C.P.No.D-3643  of  2014



         For non-prosecution






                        Petitioner and his counsel called absent, no intimation received. On 14.09.2015 following order was passed:


“Petitioner and his counsel are called absent. Learned AAG submits that through this petition, the petitioner has challenged the order passed by the learned Justice of Peace and office inadvertently has placed the instant petition before this Court instead of fixing the same before the learned DB. Order accordingly. Office is directed to assign number to instant petition and fix the same before the learned DB of this Court as per roster. Petitioner is directed to provide de-set in office. Adjourned.”



            Today, neither the petitioner nor his counsel is in attendance, whereas, above order of this Court has not been complied with. It appears that the petitioner has lost interest to proceed with the matter, whereby, the order passed by the Justice of Peace dated 05.07.2014 was challenged.


            Accordingly, instant petition is dismissed for non-prosecution.










