliance is placed upon case of Muhammad Nisar vs. the State (2006 SCMR-161), wherein the Hon’ble Supreme Court of Pakistan has held that;-


“10. Non-recovery or failure on the part of the investigating officer to recover the weapon of offence from the accused, who absconded after commission of the offence and seizure of one crime empty from the place of occurrence per se will not by any stretch have an adverse effect on the prosecution case in view of unimpeached ocular account of the incident, medical evidence corroborated by other pieces of circumstantial evidence”.

22.                Considering the facts and circumstances discussed above,

I am of the humble view that the prosecution has successfully proved its case against the appellants through ocular account furnished by eye­witnesses namely complainant Mst.Shadul Khatoon(PW-01) and Mst.Shabana(PW-02) which is corroborated by the evidence of medical officer Dr.Abdul Aziz(PW-05), therefore I find sufficient reason to hold that the prosecution has proved its case against the appellants beyond the shadow of any doubt. Learned counsel for the appellants has failed to point out any material illegality or serious infirmity committed by learned trial Court while passing the impugned judgment, which in my humble view is based on appreciation of the evidence and same does not call for any interference by this Court. Thus, the conviction and sentence awarded to both the appellants by learned trial Court are hereby maintained and the instant appeal filed by the appellants merits no consideration, which is dismissed accordingly.

23.     These are the detail reasons for the short order dated 26.3.2018 announced by me.