C.P.No.D-1579  of  2012



1.    For orders on CMA-5338/2012

2.    For Katcha Peshi





Mr. Shafique Ahmed Leghari, State Counsel.



                        Petitioners and their counsel are called absent, no intimation received. Instant petition was filed on 30.05.2012, whereby the petitioners have expressed their grievance in respect of recruitment process for appointment as PST/JST in the year 2012, however, record shows that after having filed instant petition, the petitioners and their counsel have not remained vigilant to proceed with the matter, which is pending since 2012 without any useful progress. On the last date of hearing i.e. 01.02.2016 following order was passed:


“The instant petition was filed on 30.05.2012. Today the petition is fixed in Court, however, neither the petitioner nor the petitioner’s counsel is in attendance. Nonetheless, the case is adjourned with a note of caution that if the petitioner, and/or petitioner’s counsel would not appear on the next date of hearing, then the petition may be dismissed in non-prosecution.”



            Today, also neither the petitioners nor their counsel are in attendance. Accordingly, this Court is left with no option but to dismissed the instant petition for non-prosecution, which is hereby dismissed as such along with listed application.






