C.P.No.D-1272  of  2012



1.    For hearing of CMA-9108/2012

2.    For Katcha Peshi

3.    For hearing of CMA-4434/2012





Mr. Shaharyar Awan, Assistant Advocate General.



                        Petitioner and his counsel are called absent, no intimation received. Instant petition was filed on 09.05.2012, whereby, the petitioner sought directions of this Court to respondents Nos.2 to 5 to the effect that construction of school building of Government Middle School Village Khadhari, Taluka Pano Akil at the distance of 03 kilometers away from the village.


            It appears that after filing instant petition, the petitioner and his counsel have not remained vigilant to proceed with the matter, whereas, prima facie, the request of the petitioner in absence of any violation of rules, regulations and policy appears to be misconceived. Accordingly, instant petition is dismissed for non-prosecution along with the listed applications.






