C.P.No.D-1714  of  2015


1.    For orders on CMA-4999/2015

2.    For Katcha Peshi






                        Petitioner and her counsel called absent, no intimation received. Instant petition was filed on 14.05.2015 whereby the petitioner has sought directions for his recruitment to the post of BPS-17 pursuant to an advertisement published in newspapers on 27.09.2013, however, along with instant petition the petitioner has not filed any document, which may reflect that petitioner possess the requisite qualification or was declared as successful either in written test or in the viva voce. Under the circumstances, theme of the petitioner appears to be misconceived, who has not remained vigilant to pursue instant petition, which was filed on 14.05.2015, after a lapse of about two years from the date of such recruitment. It appears that the petitioner has lost interest to proceed with the matter, which is dismissed for non-prosecution along with listed application.









