C.P.No.D-648  of  2011



1.    For orders on CMA-1915/2011

2.    For Katcha Peshi

3.    For orders on CMA-1916/2011





                        Petitioner and his counsel are called absent, no intimation received. Instant petition was filed on 11.03.2011, whereby, the petitioners have impugned the order dated 23.12.2010 passed by the learned 3rd Additional District Judge, Sukkur, however, record shows that after filing instant petition, the petitioner and his counsel have not remained vigilant to pursue the matter, which has been fixed in Court after lapse of five years, whereas, neither the petitioner nor his counsel are in attendance. It appears that the petitioner has lost interest to proceed with the instant petition, which is pending since 2011 without any useful progress.


            Accordingly, instant petition stands dismissed for non-prosecution along with the listed applications.






