C.P.No.D-170 of
For Katcha Peshi
Mr. Noor Hassan Malik,
Assistant Advocate General.
Saeed Jamal Lund holding brief for Mr. Muhammad Saleh Bhutto advocate for respondent
No.3, seeks adjournment as the latter is unwell.
Assistant Advocate General submits that instant petition is totally
misconceived and not maintainable, which otherwise has become infructuous. Learned
Assistant Advocate General has also drawn the attention of this Court to the
comments filed on behalf of respondents Nos.3 and 4 along with annexures and
submits that the controversy raised in the instant petition has already been
settled by competent Court of jurisdiction and the petitioner has no locus
standi to file petition and seek relief under Article 199 of the Constitution.
perusal of record contention of learned Assistant Advocate General appears to
be correct, and no useful purpose would be served if instant petition is kept
pending, which otherwise is misconceived and has become Infructuous. Accordingly,
instant petition, which is not being pursued by the petitioner or his counsel
since 2012, and pending since then without any useful progress, is hereby dismissed
for non-prosecution.