C.P.No.D-1937  of  2013



1.    For Katcha Peshi

2.    For hearing of CMA-5916/2013





Mr. Ameer Ahmed Shaikh advocate for SEPCO.

Mr. Mahmood Ahmed Mughal, Standing Counsel.



                        Petitioner and his counsel are called absent, no intimation received. Instant petition was filed on 25.06.2013, whereby, the petitioner has disputed issuance of excessive bill by SEPCO authorities for the month of June 2013, however, after having filed instant petition, the petitioner and his counsel have not remained vigilant to pursue the matter, which is pending since 2013 without any useful progress. Moreover, the petitioner has option to approach the Electric Inspector for redressal of his grievance regarding excessive electricity bill in accordance with law.


            Accordingly, instant petition is dismissed for non-prosecution along with listed application, however, SEPCO authorities shall ensure that in case the petitioner files a complaint, the same shall be considered as rules.






