C.P.No.D-3045  of  2014



                                      For non-prosecution







                        No one is in attendance on behalf of the petitioner, no intimation is received. On 02.03.2015 when the matter was taken up for Katcha Peshi, notices were issued to the respondents as well as Additional Advocate General with further directions that petitioner may not be harassed. However, it appears that petitioner did not pay the cost, therefore, notice could not be issued. On 30.03.2015 when the matter was fixed for non-prosecution, at the request of learned counsel for the petitioner one week’s time was granted to pay the cost but the record shows that the cost has not been paid. It appears that after having obtained interim order from this Court, the petitioner is deliberately avoiding to proceed with the matter whereas cost is not being paid.


            Accordingly, instant petition is dismissed for non-prosecution. However, official respondents are directed to ensure that they shall conduct themselves strictly in accordance with law and no unnecessary harassment be caused to the petitioner in respect of subject controversy agitated before this Court.










