C.P.No.D-846  of  2013



         For Katcha Peshi





Mr. Muhammad Saleh Bhutto for respondent TMA Rohri.

Mr. Shafique Ahmed Leghari, State Counsel.



                        Petitioner and his counsel are called absent, no intimation received. Instant petition was filed on 12.03.2013, whereby, the petitioner has expressed his grievance against the respondents for their in-action, who according to petitioner, did not remove the sewerage water from subject-land.


            Mr. Muhammad Saleh Bhutto advocate representing TMA Rohri submits that as per instructions, the grievance of the petitioner has been redressed, however, it has been further stated that if sewerage water is still available at the lands of the petitioner, the same will be removed.


            Since, the petitioner and his counsel are not coming forward to proceed with the matter for the last several years, it appears that the grievance of the petitioner has been redressed. Accordingly, instant petition stands disposed of.





